Getting Lost in the Woods
Chapter 1: Scram Billy!
It was a typical day at Mandy's house where she ended up turning on her television watching TV.
"So Mandy" said Grim, "doing anything interesting?"
"Yea, I am" relied Mandy, "watching my shows, so get out."
"Well, I got a long list of Reaper jobs to do today" laughed Grim, "see ya later."
"Yea, later" added Mandy as she slumped down.
But the silence would soon disappear, as Billy came ringing the door bell where Mandy's mother Clarie opened it up.
"Billy, Mandy's friend, always welcome at our house" said Clarie.
"Oh yes Mandy's mother" laughed Billy.
Billy snuck around and noticed Mandy was watching television, so he decided to surprise her, like a lion about to pounce on its prey, Billy crept up toward Mandy and leaped right on the sofa.
"Surprise!" laughed Billy, "I came over to have some fun!"
"Why?" asked Mandy.
"Well, Grim has his Reaper duties, and mom and dad don't want me around the house" said Billy.
"I can't imagine why, you can stay, but only if you can let me watch my show" said Mandy.
"Okie dockie" replied Billy.
As both Mandy and Billy sat on the sofa, Billy wanted to really move around, he put his feet up in one position and laid back, and then did it in the opposite direction, he did it a few times which annoyed Mandy.
"Stop doing that" said Mandy.
"Doing what?" asked Billy, "I'm just trying to find the right spot to relax."
"Yea, stop doing that" continued Mandy, "either find a spot, or I'll show you a spot."
Billy continued to commit his deeds on the sofa which annoyed Mandy, she grabbed Billy by his underwear, dragged him outside and kicked him in the rear.
"Go play in the forest and leave me alone!" roared Mandy.
"There's a forest?" asked Mandy.
"It's the place with a lot of trees?" replied Mandy.
"Oh yea, good idea!" laughed Billy.
Billy skipped merrily down toward the forest, not knowing there was a dangerous lurking about, as Billy skipped down the forest, he soon tripped over a piece of paper.
"Hey how the crude did I do that?!" cried Billy as he looked at the piece of paper, it read "Beware of him!"
"Hey, is this paper trying to warn me of some impending danger, oh well, I'll just skip merrily down to the forest to play with my animal friends!" laughed Billy.
Billy's animal friends, however were not interested in playing with him, a group of cubs like the way Mandy was doing back at her home were watching television in their cave when Billy tried to do the same thing to them he did with Mandy, they began to maul Billy and chase him out of the cave.
"Stupid bears, I didn't want to hang out with you anyway" said Billy.
Billy then noticed some squirrels were doing the same thing in their home in the tree, so he climbed up and tried to peak through, yet the squirrels began to toss nuts at Billy sending him falling down from the tree.
"Well if you guys want to be like the bears forget you!" roared Billy as he huffed off.
It was getting dark, and Billy had to head home.
"Gee, which way is home, hmm, think, think, which way is home, maybe if I sit here and read this message from this paper it'd make me remember" said Billy as he read the paper, "hey it just says Beware of Him, that's all it says, this doesn't help me at all, oh well, I better shout on the top of my voice to get Grim to rescue me, Grim, Grim, Grim!"
Grim however was finished with his Reaper job and headed back to Mandy's place.
"Anything interesting that you watched?" asked Grim to Mandy.
"Not much" said Mandy.
Suddenly a knock on the door, as Grim opened up the door, Gladys and Harold were there.
"Where's Billy, he was supposed to come home!" roared Gladys.
"Hey, it's not my fault this time he got lost!" laughed Harold who was then smacked by Gladys.
"Mandy, do you know where Billy went?" asked Gladys.
"He went to some forest nearby" said Mandy.
"Wait, he went into the forest and it's getting dark at night?" asked Grim.
"Yea, why did you ask?" asked Mandy.
"You two, leave, this conversation is between me and Mandy" continued Grim.
"Well, if it includes finding Billy at the end, it better be good" said Gladys as she and Harold left.
"So why are you so worked up worrying about a forest at night?" asked Mandy.
"It's not the forest, it's any sort of forest that has the Slenderman in it" replied Grim.
"Slenderman, is he like someone who you were trying to reap?" asked Mandy.
"Actually no, but he keeps on taking those from me list" continued Grim, "every time I wanted to go and reap someone who was lost in the forest, I could find no trace of him, but only a taunting note from Slenderman."
"What did the note say?" asked Mandy.
"Here's one about several years ago" said Grim.
The message read "Hi Grim, sorry, but I took this one from you, hope you don't mind."
"Oh, I hate that!" cried Grim, "Making souls and bringing them to some distant place in the underworld is my job, not his!"
"You think he has found Billy yet?" asked Mandy.
"Well, as much as I have high hopes of Billy disappearing on us, I think Billy might be the perfect bait to get rid of Slenderman once and for all!" laughed Grim.
"Then what are waiting for, let's get going" said Mandy.
As Grim and Mandy headed off to the forest where Billy got lost, Billy felt someone in the forest was watching him, but he didn't know who or what.