A/N: Thanks for the awesome reviews about chapter 4! I enjoyed reading your comments, and now I must ask. Are you ready for chapter 5? Please Review!

5:The Dream

Lacey laid on the freezing, hard ground in the fetal position, pain coursed through her veins as she slowly slide open her eyes. A soft moan of pain escaped her lips as she sat up, and noticed how ridged and stiff her muscles felt. Her muscles felt as if they were on fire, and her head was pounding loudly in her ears. She gazed around, Alec was beside her, pulling pieces of hair from her eyes. "She's awake." He muttered to someone next to him.

"From what I have gathered you were brought here by something else. I am not sure of much more, since your memories were so damaged. I can tell you though that you have a connection with someone; stronger than a parabati connection or any that I have seen before." The Silent Brother said. Lacey struggled to sit up, but it was obvious she had no clue what he was talking about.

"What do you mean? What kind of connection?" She questioned, rising to her feet although her muscles screamed in complaint as she did. She glanced from the Silent Brother, to Jace, and then finally to Alec who shrugged; she shifted her gaze back to the Silent Brother.

"You have a sibling correct?" The Silent Brother asked. Lacey nodded slowly, her mind conjured the last image she had of him; waving to her and Blake as they walked their separate ways to patrol the streets. He had the same face as Lacey, the irises of their eyes were the exact same shade; and although she was about two inches shorter no one could deny they looked almost exactly the same. Twins to be exact. "You and him are twins correct?"

"Yeah so?" Lacey asked, becoming a little defensive. She didn't have a reason for it, it just came naturally when anyone asked about a member of her family.

"Interesting. It seems the connection between you goes deeper than appearance and blood." The Silent Brother said. She glanced towards Alec and Jace, and then shifted from foot to foot. The connection? What does it mean? She wondered to herself and then winced as she dug her nails into her hand.

"You mean like that thing everyone says with twins where they can hear each others thoughts?" Alec asked, and then gazed over at Lacey.

"I can't hear Derek's thoughts." She replied and then snuck a glance back over at the Silent Brother. "What type of connection?"

"Funny, how you haven't noticed it by now." The Silent Brother said. Lacey felt her anxiousness and frustration clouding each other; and she dug her nails further into her hand, glaring into the empty space where the silent brother's eyes would have been.

"What is the connection?" She nearly yelled, her voice climbing higher in pitch and volume.

"I am not completely sure, I haven't seen a case like this for a long time; but it may have to be intertwined with your past. I will call you back when I can tell you more." The Silent Brother says, and begins to leave the room. He froze by the doorway, and peered over his shoulder; Lacey could feel his eyes burrowing into her as he stared. "I can say that I am certain, you and him were not born with this connection. It seems to be more of a curse." He adds. Lacey shuddered inwardly, was she cursed? Was Derek cursed? What did this connection between them mean? Lacey glanced at Alec and Jace; who both stared back at her.

"We should get back to the Institute." Jace said, his eyes meeting Alec's. Lacey followed them out in an extremely uncomfortable silence, she kept her eyes pointed at her feet. There was no way her and Derek were cursed, they couldn't be. Who could have cursed them? Her mind let these questions echo in her mind; each time they echoed back a new question managed to ring louder and join the echoes; and then she felt nothing. Lacey's head fell against Alec's arm, and her body slumped down in the seat of the taxi; both Jace and Alec shot worried expressions at each other.

"Lacey?" Alec asked softly, shaking her arm. He could feel her shivering every time he touched her. "Something's wrong." He hissed to Jace. Jace shot a lingering glance at the taxi driver; who was completely oblivious to the situation.

"What should we do?" Jace questioned, and then pushed Lacey's dark hair from her closed eyes. "Do you think it has to do with something that happened with the Silent Brothers?" He asked.

"They wouldn't have let her leave if she was going to faint as soon as she left." Alec said, and the taxi screeched to a halt. Jace threw a wad of bills at the man and then Alec gripped Lacey as he swing her into his arms. He was almost alarmed by how she was purely dead weight in his arms. "We need to take her to Hodge."

Jenny stood from the library window, peering through the curtains as flames erupted from behind the Institute smoke rising in great wells. She exhaled softly, and looked away; she wasn't interested in watching Derek be burned. Of course thought she was wearing only white, and the red runes she bore stood through the thin cloth. How can you be dead? I saw you. I know I saw you. She thought to herself, and then shut the curtains leaving her in the dark. She chuckled darkly to herself, but there was no real laughter in the air. She felt as if she was in the dark with not knowing what had been happening before; there was no other way to describe it. She'd seen Derek. That was real, she fingered the bump on her head again; yes. This was real.

"Jenny." She heard Blake's voice say. She spun around, she hadn't seen him in a while; which was very unusual.

"Blake?" She said as she turned around, but then her eyes widened as she gapped at nothing. There was no one there, nothing that could have spoken and no Blake. "Blake?" She called, sticking her head out into the hallway. "Where are you?" She questioned, her voice echoing in the hallway. But he wasn't there, and she retreats back into her room; letting the questions in her mind eat away at her. Come to think about it, she hadn't seen Blake since she woke up; she saw a flash of him leaving the room. But that was all she had seen of him in a while. Where was he? Now that she thought of it, he might be out looking for Lacey, but would he really be gone for this long? Inhaling deeply she sank down into a chair by the window, as the puffs of smoke grew; floating away and disappearing among the white clouds. I saw you. She thought to herself. How can you be dead? It didn't seem real, the whole world seemed to be a bit dimmer; and a bit numb. Then there was Lacey. Jenny didn't allow herself to wonder if Lacey was alive or dead. I can't lose them both, but how can I think this way when I've already lost one of them? She thought before burying her face in her hands.

