Pairing: Jake n Bella

(B n P & J n L) times

Rating: MA

Genre/Universe: Older, All Human, OOC, Romance, Drama

Summary: Fitness careers, fit friends, fit lives, doesn't always make us Fit For Love. They finally find each other, soul mates. But, when one of them pulls away, will the other survive the heartbreak ? And in the end, will whats left of them all, even be, Fit For Love ?

I'm over cannon-ish, wolfish, teeney bopper-ish, Jake n Bella. So, if you're looking for all that, its not gonna be in this story. Nope, not this time. This time around , I'm gonna have a little fun with Jake. He's not gonna be so damn perfect. Oh, he'll still be perfectly hottttt, and he's still "Our Jake' under it all, but...well, just hang on and have faith, okay?

Anybody like Jake a little bad?


In our all human world there's no imprinting, no sexy guys crawling through our windows pursuing us on a nightly basis. No "natural path" to jump on with the hunky boy next door. In fact, the search for "true love" a " happily ever after" is typically a difficult journey.

A goddamn epic effort sometimes, for us mere humans.

Our searches are filled with heart breaks, starting over, disappointments, disillusionment, even extreme loneliness in the midst of friends and family.

We lose bits of ourselves along the way and discover pieces we never knew we had. We get torn apart and rebuilt. Again, and again, and again.

Its how we become who we .. .become.

Even when we find "the one" things aren't always pure magic, or happily ever after stuff.

Sometimes, we think we just aren't ready. Sometimes, one is done waiting. Patience runs out, when its needed most.

"Forever" relationships take time, hard work, need building, need strong foundations - they require a lot of heart and commitment.

And, at the end of it all, it's a damn wonder if what's left of us is even Fit For Love.

CHAPTER 1 - Physically Fit

"C'mon Bella, don't be a fuckin tease."

Tension filled the air as he sat up in bed, jerking the hotel bedding across his waist.

Of course, she didn't want to know about the spectacular display of affection he was sporting for her this morning. She never did.

" I treat you like a goddamn princess, Bella. Why won't you be with me?" He hissed across the dark room.

Paul Lahote wasn't used to begging for it - not by any means.

Still drunk from the night before, he grabbed the warm beer bedside and chugged, hoping for a fucking epiphany to hit him as to how he could sway his beautiful, untouchable, friend to stay with him, to fuckin be with him.

Yeah, the one scrambling around in the darkness of his hotel room gathering her things.

He knew no amount of pleading was gonna work with her. But, he definitely had to give her props for self-discipline and commitment to her quest for "Mr. Right" instead of "Mr. Right Now".

He slammed the warm beer bottle down, scowling at its empty betrayal, then turning his attention back to her.

She turned the heads and held hearts prisoner of every man who got to know her. Even in these unkept hours of early morning, she radiated so much natural beauty and softness. Everything about her was soft, smooth, feminine. Her smile, that body, her gorgeous flowing hair. She was 5'7 with a mane of golden, auburn hair hanging to her waist in silky waves. Her coloring made her appearance glow - radiating all the warmth of the beautiful soul she was.

She was everything any real man wanted and a lot more.

More than he deserved, for sure. But, at least he'd made the journey and knew what he wanted. He knew what a gold mine she was, unlike the bozo's, 10 years younger who just couldn't commit. The ones that kept breaking her heart. Dumb-asses couldn't see how lucky they were, how they shoulda snatched her up when given the chance.

Another goddamn waste of a beautiful woman, he thought for the millionth time - thanks to the 2 clueless, cocksuckers before him.

"Fuck, Bella. 40-year-old women belong with 20-year-old guys, and 20-year-old girls belong with us 40-year-old guys...why can't you believe me on this shit!"

"Paul." she grunted hefting her over sized duffel on the foot of the bed.

"How many times..." she trailed off as she stuffed her pack with belongings. " How many times do we have to have this argument? Why do you always ruin everything with this, harassment?"

Glaring at each other for a moment, she sent up a silent plea he wouldn't respond explosively.

Long, loud sighs of exasperation broke their silent standoff.

"C'mere B." He urged, changing his tone drastically, patting the space next to him on the bed.

"I'll be good, promise." He even smiled holding his hands up in surrender. "Don't want you leaving again, all pissed off at me."

