Revan: hey guys it's me, so I'm so so so so SO sorry it took this long. My mind drew a blank and I had to dump it on Neko-Chan. So give her a cookie! And the credit! on to her!
Neko: ... So how is everyone today?... Yeah I thought so *silence*... Revan and I don't own Fairy Tail etc etc... Ahh... Well sorry to keep you all waiting he he... Lets solve the mystery of Natsu! Roll da story!
"Yes,but then..." Jellal trailed off
"What? Dont leave me hanging?" Said Gray in a impatient tone, Jellal took a deep breath
"He said he's a pyrokinetic"
-Chapter 3-
"oh oka- Wait what did you say?!" Gray practically yelled into his cell phone
"You know what we need to do" Jellal groaned at Gray's reaction
"But Headmistress Mavis said-"
"-I know, but if Natsu isn't 'contained', the Headmistress said she's going to send 'her'" Jellal shivered as a image appeared in his mind
"No... She wouldn't" Gray paled as he almost dropped the phone
"would I lie to you?" Jellal asked, seriously and after a long pause Gray finally answered
"No" Gray sighed at last
"We are doomed" ?Jellal groaned
"Okay, now for a plan..."
-Operation: 'Kidnap' Natsu Attempt 1-
Day: Wednesday
Weather: cloudy
Target: Natsu Dragneel
Objective: To 'kidnap' Natsu Dragneel and bring him to the 'Academy'
Deadline: Friday
Natsu trudged home from school, his day hadn't gone so well when he tried to threaten his English teacher to set him on fire. The fiasco had resulted in Natsu being sent to the principals office, who sentenced him to a months worth of after school detention and after school counseling Greatest day ever. On the bright side anyone who had been to detention before and knew that the old teacher who took detentions didn't really give a damn in what the students did, so everyone just took advantage of school Wi-Fi and surfed the internet or played Candy-Crush. Most of the time, both.
So while Natsu going through his day in his head. Two people who go by the names of 'Gray' and 'Jellal' were huddled in a bush, waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting Natsu. Of course they had thought everything through (not) from the back-up plan for the back-up plan to the ninja costumes.
"Are you sure I don't look like a idiot?" Gray complained scratching his leg furiously as the itchy fabric rubbed against him uncomfortably.
"Yes you look fine you girl" Jellal rolled his eyes "so you know the plan?"
"Of course I don't" Gray said sarcastically. Jellal didn't catch the sarcasm and went over the plan again. By the time Jellal finished Natsu was already home
"See? I told you to remember the plan!" Jellal exclaimed frustratedly when he noticed that Natsu was no where to be seen
"I never asked you to recite it" Gray groaned, face-palming at his friend
"You said you didn't know it!"
"Yeah, that was sarcasm"
"Well your sarcasm sucks"
"Shut up! Besides, if we don't get him to the 'Academy' by Friday, Headmistress Mavis confirmed she will send 'her'"
"Damit Jellal!" Gray groaned
"Keep telling yourself that" Jellal suggested as the to begin to trudge home after this defeat
-Operation: 'Kidnap' Natsu Attempt 2-
Day: Thursday
Weather: Rainy
Target: Natsu Dragneel
Objective: To 'kidnap' Natsu Dragneel and bring him to the 'Academy'
Deadline: Friday
Jellal sat behind the same bush the next day. The only difference was that it was pouring rain and the two hadn't brought a umbrella.
"W-Where is he?" Jellal said shivering as the two sat in the cold rain
"Dunno" Gray said helpfully, seemingly unaffected by the cold
"He should be here by now!"
"Uh..." Gray frowned as he remembered Natsu threatening the English teacher, "I think he has some kind of counselling thing today..." He mumbled quietly
"And you only think to tell me this-achooo- now?" Jellal asked, death aura escaping from him
"Hey! I forgot okay!" Gray held his hands up in defence
"that's it I'm going home" Jellal stood up and stormed away through the rain
"whatever" Gray rolled his eyes and headed home
-2 hours later-
Natsu Dragneel walked through the freezing rain sneezing. May if he hadn't left his umbrella in his locker... He shook his head, an umbrella wouldn't have kept the cold away making a mental note to by a school rain jacket sometime. He had just spent the past 2 hours trying to persuade a counsellor that he really was pyro and no he wouldn't of really set Mr Adams on fire. The counsellor had told him he was still in denial and scheduled him for another session next week. 'Yeah right' he thought as he made his way home
-Operation: 'Kidnap' Natsu Attempt 3-
Day: Friday
Weather: Scorching hot sunny weather
Target: Natsu Dragneel
Objective: To 'kidnap' Natsu Dragneel and bring him to the 'Academy'
Deadline: TODAY
Natsu had taken the day off at home. After walking home in the rain, yes he had indeed caught a cold. Yippie! Happy wasn't much help except for being a living pillow. Natsu patted his cat, as he flicked through channels on TV. Murder mystery, no. News, no. Re-runs of Pokemon, Seen them ba-jillion times. shopping channel selling hair straightners, like he needed one. This is how his day played out as he stayed at home.
Jellal looked around the classroom. Natsu wasn't there. Nope. Not a single strand of pink hair to be seen. He cursed under his breath. He and Gray were screwed. Not only would 'She' be sent to 'collect' Natsu, but 'She' also happened to be the bluenettes girlfriend. And a really strict one two. Jellal considered the options of running away to live in the woods or jump off the school building roof. Those seemed a lot kinder than the punishment he knew he would get.
'Oh well' he thought 'at least I can live my final days in peace...' Jellal sighed as class started...
Neko: I hope you like that chapter, he he... Bet you guys can guess who 'she' is? just who is Jellal's Girfriend? Anywho R&R for more of FAFIE
Revan- hope you guys liked It! I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. Don't forget to click the button that says 'Review'