This is a prompt from a reader, I know I have been MIA for a while and my apologies for that I've been stupidly busy, stressed and preoccupied as I've been spending as much time as I can with my new girlfriend :) which is a silly excuse but just life when things are going well you tend to get distracted! Anyway catching up on my fanfiction now, struggling a little so was wondering if I could grab some opinions on this start and if I should continue?

this is an AU fiction that which is something I haven't done before so bear with me!

Prompt was: a story where jane and maura are rival dancers. So it's an AU story that will progress, I know where I want it to go but don't know if anyone is interested in it As I'm a little out of practice, just let me know!

Jane arrived at the club and made her way to the dressing rooms, the other girls greeted her hesitantly; they were all too aware of her bad temper and frequent mood swings. She didn't care, she had never been one to gel easily with other women. Her life consisted of getting on stage, dancing, collecting her money and leaving, she wasn't there to make connections with anyone. Truthfully the only reason Cavanaugh kept her on was because she was good at what she did, she raked in a lot of money for him and she knew how to handle the guys. She wasn't weak and unsure of herself like some of the other girls and the regulars knew it, some of the newer clientele didn't and they tried their luck. Slender as Jane was she was packed with muscle and knew all too well how to handle herself.

As she changed she heard Cavanaugh come into the dressing room and stand behind her. "What's up Cav?" He was bouncing on the balls of his feet and that meant only one thing; she wasn't going to like this. She met his gaze in the mirror in front of her "Spill."

He glanced at her nervously before fixing his eyes on the floor as he spoke. "Special event tonight. Stag do. Rich guy. Hired the entire place out."

Jane could practically hear the dollars pinging from his every word. "So?" She turned to face him, her anxiousness growing.

"They've requested a lap dance for the groom."

Jane snorted "Did you tell them to go find another club?" She scowled at his silence "Of course you didn't." She sighed heavily before turning her back on him and continuing to get ready. "Ok, which girl? You want me nearby in case they get grabby?" There was another moment of silence before Cavanaugh cleared his throat and realisation slapped Jane across the face. "No." She said sternly.

"But they-"

"No." She cut him off firmly.


"No." Her temper was beginning to flare.

"Seen you dance-"

She span on her heels to face him again "Cav, listen carefully...N. O. Not gonna happen. Get another girl." She watched as he shifted his weight and the brunette clenched her fists trying to maintain control over her anger. "You already agreed." His silence confirmed her suspicion. She physically bit her lip reigning in her rage, reminding herself that without this gig she had no income. She shook her head angrily at him. "I don't do lap dances Cav. You know that. Tell them you got it wrong."

Cavanaugh plucked up the courage to look at her before pulling out an obscene amount of money from his pocket. "I did. I really did Rizzoli, but this guy wouldn't take no for an answer!"

Jane eyed up the money and felt disgust crawl over her skin resulting in goosebumps as she considered the possibility. For the first time in a long time she felt pure hatred for herself as her slender fingers closed around the notes despite of the inward screaming telling her not to. Gotta pay the bills somehow Rizzoli.

Maura kissed Garrett goodbye "Where is it you and your brother are going again?"

He smiled at her "Probably just to the country club darling, play a few rounds, have a few drinks, nothing unsavoury I'm sure. Don't you worry your little head about it." He ruffled the top of her perfectly coiffed hair and left.

Maura looked at the closed door contemplating things for a moment. She didn't begrudge him for having a stag do at all, it was tradition after all but she couldn't help but feel just a little jealous, especially considering that she didn't have the female equivalent of a stag do. Although, even if she did, it would simply consist of her and her mother; she didn't really have any friends, it was something she had never really been able to grasp, her social skills were awkward at best. She would, however, have liked go celebrate 'her last night of freedom' as Garrett called it. Maura had puzzled over that idiom, not only did it seem rather derogatory about the idea of marriage to her which rather perturbed her, but also didn't quite work as the ceremony wasn't for another week...but she had let it go, knowing how frustrated he could get with her overly inquisitive nature.

This Fairfield guy was a royal twat. Not only did he saunter through the club with an air about him that demanded everyone bow down at his feet and love him but he also had a permanent look so distain tattooed on his face at everything and everyone like they were simply shit on his shoe. Jane immediately disliked him but kept her distance as Cavanaugh kept throwing her warning looks whilst he trailed after the smug bastard like a lost puppy. Jane had insisted, much to his royal dick's disappointment, that she perform the much requested lap dance before him or his cronies could get too hammered, she knew all too well what his type could get like.

Dancing was a release for Jane much like a good workout. She wasn't there to prove anything to anyone, she didn't need to justify herself to anyone when she danced, she danced for herself, for her sanity and it just so happened that people enjoyed watching her enough to pay for the pleasure. She didn't see their faces when she was onstage, she could be anywhere in that moment. She had always hated lap dances, she wasn't naïve to believe that she was professional dancer, or that what she did was completely innocent, she knew full well why men came to watch her dance but lap dances were different; they were too personal, too intimate, she couldn't shut her eyes and let herself drift off.

She breathed deeply and tried her hardest to centre herself before stepping out of her dressing room for the last time that evening. She stalled herself when she saw him. Sat in his chair like it was a throne with a perverted grin on his face it took absolutely everything for Jane to stop herself from wiping that expression off his smug face.

any comments good or bad would be greatly appreciated either through here, fb, twitter, tumblr etc.