A note from the author.

My best friend hates fan fiction. My girlfriend can't get enough of it. I suppose I'm somewhere in the middle, seeing as how I've never read fan fiction. Can't hate or love something you've never tried, right?

A few days ago they were both in the same room as me and we were talking about Mortal Kombat, a video game that all of us had grown up with, and became very fond of. A few bourbons and glasses of wine later, she brings up a fan fiction about Mortal Kombat that she read not too long ago, and how it reminded her of a trashy romance novel she read (she also loves trashy romance novels). Best friend laments on how the majority of fan fiction is so poorly written, that we could probably write something better. Girlfriend shoots back that maybe we could, but not all existing works are garbage; some are actually pretty good. And somehow, a light bulb appears over both their heads and result in them asking me to write one, under the penalty of "you're not my friend anymore" and "I'll break up with you."

Best friend says, "too many fan fictions have the characters acting way out of character, so introduce some new ones. Wild cards. Unexpected." Girlfriend said "no, you have to stay true to the craft. Crossovers included, I better not see any of that crap." So they compromised and allowed me to introduce one new character.

No, this new character is not based on me. I am unimpressive enough as it is. Rather, this character is a combination of my imagination, and a folk hero that I grew up admiring. If you're not into new characters, then you probably shouldn't read this.

I'll be writing these in chapters. Who knows, maybe there will be little chapter summaries after each chapter. Stay tuned!

With all these things said, God help me, may my coffee stay hot, and may my creative juices that have never really existed finally come to fruition.

Legal note: I do not claim to own any trademarks or copyrights associated with Mortal Kombat, or its games, characters, movies, merchandise, and spin-off pornos (I'm looking at you, Mortal Kumbutt 2: Revenge of Whore-pion).