Author's note:

Well everyone, we did it. It's been almost 50 chapters and we've come a long way since September 4th, 2013. The entirety of this story took a much different route from the original planning period, but we are 110% satisfied with what we've wrote.

We want to thank everyone for their continued support, the reviews and the favorites. Without you, this Author's note may never have even been wrote. The dedication of our readers and the support of our family and friends have pushed us to be better writer's and improved out storytelling abilities.

This is the end of Sculpted Shadows and the last page is being turned and the book is being closed, but this is not the end of Jace and Liliana's story. We look forward to seeing you all in the sequel, Sculpted Shadows: The Tear.

Thank you,


(Jace Beleren)

We stood in the veranda, overlooking the Selesnya guildhall as the hulking man stood near us. It had been nearly a month or so and finally the meetings with the guilds were finally over. We had just left the final meeting with Trostani and Emmara, as well as the other representatives who spoke for the Selesnyians, when we were informed Garruk was leaving. They were unable to completely cure him of the curse, so he is going to find another means to fix himself. His pursuit of Liliana has made him crazed and desperate, but no matter what acts he commits against her or myself, the curse would not be lifted by her.

"Witch, once more: remove the curse you've plagued me with and let us finally be done with this," Garruk's deep, gruff voice rang out.

"Beast Mage, even if I wanted to help you, I cannot. The curse I put on you can't be lifted by my own hand," my wife's delicate and very carefully controlled voice now filled my ears. She was up to something, but what, I did not know.

I could tell the weariness in her voice on top of her tone. She may have the ability to hide it from others, but not me. She was tired of running from Garruk. Since her errand for Kothophed, Garruk has been chasing her, relentlessly and each time he had gotten a little closer until she wound up on my door step, a year ago. I'm glad she came to when she did. It would've eventually come down to one of them dying and it would be him, if I had anything to do with it.

"How do I know this isn't a lie? Another one of your tricks to throw me off?!" He roared, approaching threateningly.

"Oooh, I'm so scared, what are you going to do big man? I'm just a helpless, innocent woman," Liliana said mockingly.

He roared in retaliation once more and got closer. However, this time I stepped up.

"Garruk, you've been pursuing her for a long time. We do not have to rehash the events that brought this rivalry, but no more threats will be made as long as she is my wife! If she can't reverse it, then she can't reverse it," I stepped closer to him, "but Garruk, threaten my wife once more, come to Ravnica in pursuit of her ever again and there will be one less Planeswalker in the multiverse."

"Are you threatening me, Jace?" He said, the slow ebb of energy leaking from him.

"No, I am making you a promise," making sure that he understood I meant business.

A moment of silence passed between us, the sun slowly setting in the distance. The wind blew gently, my hair kicking slightly in the cool breeze. The bustle fr the Ravnican populace continued, the sound filling the air with a slight buzz. To them, our meeting on this lonely cliff side hill was nothing, nor did any know we were here. A small bench with a shade on it, sat off to the side of the side. Railing ran the length protecting anyone from falling off and meeting a very painful end In the street below. A monument had been erected her, once again honoring the guilds. It was a piece of stone, four feet tall and four feet wide, with elaborate columns. The stone had been dyed the Colors of the guilds sigils where they been placed and an inscription had been embossed on the stone.

Yet all of this mattered to none of us at the end of the day, and to those whom the stone mattered, we did not. Inevitably, we were just wanderers in the multiverse, no home, no family and very little friends. We had nothing to hold onto except our lives and few possessions that could go with us through the Blind Eterneties. To those who do not possess the spark, they would never know our pain, or the hardships we face. To them, at face value, we were just some other people, meeting on a hill, facing our own problems. However, none of them would also be aware of the power we possess or the scope of how strong we truly are.

"So, I see where we stand, Jace."

"Yes, Garruk. At one point I would have gladly helped you, tried to find a solution, but those years ago when you showed up, looking for Lili, you stopped all that. You have threatened my life twice now and when she wasn't with me, you nearly killed her several times. There were things you could've done differently, but didn't. Don't think I'm not aware of what you did on Telavia, because I am. You've threatened her, almost killed us both, so that's where I stand."

"I know you sent me on a wild goose chase, Jace. Don't think I didn't figure it out once I got there. Because, in this situation, you've duh you're own grave and now you must lie I it."

"Really? Perhaps I should bury you right now, I wouldn't mind a new thrall to add to my army!" Lili's power ebbed from her now, the poison on her words. However, instead of the usual darkness and power from the swamps and marshlands, there was also a primal, feral aspect to her. Almost as if she had tapped into a source of power I never thought she would use. Did she really embrace that brand of power so easily? She had never mentioned this to me before. In fact, since the maze, I had not tasted her magic at all and it has remained dormant.