Pulling the zipper across her bag in finality, she walked over to his side of the bed, slowly, lowering herself, stiffly, on to the edge of the bed next to him.

"Look, I get it. I get you, I do." He reassured,taking her hand gently in his grasp. "It's just, you drive me and every other guy around you, fuckin crazy! You don't even know how much." He snorted shaking off the agitation before he leaned in and kissed her forehead.

Moving his hands to hold her face, their foreheads touching, he gently imparted; "When you give up on finding Prince Charming, come to me Bella, please. I have Prince Charming's bank account , and I will use every penny of it, making you happy."

Paul winked, as he released her knowing that didn't mean a damn thing to her.

"We gotta start looking for your woman." she teased as she stood, signaling her time to leave.

Sure he was good to her, like a big brother, a rich, big brother. They built their friendship from business dealings, and Paul immediately started blurring the lines. Paul's business was his life, so he didn't get all the boundaries she set up. He was used to girls throwing themselves at him, using him...getting his way with them.

"Look, I don't beg for it, I don't pay for it, and I don't wait forever - you know me Bella, so plan accordingly, sweetcheeks." He groaned swinging his legs off the bed, using all his energy to stand.

Maybe a view of what he had going for her might help...

"What? You're saying... I'll be cut off? No more friendship, no more jobs...?" She hated when he used coercion on her. She was the one female in his life that didn't use him, and he was always...

"Jez, Paul, cover that shit up!" She threw a wet towel at him, and dragged her duffel bag off the bed with a thud.

"Just, would hate to have to leave you out in the cold..that's all." He snorted indignantly.

"Whatever, Paul, be that way." She headed to the door dragging her stuff behind her.

Paul grabbed the towel pulling it in place over the stiffy he was rockin, then waited.

3, 2, 1...She turned at the door, right on que.

" I've never been anything but upfront and honest with you Paul. You call me, give me opportunities and I ALWAYS make sure what you expect up front! You always knew I was about the business and job at hand, while still being the friend you need! You know I was never one of the groupies. I always earn my keep on the road. You know where we stand if you want to hang with me. No pressure, no stupid stuff."

Annnnd, she wasn't talking just about the sex ,either, she felt like shouting back at him, as she headed for the door.

At 40, Paul partied like a 20-year-old and needed adult supervision at all times, and even, occasional resuscitation!

A successful music producer in Seattle, the sex, drugs and music were his for the taking and exploiting. And his appetite for such things was insatiable.

Definitely not B's lifestyle, she just loved the music...not to mention the freebies and wonderful opportunities Paul gave her working on tours. It was thrilling to get paid for supporting and promoting her favorite musicians. It was also a needed distraction in her new disciplines in life.

He knew everything she'd been through and the direction she chose to take. She'd been perfectly clear and up front - with everyone.

No more casual relationships. Her heart couldn't take it anymore. She was protecting her heart, mind and body for her soul mate.

Paul was supposed to be her friend. Protect her on the road, so she could feel safe doing what she loved, and what he needed her to do for his business.

The disappointment in him crushed her.

Good thing she was accustomed to that feeling, she thought pulling the door wide.

With a glance over her shoulder, and a hope of some redeeming words from him...

"Yawn" was his only reply to her, the trademark insult he used all the time to signal he was done with something.

Totally over it. Dismissed.

It was the only time he ever used it on her.


The phone was ringing off the hook.

She could hear it all the way in the parking lot as she ran towards the office entrance.


Jacob was gonna kill her for being late, again.

Wrestling the key in the front door she cursed, loudly "Damn, it's so rusty!"

With another curse and a kick, the door flew open.

A trip over the black rubber mats, diving across her desk, she grabbed the phone.

" Morning, Alpha Auto and Body Shop - Leah speaking how may I help you?" she burst breathlessly into the receiver.

"126 rings, Leah! What the fuuuuk... The night service goes off at 7 - that's the time you need to be IN there! " A deep voice growled on the other end of the connection.

"Morning to you too, boss." she groaned slumping sideways into her leather chair, flinging her giant purse on the desk.

After his 30th Birthday party last night, he couldn't possibly have enough energy for his typical ass chewing she thought with relief.

"Ya know...I was with you guys allll last night." she reminded curtly. " Hung right there with "you big dogs" even drove you "big dogs" home. So,why am I the only one here at 7...uh 7:13?" She complained ranking a sleepy hand thru her bed head hair-do.

