Chapter 47
Hey sorry I haven't updated as much as I usually do. School is a pain in the ass. Hope you like this, sorry if you don't like the length.
Tris POV
I make it to the door first, being small does have its advantages. I smile as Tobias practically runs into me with a close second. Then Uriah, Marlene, Christina, Will, Shauna, and lastly Zeke. I crack up. I guess he'll be washing his all our feet today. He comes gasping around the corner with a platter of…. Dauntless cake? My jaw drops, and I quickly steal a slice from him. Everyone else follows my lead, and soon we all have ourselves a slice of cake.
"Does this make a good enough excuse to not wash everyones' feet?" He asks us while we dig into our cake. I narrow my eyes, and give it a second of thought.
I open my mouth, but quickly stuff it with some more cake just to make him wait for an answer longer than he has to. Once he starts to squirm in his seat, he's not exactly the most patient person.
I give him an answer, "I guess you can take a pass this time," I say slowly. The others nod their heads in agreement still eating their cake. I eat the rest of mine before putting the plate in the kitchen.
"So, who's going first?" I ask. Stupid question we all know it's going to be Zeke. I mentally slap myself as we turn to him, awaiting his response. But he does the unthinkable, and stands up.
"Pass. Uriah can do the honors." he says sitting back down. My jaw is literally on the floor. After about 20 minutes, I snap out of it, closing my mouth. The rest of the group slowing comes back to their senses, and the game begins.
"Christina, love. T or D?" I see Will stiffen at the word love, and I quickly butt in to reassure him.
"It's an england term, it's a friendly gesture." (I think it's a friendly gesture, not positive, but let's pretend it is.) He let out a breath, and slouches back into his chair.
"Dare." She responds, snuggling into Will's shoulder.
"I dare you to egg the first person you see in the hallway." She shrugs at him, and gets up, grabbing an egg out of the kitchen on her way out the door.
She comes back in laughing so hard there are tears streaming down her face, and she has a bloody nose (You'll understand the bloody nose if you know me). We stare at her, and she shows a video she had someone take.
She egged Max, and he was showing the transfers how to dress. I crack up, and soon I'm rolling on the floor next to a very high on pop tarts Uriah. After all of our laughs are out we manage to get ourselves together, and continue.
Christina looks around the room, and points to me. "Chosen one, pick your fate!" She says to me in a very raspy, low voice. I chuckle at her and give her, her answer.
"I dare you to walk through the dining hall, and yell at any transfer that you see."
I raise an eyebrow at her request but get up to do it anyway. I walk through the dining hall and see absolutely no initiates, so I shrug and turn around again, still looking for more initiate on my walk back to Zeke's apartment.
I come back in, sitting back down next to Tobias, and they stare at me expectantly. I just shrug at them and say, "There weren't any initiates there, so I turned around and came back."
They all groaned and muttered multiple choruses of asking Christina why she picked that kind of dare. I silence them by sending them glares. Nobody messes with my bffl. Yes I said bffl. A very good dare pops into my head, and I jump up in excitement.
They stare at me expectantly, and I scream, "I DARE EVERYONE TO PLAY TWISTER! WHOEVER LOSES HAS TO RUN AROUND THE COMPOUND YELLING I'M A RAINBOW UNICORN, RIDE ME!" Everyone laughs but in the end agrees with me. I'm just that great.
Uriah, and Zeke set up two mats, Mar, Chris, Uriah, and Will on one. Me, Tobias, Shauna, and Zeke on the other. Lynn decided to be ref, and nobody wants to argue with Lynn so we let her do what she wants.
Finally the mats are set up, and Lynn spins the wheel. Left hand yellow, right foot blue, left foot green, right hand yellow. uh-oh. The last one would be a problem for Tobias. I smirk to myself. He ends up stretched right over me, hovering. I grin at him. He just shakes his head at me, and kisses my nose, making me scrunch up my face.
He chuckles at me, and the next move is read out by Lynn. Right hand, and left hand green. I frown, and slide myself under all three of them, and into a plank position with my hands on the colors. I grunt as I feel Zeke sit on me.
"I hope you don't mind," He says with a cheeky smile.
I think of a sweet revenge plan, and smile sweetly up at him. "No problem." I say. "Hope you don't mind, but I'm uncomfortable in this position." I tell him, and flip over so that my hands are now the opposite way they were a second ago. The sudden movement throws Zeke across the room, and into the couch.
What I told you I was strong, didn't I?