"She seems to be fine," Hodge said, "You said she just fell unconscious?" He questions and then gazes back over to Jace and Alec.

"Yeah. We were just riding in the cab, and then she slumped over." Alec replied, and then shot a glance at Jace who was unusually quiet. Hodge turned back to Lacey and then sighed.

"I don't know what to say, she's perfectly fine. It may possibly be that her mind needs rest after the visit with the Silent Brothers." He said and then shot a lingering glance back at her. "If you'll excuse me, I must go check some information." He said and then rushed out of the room.

"Isn't he acting a little strange?" Alec asked, turning to Jace. Jace stared at his fingernails, and his golden eyes flashed upward to look at Alec.

"Hodge?" Jace asked to clarify.


"Oh yeah, he's defiantly hiding something." Jace said, and then jutted his chin out at Lacey. "Think it has anything to do with her being here?"

"I think it has everything to do with her being here." Alec replied. Jace's eyes raked Lacey's face and Alec scowled. Why is he so interested in her? His mind growled. Lacey stirred uncomfortably in her sleep, and Alec turned to Jace. "Let's go see what Hodge is up too." He said, Jace nodded and lead the way out the door.

"Do you think he knows her?" Jace asked once they were in the hallway.

"I'm not sure, he didn't recognize her when he saw her, but when you mentioned her name...he seemed to know who she was." Alec said, he tilted his head forward, and then glanced around the empty corridor. Hodge always walked at a steady pace, but the library wasn't anywhere near here so where could he have gone? "Jace you go check in the library for Hodge, I'll look around in other places." He said, Jace walked down the hallway and turned near the end. Alec then turned after watching him walk away, and made his way to Hodge's private corroders.

"Hey Alec, have you seen Max? I found his book he's been looking for." Isabelle said, holding up the brightly colored manga.

"Nope, but have you seen Hodge?" He questioned. Isabelle halfway turned, and pointed down the hallway.

"I think he was going upstairs." She said, and walked off. Alec ventured down the hallway, and up the stairs. There had to be some connection between this Lacey Carchase and Hodge; he knew who she was. He knew.

Lacey's head pounded, it hurt too much to open her eyes, and her chest felt as if something heavy was sitting on her. She slowly took a few minutes to carefully open her eyes. The infirmary, that had to be where she was, she opened her eyes and bit back a scream. The room around her splattered with dry blood, and was only lit by dim candles. Where am I?! Her mind screamed. She glanced around, covering her mouth with her hand. She turned and saw Blake, he was on the bed beside her; chained down demonic symbols scrawled on his arms in thick black ink. His hair covered his eyes, and his skin was deathly pale with visible cuts covering exposed skin on his arms. "Blake?" She said almost soundlessly. She slid out of the bed, her feet hitting the cool, hard tile. She moved over to the side of his bed, he almost looked like he was asleep. "Blake wake up." She said, shaking his arm.

"Your not going to be able to wake him up." A deep, unfamiliar voice boomed. She jumped and sunk down to her knees, peering around the room.

"Who are you!" She growled loudly, demanding to know. Her eyes zoomed around the room, but they were unable to find the speaker.

"Hmm. Lacey Carchase. Your different from how he describes you." The voice said, seeming almost disappointed. "I thought it would be harder to steal your soul." Lacey's eyes widened. My soul... Her mind went blank. She glanced around the room, this isn't real. I'm with Jace and Alec. She thought, and stood up.

"Who are you! What did you do to Blake?!" She screamed, picking up a long knife from a nearby table. "You can't have my soul!" She shrieked, her throat ached when she'd finished screaming. She felt something inside of her drop, as if a weight had been lifted.

"Ahh. There's the fight I heard about." He says, and then she felt nothing. Her vision went black, I can't see! I can't see! I'm blind! She panicked, her heart pounding out of her chest, she bolted forward and ended up on the floor. She opened her eyes, she was back at the Institute in New York. What the hell was that? She stood up, there was no way to know whether it was over of not; she glanced down at her belt, she had her angel blade. Lacey inhaled deeply and fell to her knees sobbing, all she could see was Blake, and the demonic runes that had been scrawled upon his skin. She removed the knife from her belt and bolted out the doors of the infirmary. She needed to find those runes. To know what they meant. That man-Hodge-had to know! She thought and glanced around the corridors.

"Alec! Jace! Isabelle! Hodge!" She shouted, searching for someone she had to know. A pair of footsteps came running up to her and she turned around to face the fair-haired boy, Jace.

"Are you alright? What's going on?" He questioned, seeing the angel blade in her hand.

"Where's the library? It's important." She said, his face dropped into a smirk.

"Your screaming as if you've been attacked, blades drawn, and all you wanted was a book?" He said, mocking her.

"Dumb ass, this is serious." She muttered pushing past him. "Now where's the library?" She questioned, he grabbed her wrist and lead her down the corridors, until they reached the double doors she broke free of his grasp and sprinted through the doors and into the room. She slipped her angel blade back into her belt, and ran to find the Gray book; there had to be different versions of the runes somewhere.

"What are you looking for?" Jace asked, peering over her shoulder.

"Demonic runes." She said, and he shut the Gray book.

"They wouldn't be there, they wouldn't be anywhere." He said, and she let out a heavy sigh.

"No. I saw them in my dream." She said, and she told him all the details of her dream. "I know they exist it was too real. A demon is involved and a powerful one." she says, and then glances back at him. There was pity in his eyes, in the features of his face.

"It was just a dream." He said.

"No. It was more than that." She said, "I know, I can feel it."