Sorry for the delay… again, I've been swamped with work and life. I hope you enjoy though! Thank you to all new reviews, followers and favorites, it means a lot

Bruce was relieved to be free of his restraints, "I hope you realize I don't trust you anymore."

Kayla shrugged, she expected as much, "I don't trust you either, so are you ready to play the Joker?"

The man frowned, he brought this girl in, trusted her. Now here she was, ready to use him to get what she wanted, "I'm ready to catch the Joker, if that's what you mean."

She shrugged, putting on her mask before grinning, "details. In the end, I will win. In the end Joker will wish he never played me like one of his little toys to break and bend to his will."

She strode to the window leading to her fire escape, glancing back expectantly, "well, suit up. He'll go after the DA now."

Bruce was confused; he figured the same, "what are you doing?"

"Going to help the Joker, he wants me in his little gang? Well he'll wish he didn't."

Bruce nodded, his eyes watching her back as she opened the window and ducked out, shutting it carefully behind her before quickly making her descent. He hoped she knew what she was doing, despite losing her trust he did care about the girl in the past almost week of knowing her. Plus Alfred would never forgive him if he just let her do this on her own, let her fail and possibly get herself killed.

-time skip-

Kayla finally made it to the warehouse, men bustling around a large semi.

"There she is," Joker's iron grip sat on her shoulder, "I like the, ah, get up."

Kayla grinned up at him, "I had good inspiration. What are we doing?"

Joker blinked owlishly at her, "we? Oh so now you want in on the fun? We are going to catch the Batman; we're going to kill him."

Kayla smirked; he didn't know shit, "sounds like a plan, Clown face."

"Ah, does this mean you want to come along? What happened to working in the shadows?"

Kayla stepped forward, her heart racing as she looked at the evil genius, "I can't do enough sitting in the shadows, it's time to make my grand entrance."

Joker let out a giddy giggle, "oh, you are too much fun." He grabbed her chin when she was close enough to reach, "I'm glad to have you." He whispered throatily, breath in her ear.

Kayla tried to keep her brain clear, the foggy feeling creeping in, "and I'm glad you have me." She muttered back, knowing that with his own ear near her mouth he could hear. She found she didn't like being this close to him. When she pushed herself against him a few nights ago, that was to unnerve him. It seemed to backfire, because now the closeness got to her. She felt her heart stop when she could feel his scared cheek lightly brush against hers. What was happening? Why was the clown doing this? Her swimming head managed to tell her to move away, get away from the cause and she would be fine. Taking a step back, she tried her best to smirk at the man, but he saw through it.

"The Ice Queen thawed," he tsked, walking away as he talked to himself, "who would have known her weakness was a fool." He chortled to himself as he climbed into the passenger seat of the truck, before turning to her and offering up his hand, "your chariot ah-awaits."

She pushed his hand aside and got in on her own, watching as he let out a single laugh before scooting back to a small cabin part of the truck, beckoning her to follow. She was no virginal snowflake, but her heart went in her throat as she sat as far away as she could on the small makeshift bed. She was working to bring him down; she didn't need these conflicting emotions. She had to do what she knew would be right, she couldn't be selfish. On that thought she baulked, saving Joker would be selfish? Well, she was fucked. How did she, an intelligent, strong, just woman have any sort of soft feelings for some idiotic, chaotic, cruel clown? She physically shook the thought from her head, no, she just appreciated his help, his ability to gain so many followers that would go on suicide missions for him, and his ability to go against society without fear. Yes, she just admired the qualities she saw in him that she lacked herself. She found that she strove to be more like him in some of those ways than she did the Batman.

"Uh-oh, you better stop thinking or you'll break something," the man laughed at her. He briefly wondered what was going on in her mind that she was working so hard to sort. It was probably all about him, hell he went through something similar the night she punched his face in. He didn't dwell on it though, he accepted the sexual attraction by finding a nice little look-a-like to bang. He got to screw her and still screw with her, and that was all he needed.

"Some of us need to think, to plan," she glared halfheartedly before glancing back to the front. They started moving now, soon hitting traffic. A large roadblock stretched out ahead.

"I'm not really a guy who likes to plan," Joker shrugged as he turned to her, "I just… do things." He grinned when he saw her scowl.

"That's bull and I know it," the girl brought her legs up, it was strange to see her dressed as a man, "your plans, your ideas are brilliant. They may be pure evil and against what I stand for, but I admire them. Just like as much as I hate you, I guess I do admire you."

She seemed to spit out the words, but he all too happily ate them up. She was scowling ahead, refusing to look at him or to look down. With wicked inspiration, he grabbed her chin, making her look at him. That carefully placed façade faded; her proud, cold eyes were confused and lost. Oh, she was too much fun; she obviously vowed to hate him, to only use him. This new development was fantastic; he may end up getting what he wanted after all.

"What do you want?" she frowned, her pout pulling at those plump lips. Oh, the things he could do to that mouth. He was pulled in two directions then, put a knife in her mouth and see her bleed or put it to good use. Why choose!?

Before she could pull away, she felt dry, cracked lips push against her own. Her eyes widened, meeting his own laughing browns. Her head swam; she didn't know how to react. This wasn't the first time he was soft to her or expressed some sort of interest. Her plans, everything she had done in the past day and a half flew out the window, her eyes closed as her lips molded against his. She let out a little gasp as he put his hand against her head, nails digging into her scalp.

Oh, this was too much. She was enjoying this more than he thought she would, even closing her eyes. He was possibly, for the first time in a long time, incredibly shocked. When he heard her give a little sigh, he decided he wasn't having as much fun as her. With a wicked grin, he bit down hard on her lip. Her blood tasted good, so salty and warm and a little bitter. It was like a switch flipped in his brain, a feeling he didn't get with all the whores and sluts he attracted flowed through him. He didn't like it, no this was too close to complacency. He pushed her back by her shoulders, her eyes hazy but confused.

She snapped away, mistake. This was a mistake, a huge life or death one at that. God she was stupid, as her brain cleared she kicked herself, "what the fuck."

Joker heard hear curse to herself, he was thinking the same thing. This plan was bigger than she was, bigger than any idiotic feelings that she managed to stir in him.

They finally got close to the front of the blockade, the people in front of them all managing to turn back so they could go a different route. With a little wink, Joker grabbed a shotgun while the driver let out a few loud honks. Kayla crouched further down to avoid the cop that approached.

"Hey, you wait like everybody else, pal," the cop called up. Joker popped out then, shooting him in the face. He quickly got out, turning back to the girl, "do you want to stay there or come join the fun?"

With a sigh she followed, her eyes scanning the around to make sure they weren't noticed. The sliding side door shut as she made her way in.

"Now what are we going to do?" Kayla glared at Joker and a few of his goons.

"That's a girl? Well hello beautiful," one man sidled up to her, eyeing what he could see of her face and body. A chill ran down her spine, she hated when people looked at her like that. Sure, she used her looks as a weapon before; lowering peoples guards enough to let her slip by their defenses. She flinched when another shot rang out, Joker killing the man easily. He opened the door just long enough to kick him out. She saw that they were moving again before he shut it. Did he just kill a man for trying to hit on her? She looked to the clown; he was glowering at her and the other men, daring them to do the same and daring her to say something.

Kayla found herself nervous, soon they would be face to face with Bruce and the DA, and Joker would know without a doubt that they tricked him. His volatility made her anxious for it all to be over, but something told her she was in for a much longer, wilder ride than she planned.

Done! Okay, next chapters will hopefully be quicker… hopefully. Reviews/PMs/follows/favorites are writing fuel! So fill me up, yeah?