Once Naraku is finished hanging the girl up he leaves. I turn my gaze back to the human tied up before me, studying her. She is unconscious, I notice she is naked just like I but she has long straight brown hair. She has a nice build but I know that soon it will soon become skin and bones. I haven't seen another person other than Naraku in so long I am not sure what to say or do. Especially since this isn't the best situation to meet in. After a few minutes she starts to stir. After she notices she no longer where she once was she starts jolting, trying to get free. I clear my throat preparing to speak knowing it will be raspy due to the little use that I have for it nowadays.

"It's no use." I say, my voice cracking terribly.

Her head snaps to me and she looks at me and her eyes widen as she fights even harder.

"You should save your strength. He will be back and this time he will take what he wants no matter what you do. I wouldn't waste it on trying to get free from these chains. I have tried for ages and I had no success. It seems that we are stuck here for as long as he wishes with only one another as company." I say calmly.

"Where is here?" She growls out and I know she is pissed, which given the situation is completely reasonable.

"Well I call this place Naraku's Pleasure House but I don't know where this place really is. I woke up here just like you. I have no recollection of anything before I came here though…" I say sadly knowing that I probably lost some great memories while trapped here.

"What? Did he make you forget?" She asks fear seeping in her voice as she stops struggling.

"Well, in some ways yes. I have just been here so long that I forgot my past. I am hoping that it will come back to me with time." I say but I honestly have no hope that it will.

"How long have you been here?" She asks me calming down slightly and listening to me instead of fighting.

"I am not sure… probably a year, possibly two." I say after some thought. "I lost count after three months."

"...A year… I can't stay here that long! I am about to be married! I have a life to get back to! I have a little brother I need to take care of, and a mother in the hospital! How can I help them if I am here!" She shouts as she struggles once more with new found strength.

"Just survive. If we get out of this you need to keep them fresh in your mind and don't forget them." I say trying to get her to stop fighting.

"Key word- IF- what if we don't? How can my family get by!" She yells as her eyes tear up.

"Look. You can't focus on their problems right now, we have to get through this first and in order to do that you have to STOP! You only get bread about twice a week and you can't waste your energy on something so stupid as getting out of the chains that hold you. Listen to me, I know what you are going through but you can't do the same thing I did. I fought and fought against the chains and when he came to me to have his fun I nearly died. So stop fighting and just breath." I say and finally she stops and looks at me, fear filling her eyes.

"How do we escape?" She asks brokenly.

"We just have to wait for the right time, we will know when it comes." I say and she nods.

"What about water?" Shea asks me and I look up, she follows my gaze and her face twists into one of disgust.

"I am not drinking that! It's brown!" She shouts and I shrug the best way I could.

"It's all we got, unless you want to die of dehydration I would suggest drinking it." I say and I watch as she leans forward to taste it.

As soon as the first drop hits her tongue her eyes widen and she starts to empty out her stomach.

"That was disgusting!" She shouts before she starts puking again.

"You will have to get used to it." I say sadly.

I hear the sound of the door opening and I see Naraku's silhouette making its way to us. I get ready for what is soon to come. First he goes to me, wanting to let the other girl see what is soon to come her way. He starts by raping me forcing her to watch. I am happy to say that she did not make any noise as he did so, not showing any weakness. Next he went to the table and grabbed his favorite tool, the razor. I know it doesn't seem too bad but it leaves nasty scars and lots of blood behind. He slowly makes his way back to me and he brings the razor to my cheek. He smiles a nasty smile as he makes a little cut on my cheek. I make no movement or noise. He frowned in disappointment before he moves down to my stomach. There he makes a long streak of blood along my abdomen and I have to wince from the pain that ensues. He lets out a gleeful smile before he brings the razor to my thigh and makes an even deeper cut there. I cry out slightly in pain not able to stop myself. He continues making small and large cuts along my body.

When he finally finishes he turns to the girl and does the same process to her. He rapes her before he moves on to the torture. Only this time instead of the razor he gets the machete. He makes his way back to her before bringing the blade down from her collar bone all the way down to her knee. She shouts out in pain but she does not scream which is no small victory. He then makes other small cuts on her skin, ruining her unblemished body. I feel terrible for her and wish I could do something but my vision is fading in and out from the lack of energy.

He soon finishes and leaves the room once more. When the door shuts soundly behind him the girl starts sobbing. I look at her with sympathy and try to comfort her with sweet words. When she stops crying she looks at me.

"What's your name?" She asks sniffling.

"Kagome." I say after some thought.

"Nice to meet you Kagome, my name is Sango." She says with a small smile.

"Nice to meet you too Sango. Sorry we met under these conditions but I hope we can become friends." I say smiling back.

"Likewise" She finishes before she allows a small laugh escape her lips and I do as well.

And friends we became, actually closer than friends, more like sisters. I found out that she has a younger brother whose name is Kohaku. He was 11 years old when she was taken away. She was supposed to be getting married to a man named Miroku. He was a huge pervert when she met him and he even asked her to bear his children. Of course she did the logical thing in response and hit him upside the head. Ever since then he trailed after her like a lost puppy and they fell in love. He stopped groping other woman and only groped Sango. By now it has become normal for them to do this little number in public. It drew a lot of attention to the couple but they didn't care for they were happily in love. She also had a mother but she was dying from breast cancer. The doctors say that they don't think that she will make it and Sango was going to the hospital to be with her mother as she signed the will when Naraku got her. He must have followed her off the bus and got behind her somehow. As time passed I listened to Sango tell me stories of her life before all this, taking me away to a place that seemed so much better than this but that wasn't the only thing that changed over time…


A/N: Sorry guys! I know I took forever to update but I was really busy! With Christmas around the corner I had to get everything together and it just took too long. But I have finally finished and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Love you all!