"Because its Wednesday, Lee - hump day, our late open day. The reason we could even go out last night..." Jake's deep voice trailed off.

Silence crackled on the line.

His loud, barking laughter burst out over the phone as Leah buried her face in her free hand, groaning.

" You mean...its Wednesday..." She couldn't believe her stupidity.

"Yep! Looks like it..all day." He laughed harder.

"Then, why the hell were you calling so early if no one is supposed to be here?" She barked back.

"I forgot, too." He continued laughing at Leah.

"I'm putting the phone to voice-mail and taking a nap. In your office." she ground the warning thru gritted teeth.

"Sure, sure, whatever." He continued chuckling. "Seriously, LeeLee...I have to go into Seattle today. Picking up parts for the Audi and interviewing for that fitness coördinator job at that music production company."

"Oh yeah... the VIP job." She sat up taking stock of the organized chaos on her desk, shuffling thru papers. He needed...

"I need the address again, can you get that and text it to me?"

"Yeah, no problem." she sighed locating the paperwork, visualizing the leather couch she was heading for.

"Oh! and Jake?"


"Good luck with your first day of The 30th Birthday Pact."

Now, it was her turn to bust out laughing.

She could just picture his grating jaw and dark burning eyes as he scowled, "Very funny, Lee Lee."

"No, seriously...have you made any plans? Any preparations for this life altering event?" The giggles continuing as she prodded the bull.

" Like what? What do you propose for my plan of action?" His irritation bled thru the phone.

"Oh...I'd start with burning the "Big Black- Black Book'."

Loud laughter erupting from her, drowned out the creative use of vulgarity, he unleashed just for her as he hung the fuck up.


PWL Corporation, a state of the art, music management/production company and recording studio, located in the heart of Seattle, Washington.

An underground music mecca since the late 1970's.

Paul Lahote's empire.

As part of the health and fitness craze - Paul implemented all sorts of in house perks and bennies for his staff and talent. With the insane hours they kept, some things had to be brought in house to keep people happy. Keep people at work.

A state of the art fitness center, massage therapy, clinic, salon, and day care, were just for starters.

Besides constant improvements to the fitness facilities he'd built , he'd been interviewing a variety of fitness coordinators and personal trainers hoping to find a permanent fit for his people.

Bella was already on staff full-time as their yoga instructor, fitness consultant and certified masseuse.

At least he "owned" that much of her, he thought selfishly walking to the window in his office.

Bracing his forearms above his head along the window frame, he leaned his forehead against the glass looking down into the gym.

His hot breath, fogging the glass in rapid flares as he watched her.

It was B's lunchtime yoga class and she packed them in as usual.

Everyone loved B.

She was so fucking beautiful, inside and out.

Annnnnd, he was such a... dirty, old, sorry ass scum-bucket.

Loser material, alright.

He never worried about finding anyone special, settling down, giving a woman any serious consideration. Not. Ever. Now, he was outta time, his youth used up, wasted on the wrong fucking concept of what the good life was. He had nothing, in spite of having every THING.

The one thing he wanted most, the one person he'd give it all up for, and ...fuck!

He just needed to be satisfied she would be his friend and hang out with him. He knew her story, and she deserved every bit of the fairy tale she was chasing. He couldn't blame her a bit for writing all the scum sucking, cock suckers off her radar. Smart girl. Hell, if he was 30 again, he'd hand it all to her on a silver platter without a moment's regret or hesitation.

Yep! She was the real deal. That diamond in the rough every guy dreamed of. Too bad none of them would realize that truth until they were in his 40-year-old shoes. Too bad he couldn't save her the pain of that shit either.

Forcing himself away from the window, he fished the iPhone from his pocket and began his typical daily workout. Pacing his office rug as he worked the damn phone, furiously with his fingers.

"Carol? its me. Put a bonus in B's check this week."

"The usual? "Sorry, I was an Ass this Week" kinda bonus?" Carol scoffed at her boss.

"You know me so well." he snarled in return.

"Yawn." Carol laughed as she hung up on him.

The intercom on his desk beeped - " Mr. Black is here, Mr. Lahote"

"Send him in." He barked tossing the iPhone to his desk.

His office door swung open and jeezus... Paul stopped short, about choked on his own teeth. No fucking wonder the girls insisted on this one.

