Title: The Victor

Introduction and Author's Notes

Rating: M for cussing, violence violence, and sex.

Summary: This is a rewrite of the Octoberverse (originally published in May 2009). Victor Creed gets sidetracked on a mission by a lovely piece of collateral.

Disclaimer: If I could wrap myself up in Liev Schreiber's enormous Victor Creed arms every night, I would. Alas…



This is a reposting of a fanfiction by the same name, which I published on this site in May of 2009.

I went through a long period of wanting to remove the original 'The Victor' entirely, but was so moved by the reviews that I received for it and the amount of reader interest it accumulated that I could not take it down.

309 Reviews and 380 Favorites as of September 6th, 2013.

Perhaps not as many as some, but certainly more than I had ever expected.

My deepest, humblest thanks to readers.

The new versions of the four "Octoberverse" fics will sloooooowly make their way up in the order with which they were posted, with the exception of 'The Mouth', which will remain as-is. Some chapters will be altered significantly; some will remain virtually identical. Returning readers may not feel the same way, due to the changes or the passage of time. Nevertheless, I appreciate the support that one kept this fanfiction alive. Thank you, so much.

The entire series is described below, within the context of the original closing author's notes.



Would you believe me if I told you The Victor was originally intended to be just a one-shot?

Somehow it morphed into over 250 pages of elaborate characterization (and chapters full of typos that my spellcheck refused to acknowledge). And from there, a universe was formed, mostly at the request of readers: a quadshot "interlude" was created, as well as a doubleshot "aside," and now—finally—the formal epilogue (also referred to as "the real sequel") has begun. The end is in sight. The story is told.

I also have to note, just because I think it's flattering (if a bit shocking) that I have noticed some of…"lore," for lack of a better word…of The Victor is finding its way into some other fanfiction. I read other "vicfics" (as I affectionately term our collective writings) and discover that in small, minor ways, some of them (certainly not all) are kind of like "coming home," usually in the minor details but sometimes in character interpretation and other areas. It's… disconcerting, sometimes, but it's always, always an honor. I never ever thought that The Victor, something I started writing on a whim, would become so well-received and it means a lot to me. Thank you so much for your support in this—it has been a pleasure and a joy to share it with you.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is to let those of you who expressed an interest in the epilogue/sequel/series-of-one-shots know that it has been posted. Below is a summary of the Octoberverse installments (in order) for your perusing pleasure.

The Victor. Victor Creed gets sidetracked on a mission by a lovely piece of "collateral." VC/OC, "Origins"-style, thanks. With plot, character development, and blatant wish fulfillment! Fraught with dangerous romance and, eventually, tons of action. Rated M for language, dark sex, and violence. Complete.

Goes the Spoils: An Interlude. Someone's got a grudge and has decided that the best weapon to use is always a lady. Rated for sex and general mayhem/violence.Complete.

The Mouth: An Aside. Deadpool double-shot. Siryn, aka Theresa Rourke Cassidy, is a student at the X-mansion. One night she spots a mysterious masked man outside on the X-mansion grounds. A movie rendition of a comic theme. Rated for implied sex, language, and possible squickiness. Complete.

We Don't Believe in Chance. This is the end of the line. A series of one-shots: the stories of the peripheral mutants and their perspectives on the relationship between October Morgan and Victor Creed. Rated for language, squick factor, and one (I think?) smutty moment. In Progress.

I have been working on some non-Octoberverse vicfics, but I don't know if they'll ever get finished. If I post them, I want the characters to be significantly different, so I need to formulate at least some different interpretations of Vic's character, and build from the ground up a new OC for him (I have ideas, but nothing solid). After writing The Mouth, I also had a hankering to write a shortfic featuring Jubilation Lee and Wolvie, but I doubt that will happen. I've also been considering re-writing The Magic Trick, which was also originally written on a lark and could be significantly improved, and I happily content with my one-shot Inevitable, which was well-received by a specific few. For right now, however, my focus is on refining the one shots featured in We Don't Believe in Chance, and drawing this incredible adventure to a close.

Thank you, again, for adventuring with me.