Hi Everyone. Ok so this story is a follow up to Our Own Little Game. You do not really need to read the last story to understand this one so new readers can just start of here. Strong M rating for later chapters. Hope all my other readers follow this story, please leave reviews as wont continue without them. Much Love.

Chapter One - What To Do Next.

6 Months Later.

Sherlock gave John that 'Yes this is going to be very interesting and i cannot wait to get started' look as Lestrade explained the crime and the mystery behind it. John however was feeling very uncomfortable about the subject.
''Sherlock this is a very delicate matter, please dont go around hasstling the poor girls for questions, they will be very fragile'' Lestrade warned Sherlock sternly. Not that it made any difference.

''They shouldnt of been so stupid in the first place, night clubs are perfect for murders, its always the best way to go unseen but be common at the same time.''

''Yes but they didnt think about it at the time. And each one of them have lost a very close friend, so .nice.'' Sherlock looked away from Lestrade and sighed.

''I have all i need to know, the rest of the details can be sent to me, where are the bodys being kept'' Lestrade looked a John, a sorry expression on his face.

''What'' Sherlock attention focused entirely on Lestrades. '' . . '' He smiled slightly at Lestrades Offended Face.

''Dont be so patronising Sherlock, they are at Barts, i assume Molly will have the bodies, you will have to try and convince her to gain access.'' Sherlock leaned back in his chair, a smile creeping onto his face.

''Splendid, text me the rest of the details, John''.

Sherlock and John rose from their seats John saying goodbye to Lestrade before following Sherlock out of the room.

''Sherlock is this such a good idea?'' John looked nervosly at his friend. He had never found out why Sherlock stopped going to Barts but all bodies where moved to different hospitals, it seemed strange but John never seemed to find the right time to question it.

''What is? Sounds like a 7 at least''

''No, about the bodies being with Molly Hooper, you havent seen her in months''

''Bodies havent been there, i have had no reason to communicate with her, but im sure she will allow me access, cant say any of the other pahtoligists have been any good.'' John rolled his eyes at the sarcastic comment and continued his brisk walk to keep up with his friend.

''So your saying nothing happened between you and Molly in order for you to suddenly stop using her lab'' Shelock was awaiting a taxi alongside the main Road. The streets where busy with the day to day life of other people, most hurrying to get out of the cold winter weather.

''You really should think before you speak John, especially when i just answered your Quest-TAXI''

John got into the cab with Sherlock awaiting to continue the conversation, it was a fair journey to Barts and the roads where icey. He knew the topic would soon grow tiresome to Sherlock, best get it out of the way.

''Its just werid, we never had to visit other hospitals to get to bodies, you and Molly got along normally fine i cant see why it just suddenly stopped.'' Sherlock sighed.

''John nothing stopped, we cannot choose where the bodies go to, and it just happened that not alot of bodies where with Molly, we have been so busy with crimes that arnt local you cant really blame the police for keeping the bodies to closer hospitals, makes our lives easier to, stop looking into all the topics so deeply, you never get anywhere with it''

At that point John decided to shut up, Sherlocks behavior had not changed at all, he had however regulary been banned from other patholigist labs for insulting their intelligance, which to be fair was normal for him, Molly seemed to be the only one that could and would put up with him, hopefully that had not changed since he last saw her.

His trail of thoughts stopped when he was pushed out of the cab by Sherlock, they paid the cabbie and strode in through the entrance to Barts, The warm hospital air, providing a sanction to the cold bitter winds and snow outside. Sherlocks shoes clipped on the floor, he was sure that people knew he was coming by the sound of his shoes.

Sherlock felt growing tension as he neared the entrance to the lab door, he had not spoken or seen Molly in over six months, he had not heard from her and john hadnt mentioned her either, it was like he was meeting her for the first time again. He began to grow worried she would refuse entrance into her lab, or worse grow upset at the sight of him. It was true about the bodies being moved to different areas to make life easier, however he avoided her for experiments and body parts just to prevent communication. He wondered if his plan had worked, if she was better and happier now after the events from now last year. Exctiment grew inside him, he wanted to find out, he had missed her shockingly enough.

As Sherlock and John entered the lab, everything was quiet, it all seemed the same, clean, organised, tidy, there was no paperwork lying around and everything was laid out where it should be, Organised, best way to be in the lab, some of the others recently had been terrible to say the least. However the lab was quiet, Mollies office was locked and everything seemed to be shut up. John broke the silence.

''Sherlock, she might be in the canteen, its now coming up to one, she used to have lunch from 12 till 1 remember?''

''Of course'' Sherlock sighed, and John took a seat, watching his friend pace the room. It was not an awkward silence really as John could see clearly, Sherlock was looking at everything in the room, deducing activity, when she left and when she should be back. It was not long before the clicking of heels was heard and Mollies voice was sounding down the corridor, she was laughing about something. Sherlock stood waiting patentinly as he heard Molly say her goodbyes to whoever she was talking to, there was a long silence before another goodbye and her heels where once again clicking down the corridor, as she walked in glancing at her papers John coughed to make themselves present. Molly glanced up in shock, setting eyes on Sherlock and his partner, her papers uncermonisally where dropped on the floor.

Hope you all liked it, will continue if you wish, Was not to sure on how to reintroduce the two but kept it simple and hopefully it worked. Please review as wont continue if there is no interest. Much Love everyone.