The guy filling his doorway was the epitome of physical perfection.

Tall, Dark, Handsome, Young, built like a 300 warrior, jezzuseffnchrist.

The guy looked un-naturally - natural, he accessed. No roids no overdone musculature, no tanning sprays or salon treatments, no cosmetic surgery.

Just 100 % male perfection...the mutherfucker.

"Jacob Black" His guest reached forward with a palm the size of a Mariners catcher's mitt introducing himself with a voice that melted panties ... for fucking sure.

"Jake!" he grabbed for the shake as hard as he could, pulling out of his mind fuck. "Paul Lahote, good to meet you. Have a seat." He waved Jake down to the chair near his desk.

"So..." He started, nervously, twiddling his thumbs around - never again would his office staff suggest fitness candidates, he thought gruffly as he eyeballed Mr Physically Fuckin Fit, sittin pretty here in his office.

"So..." Jake prompted, looking around the office trying to escape the hairy eyeball he was getting. "you need a personal trainer in-house?"

"Yep..." Paul nodded trying not to be totally intimidated by the guy in front of him.

"As you can see, I don't work out myself...too damn busy, but I gotta offer these things to my staff, so they stay healthy and happy."

"What do you have in place so far?" Jake asked faking interested banter.

Paul jumped up, motioning Jake to follow as he headed to the window on the far wall of his office.

"State of the art gym and physical training center for starters." he nodded leaning against the window.

"Wow that's an impressive lunchtime crowd." Jake complimented, his eyes roaming the facilities, scanning the impressive crowd below.

"That turn out is because of our yoga program... because of her."

They watched in silence as Bella ran her class through the end of the routine. Her perfect body stretching and folding, bending...revealing every sexy curve, every ounce of perfection she was.

"Is she any good? " Jake's deep, panty melting voice mumbled against the glass in foggy breaths - as they watched captive - the fluid, hypnotizing movements of the most beautiful yoga instructor either man would ever know.

"She's NOT like that, Black." Paul turned crossing his arms in front of his chest , shoulder leaned into the window glaring at the guy.

Jake snapped up from the window. "Shit! That's not what I meant. No way..totally, wrong impression.." he stammered. " I meant is she any good as a teacher? Ya know? A good reputation, certified, training background and all that."

"Of course, she is. She's the best." He glared, uncrossing his arms and legs, taking off across the room for his desk.

Jake hesitated , resisting the pull to look again, he wasn't done taking in the beauty below. Just one more dose he thought glancing nonchalantly over his shoulder.

"What about you, Black? Tell me about you." He motioned for Jake to sit back down.

"Awww, Yeah." He recovered dragging a hand through his hair as he walked back to the chair. He settled in against the leather, trying to relax a bit.

" Grew up on LaPush reservation, went to Peninsula Community College , got a master automotive certification, then 2 years at Seattle for my business degree. Physical Training was my minor course study. My buddies and I inherited a big automotive shop just outside the rez. We'd all worked at Old Man Grady's place since we could sling a wrench. He died leaving the place to us. The business is our lives, well, my life anyway" He snorted thinking of the shit he went through sometimes with the guys.

" We've grown like crazy, expanded things. A year ago, we rehabbed some old space we weren't using that was once used for body work. We set up our gym equipment in the old "Body Shop", cuz, like you, we spent so much time at work...well anyway, people started hanging around and before long I organized classes for people interested in getting in shape with us. People are interested in paying for personal trainers and having a place to train. So, Alpha Auto and Body Shop was born." he shrugged finishing up his speech.

"So, the Body part of your shop is a fitness training center?" Paul grinned leaning forward. "Pretty brilliant...explains the shirt.." He nodded, dropping his eyes to Jake's shirt.

"What does it say?" he squinted, inclining his head sideways.

"Umm...Work Hard..*cough*..Play Hard..Stay Hard. Alpha Auto & Body Shop." Jake recited, a bit embarrassed.

"Love it." Paul barked out a laugh, leaning back in his chair, fingers laced behind his head, taking it all in.

"Yeah, its been fun, the play on words, creating the business, it's all been really great."

"I can imagine. A shop full of you...word must get around'

The intercom beeped loudly on his desk.

"What's up, Janice?"