"Perhaps, I should have taken your head as a trophy, Necromacer!" He roared, the same energy that Lili was using flares from Garruk. I cannot allow a fight between these two to break out.

"Well, it isn't like you didn't try and fail," Lili starts.

With a gentle touch of my aura, I press pressure on Garruk, severely restricting his passage to Lili. "That's enough, Garruk. Leave Ravnica and never come back to this plane. If you do, I will personally make you dust in the eternities myself," I told him.

"Fine, but understand," he roared, not really backing off, but maintaining the threatening composure, "If I catch you on another plane, be sure to watch your back, Witch."

"Been a pleasure, beast man. Do me a favor and die like a dog," she chimed at him in a sing-song voice.

And with that, Garruk was gone. I heaved a heavy breath, my shoulders going slack.

"Finally. Maybe we can get some peace," I turned and her lips were instantly on mine. My hands found her delicate waist and came to rest on the small of her back, pulling her in deeply, strengthening the kiss. The kids was heavy with passion, the sweet lavender smell from her hair filled my nose and it was intoxicating. We pulled from the kiss, smiles wide on our face.

"I love you, Lili."

"I love you, Jace."

Our fingers intertwined and she rested her head on my shoulder, watching the sun drop lower and lower in the horizon. It had been a very long time since we've felt this sense of peace, finally glad to have the majority of troubles behind us. It was strange, this feeling be able to feel this relaxed and calm about things and not feel like a massive weight was on our chests. We still had the demons to worry about and of course my position as Guildpact, but that's all one day at a time.


"Yes, my love?"

"You lied to him about knowing how to reverse it, didn't you?"

"Of course."

"Thought so."

"Jace, I have something to tell you," she said, turning to face me and grabbing both my hands.

"What is it?"

She looked at me, her violet eyes shining in the dusk of Ravnica, he long wavy black hair gently lifting in the cool breeze and a smile on her face. "I'm pregnant," she said.

The words filled my chest with happiness and my heartbeat quickened. I couldn't believe it, we were going to be parents! My lips stretched into a wide smile and I latched into hers, lifting her in the air. I twirled her around and kissed her deeply and set her down. We both smiled into the kisses and a light laughter left her throat.

"I love you, Liliana Beleren."

"I love you, Jace Beleren. Parents. I can't believe it."

"Me either, love. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"As long as it's with you."

We kissed once more, not paying attention to our surroundings.

Suddenly, we heard the familiar crack as a door to the eternities opened up. We didn't pay the source much attention as the majority of our friends are planeswalkers and anyone of ten could just be showing up. Plus, Garruk wouldn't dare show his face, at least not yet.

"It cannot be," a gruff, deep voice called out.

We broke the hug to turn and see who are guest was. Lilliana's face turned stark white, as if she's seen a ghost. I didn't recognized the man, but something told me she knew him far to well. The man was approximately six feet and seven inches tall. He was smaller than Garruk, but taller than Gideon. From underneath his shirt muscles ripped through, indicating he was physically strong and definitely not a pushover. His hair was very similar to Lili's, but was pulled back into a low ponytail that looked to rest against his collar and touched the massive sword he wore on his back. He had the same olive skin tone as Liliana, and had a thick goatee and a slight beard. His clothers were a black tunic and pants, with a dark brown pair of boots for the pants to be tucked into. He wore fingerless gloves that attached to his steel gauntlets. The grieves on his boots were the same metal and a silver belt buckle was adorned with a beast of some sort. Across his chest was a worn leather strap with pockets and under that strap you could make out a leather vest, that appeared to have seen better days, but was still just as hardy as the day it was woven. However, the most distinguishing features is the sharp green stripes running through the edges of his clothing on the seams. The final noticeable thing was the knife strapped to his side that looked like a wolf's tooth.

"It has been a very, very long time, Lili," his deep voice called out. He began to close the some fifty feet between us. His eyes were the same striking violet as Liliana's and just as shape. He looked directly at me and his eyes seemed to have a slight green ring slowly forming around his eyes.

"Excuse me, but do we know you?" I said, getting on the defensive. The wells of mana within me began to awaken and stir as I tapped into the strength of water and the oceans of Ravnica.

"This does not concern you, little man," he snapped, icy sting to his words.

"She is my wife, any business you have with her, you have with me."

"Jace, I know him."

At that instant a snap could be heard as a swirl of green and black mist slowly and steadily formed next to him. The mists formed a black wolf, with glowing green eyes and stood just under his chest.

"You know this brute?" I turned to her in disbelief.

"Osu, it can't be."

"Wait, you mean Josu? Like, the story you told me, Josu?"

"It's been a long time, little sister."

To be continued.