(*Author's note*: The next few chapters will depict graphic details of hunting and preparing an animal [dressing/butchering] for food. If that bothers you… Well, it's your eyeballs. Do what you will.)

Sometimes you just have to trust things will be okay.



Chapter 7


"Zoro. Zoro. Zoro. Zoro….. Zorozrorzorozorozoro-Grk!"

Gripping tight at the rubbery neck before its owner could tackle him, Zoro leveled a steely one eyed glare at his captain. "… What." he gritted out.

He had spent the past two hours trying his damnedest to meditate. Clear his mind and focus on his own life force and energy existing. He would get so close to finding that moment of tranquility, but then he would see it. Again and again…

That damn doctor's infuriating smirk. Those cold calculating eyes that seemed to stare right through him. Those inked tanned hands on pale skin…

His nerves were beyond frayed.

Useless gurgling left Luffy as he flailed about at the lack of oxygen for a moment. When Zoro finally dumped him on the grass covered deck, the captain let out a long whine. "Oooww… Zoro's a dick when he's cranky." he pouted from his place sprawled out on the lawn.

The amber eye twitched hard. "Luffy… Seriously not in the mood." Zoro growled. Much more, and they would be in need of a new captain.

"That's what I wanna talk about! You're being a serious…" the captain trailed off as he poked at his own forehead. "What did Usopp say.."

On hearing his name, Usopp dropped the basket of spare parts he had been carrying across the deck with a loud clank. "Oi! Leave me out of this!" he cried out as he hid quickly behind the mainmast.

Luffy snapped his fingers and grinned. "Broody shit that needs to get laid!"

"Oh my god! I can't believe you said it!"

Zoro felt a vein in his forehead begin to throb as his blood pressure spiked. His gaze panned over to the quaking sniper behind the mast. "Pick how you would prefer to die now, Usopp." he called out as he slowly stood.

"I wanna be tickled to death by feathers!" Usopp cried as he ran as fast as he could for below deck. Parts forgotten.

Zoro snarled, but before he could give chase, a strong hand caught his shoulder. He looked down at the hand impeding his progress, then glanced back at the young man behind him. "Let me go, Luffy. I'm going to kill Usopp." he stated, voice deadly serious.

"You can do that later. Won't change the fact he's right." Luffy prodded at the vein dancing on his first mate's forehead. "You're being more growly than usual. What gives?"

Resisting the urge to smack the hand away, Zoro had to take a deep breath to calm himself. Once his murderous intent subsided, he took a step back from the prodding hand. "I don't trust Law."

Luffy quirked up a brow. "Why? He made sure I didn't get dead. He helped out at that messed up icy hot island. He's a good guy."

"I think he's going to poach the cook."

"Poach?" Luffy repeated in confusion. "You mean like an egg?"

The smack was audible when Zoro's hand came in contact with his face. "… Not a poached egg, you idiot.. Steal. He's trying to steal the cook."

At first those big brown eyes stared blankly, but when it finally registered, Luffy chuckled and shook his head. "Zoro's silly." he called out before walking away.

"Silly?" Zoro stared after his captain. "Luffy, I'm serious. That bastard is out to steal the cook!"

The captain paused and looked over his shoulder with a frown. "… Sanji's not food. He can't be stolen." he stated firmly before resuming his course for the galley. Luffy walked straight in, but noticed it was empty. He tilted his head when there was no Sanji. He didn't remember seeing the blond leave.

He was about to look around when he noticed a large spread of cooked meat joints on the dining table with a note attached. Luffy moved to the note and plucked it off the bone. "… Gone hunting with Law. Here's your ration for the day. Be back tomorrow.. Sanji.." Luffy looked at the meat on the table and felt his belly rumble instantly. He looked back to the note and hummed softly.

"… Sanji can't be stolen…" Luffy repeated to himself.

After looking over the note once more, he glanced towards the door. When he saw no one around, he tore up the note and stuffed it in his shorts pocket.

"Keep an eye on him, Robin." he called out on a quiet tone.

An instant later a delicate hand sprouted from the table and flashed an OK sign before dissolving in a flurry of petals.

Knowing that his cook would be looked after, Luffy snatched up the largest joint of meat and hauled it out of the kitchen. Gnawing on it noisily. He would deal with the matter when the pair were back on ship.


"Shh… There it is…"

Growing still, Law looked over Sanji's shoulder to see a massive boar like creature rooting around in the mud further ahead. They had been stalking the beast for a good hour now. Sanji had insisted on not using their abilities to track it down. At first Law thought it was a bit of a time waste, but now, as he pressed close to Sanji's back…

It was kind of a rush. Getting back to one's primal roots in a sense. Sanji's race were born hunters. Skilled predators. It was intoxicating to watch Sanji stalk and measure up his prey. The way his muscles tensed and flexed under pale skin. The way his breathing was measure and controlled as each careful step he took.

Law was definitely turned on. He was going to let Sanji take this lead. Having agreed to let Sanji show him the finer arts of survival.