" Ummmmm, uhhhhhh..." she hesitated nervously. Paul rolled his eyes repeating;

"What Janice?"

"Um, there's to see Mr. Black...whenever you're done."

Rising slowly from his desk, Paul eyed Jacob questioningly.

When he headed towards the door, Jake followed in a hurry.

His outer office filled with squeals and giggles, from his staff and a roomful of visitors.




They were waving issues of Fit Magazine with him on the cover and calendars from his shop.

"You have fans?" Paul questioned his eyebrows shooting into his hairline.

"Apparently...sometimes.." Jake blushed a bit grinning back at the girls reception.

" I was, kinda, just nominated one of the Ten Most Eligible Bachelors in Seattle, by Seattle Fit Magazine." he shrugged, failing miserably at hiding his gleaming smile.

"Reeeally? That, would make me blush too, Black. You better take care of 'em." He directed holding the door wide for Jake to pass.

"You're lucky I know the value of a fan base." he mumbled shaking his head as he closed the door against Jake Black and a torrent of squeals and screams.


An hour later, they strode quickly thru the parking garage, both men late for their next appointments.

"It was great meeting you." Jake turned to shake hands as he came up on his Harley.

"You too, Black. Craziest damn interview I ever had with someone NOT in one of my bands." Paul chuckled, shaking swiftly. " Janice will be in touch with you on the job details."

"Uhggg! Damn it!"

A voice much too sweet for cussing echoed thru the garage from the left.

Both men turned to the sound as a female came stomping from behind the concrete pillar of parking section C.

"B! what's wrong?" Paul demanded stepping forward to meet her as she approached.

" My freaking scooter won't start!" she huffed, fingers flying across her IPhone.

"The battery's been acting up. I should've replaced it last week." She grumbled, placing the phone to her ear. She eyed Jacob with curiosity, glancing quickly between the two men as they came to a stop in front of her. Paul never, introduced her to the hot guys he hung out with -

"Who are you calling?" Paul demanded again, his possessiveness of her leaking out.

" Russell. His class is ending now, he could come get me."

Paul glanced at his watch. "Shit. I'm late B - have a new contract to sign. You be ok?" He grunted and headed off across the garage before she could answer.

"Jacob! A damsel in distress! Totally worth saving!" He shouted across the garage.

"Go! I'll be fine" she grumbled waving him off. "Oh! Wait! Paul! You owe me an apology for this morning." she shouted after him.

" It's in your next check, woman!" Beeps from the security system on his car echoed in the garage, he ducked into a black Maserati.

"Figures." she mumbled ending the call and tucking her phone away.

They stood awkwardly as he drove away. The deafening noise of his high performance engine filling the space, and their ears.

Silence quickly settled between them in the vast garage

Bella was never shy by any means, but this guy had her pulse racing.

She could feel his eyes on her as he stood behind her to the left.

She rubbed her hands nervously over her thighs and turned to meet him.

"So, I'm Bella Swan." she announced thrusting a hand at the stranger.

She forced herself to make eye contact when she heard his deep sexy voice rumble up around her.

"Hey, Bella Swan, I'm Jacob. Jacob Black" He grinned capturing her eyes as he took her hand.

The contact was, exhilarating... her breath, escaping in a rush, left her a bit dizzy and short on words...properly formed words, that is.

To her credit, a few syllables and animal sounds did make it out of her mouth.

He, seemed to enjoy them, immensely.

"Knight on a shining Harley, at your service, o' damsel in distress."

He bowed theatrically, continuing his seduction with a lusting glance and a gleaming smile. Lifting her hand to his mouth, he warmed her completely with a tender kiss perfectly placed. Then, turning her hand as she gasped, he softly peeled her fingers open, returning his lips to her palm. With a flick of his tongue he left her a final kiss along with his panty melting smile.

Tingly, goose bumps flooded her body. Her heart pounding in sweet anticipation. He head swam as she felt herself slipping into gooey...chicked out...

"Right!" she snapped, pulling her hand free of his grasp, and stumbling back a few feet.

The effort to shake him off was visible. As well as the effect he had on her.

He chuckled deep, the sound echoing in her ears, as his hands buried themselves into his pockets.

She crossed her arms and lifted a perfectly trim brow, regarding him with extreme caution.

"So, a Knight on a shining Harley? What do you know about Harley D. Scooters?"