An update on OneDone

I am not OneDone, but I am a person very close to him. For about the better part of a year, you all (and his Facebook friends) may have noticed that he hasn't been online very often. I've taken it upon myself to update you all (I've always told him not to use his Facebook password for other passwords, but he never listens).

To keep it brief, OneDone fell ill, and was hospitalized for a little over a month. After he was discharged, he was put on an intensive medication schedule. His medication caused extreme nausea and weight loss, among a few other things. This caused him to put his work, writing, and schooling on hold.

He has recently been taken off his medication, and is feeling much better now, and is expected to be healthy enough to return to work in the next two weeks or so. Before he does, he's mentioned to me that he plans to continue his writing before work, as a way to kill time.

I'd like to take this time to remind us all to cherish those we hold dear, and appreciate the kindness and love that we all give and receive. May you find success in all your dreams and happiness everywhere you look.

-OneDone's #1 fan.