It has been 6 years since the high school graduation of Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable. Now in college Ron is a cook why Kim is in her sixth year of medical school. We see late one night Ron was sitting in their bedroom watching a music talent show when he hears the doorbell.

"Who could that be at this time of night?" He asks but figures that Kim maybe forgot her keys once again. He heads out of the bedroom, through the living room and to the front door and opens it as he is surprised at who he sees. "Shego? What are you doing here?"

Shego would have tears running from her eyes as she trys to speak. Instead she leans into Ron's arms sobbing.

"He's dead."


"Dr. D. He... he didn't... wake up... this morning." She says sobbing once again. Ron holds her close and strokes her hair.

"Ron? Shego?" Says a returning Kim who is in her white lab coat. "What happen?"

"Dr. D is dead."

"Dr. Drakken is dead? But how?"

"Shego said he never woke up this morning."

"Hunny, I'm so sorry." Shego comes out of the hug.

"I... I... can't stand to be there. It's just not right seeing his blue face every morning."

"Do you wanna stay with us for awhile?" Kim asks as she nods and Kim puts an arm around her as they walk into the kitchen. Kim gets her a glass of water as Shego trys to calm down.

"He... he... is gone. I never thought he would leave me like this. Sure he was older, but... I didn't want it to be now. When we just got together a few years ago. How long has it been Kim?"

"It has to be what... six years."

"We where going to get married Kim, have babies. Little blue and green babies." She says sipping on the water. "So what... are you and Ron doing now?"

OCC: Alright folks this is my first time trying a Kim Possible story and yes I known it's short. It's been a month since I felt like writing anything and with my last laptop dying for reasons I don't want explain I'm back. I may be just a little off on some of the stories I'm writing so far. But anyways feedback both positive and welcome is appreciated. You may also follow me or the story and favorite just the same.