And what a fine piece of art it was. Especially when Sanji had opted to wear a skin tight red tank top and a pair of worn jeans that looked painted on… Allowing optimal viewing of how the blond moved.

Sanji's blue eyes were fixed solely on the creature ahead of him. It was a strange combination of a boar and some sort of rodent. Maybe a muskrat. It was large. Standing at a good ten to twelve feet tall, and more than likely weighing in just shy of a ton. He was studying the way it moved. Where the load bearing joints were. How he could take it down with the least amount of struggle.

Quick kills were prudent. Sanji despised anyone that toyed with their prey.

When the creature was turned away, Sanji crept forward. Closing ground on it for a quick strike.

Law lagged behind as he allowed Sanji the space he needed to work. Making sure to follow in Sanji's foot steps as he progressed. Trying to make as little noise as possible.

The creature suddenly shifted. Making Sanji freeze in his tracks as he motioned for Law to do the same. Holding his breath and waiting.

The boar rat turned sharply and focused on the blond. Sensing a predator, the beast let out a wet sounding growl that nearly gurgled in the beast's throat. It pawed at the earth, tearing deep ruts as it made ready to charge.

Sanji was immediately on guard. Standing his ground the moment the beast began to charge. Making certain that he was the focus of the boar's rampage

Law was a bit startled that the ground actually rumbled as the beast charged. He held his breath as he watched Sanji. Finger's twitching at his sides as he felt the urge to use his shambles ability to dispatch the beast, but he held back. Trusting Sanji to handle it.

The beast was a scant few feet away with its head bowed in its charge. A clear intent to bull rush the human and gore with its massive tusks. At seemingly the last second, Sanji smoothly seemed to take a simple step onto the beast's head. Suddenly being carried off on it, feet planted on the bridge of the beast's snout and on its brow.

A snarl of anger and confusion left the boar at the unwanted passenger. It gave a sharp thrash of his massive head, and Sanji followed the motion into a jump straight up off the beast's snout. He let it pass under him for a brief instant before lashing out with his heel at the base of the beast's large skull. There was a sickening crack that echoed through the clearing. With a final squeal, the beast managed to run a few more paces before suddenly falling over in a heap, its face burrowing into the soft ground before it came to an abrupt stop. Dead with a broken neck.

When everything was still, Law let out the breath he had been holding and finally stood straight. ".. Only you could make that seem menacing, effortless and mesmerizing in the same moment." he chuckled before approaching.

Jumping down from the still twitching body, Sanji hummed softly as he looked to the doctor. "It's a matter of perspective, I suppose. Help me look for a tree sturdy enough to hold this beast. I'm going to show you how to field dress a kill." he stated as he circled the dead beast slowly. Already taking it apart in his head in the most efficient manner.

Law's brow rose. "Show me how?" he repeated.

Sanji nodded. "That's right. You were so interested in my anatomy. Figured you might be interested in the other aspects of my people's culture."

"Such as?" Law questioned as he came closer to the blond. There was something about that calculating gaze that made Law's blood heat.

Stopping in his assessment, Sanji faced the doctor and smirked. "Hunting and cooking were the foundation of my people. They learned to embrace and enjoy it in every part of life."

"Every part?" Law asked as he felt something more from that blue eyed stare… Like suddenly he was the prey being studied.

"Every part.." Sanji repeated as he moved closer. "My people liked to hunt powerful creatures because it let them consume the spirit and life force of those creatures… Making themselves stronger…"

".. Thought you said they weren't cannibals.." Law whispered when he could feel more of Sanji's body heat the closer he got.

A low purring chuckle left the blond. "There is more than one way to consume, Law…"

This was turning a lot more heated than Law had expected from a hunting trip. "… You mean your people fetishized it.." he whispered, feeling that dark pleasure from before returning slowly.

"In a sense… There were many rituals for celebrating the different hunting seasons.. Celebrating feasts… Celebrating the best hunters… Anointing new hunters to get the blessings from our gods…" he added as he leaned in to lightly nuzzle their noses together. "Usually the anointing happens at an early age… But I can do this for you if you wish to experience it.."

"What does it call for..?" Law asked without hesitation. He wanted to know. He wanted to immerse himself in everything that made up this creature.

"You know how to piece a body back together with needle and thread…" Sanji moved in close and let his lips brush the dark ones. . "I'm going to show you how to take one apart… "

".. I know how to take a body apart, Sanji…" Law whispered against the pale lips.

The blond head shook. "You know how to take them apart with your sword or your powers…" Pale hands moved up to cup the tan face as he looked into the gray eyes. "I'm going to show you the proper way… The truest way. Let you see for yourself what makes up the strength and soul of a creature."

A sharp chill rolled down Law's spine. He had a feeling they weren't talking about the boar any more. "I want to know.. Teach me, Sanji..."

Sanji smiled and let his tongue trail over the doctor's lower lip.

"Lesson one…"



And sometimes it takes being willing to learn.
