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Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom.

Valerie POV:

Blink. Wow.

" 'Oh. Yeah. Totally. Whatever?' No! Ugh! You frustrate me!" I couldn't believe him. I just couldn't.

I caught Dani shoot a blast of ectoplasm towards Phantom's butt. Hehe. That brought thoughts to my mind. Wait. Ew, Valerie! What am I thinking? Focus!

"Ow! Uh, I mean…Ah! Oh, please oh great one! I…beg of you…do not turn me in! Seriously."

Dani and I rolled our eyes. "Well, I think I know what you weren't in your past life. A good actor."

Dani hid a snicker behind her gloved hand.

"Ha ha. Just saying, everything she says about me reflects right back to you." Phantom smirked once Dani stopped snickering to shoot him a glare.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I was so freaking confused. And frustrated. Confused and frustrated.

"Um…well uh…Dani is my…cousin of course…and we kind of grew up together. We come from the same back ground, and we were raised the same. And acting does not run in the family."

I raised my eyebrow. "I don't know about it not running in the family, but it certainly does not run in your veins. I'm not buying your story Phantom."

Dani heaved a sigh. "Oh come on Danny! Just tell her! She wont try to destroy you!"

"Not now Danielle! This is grown up stuff." Phantom's attention left me to reprimand his cousin.

Dani scoffed. "You're only two years older than me! Gosh, you sound like your sister."

Sister? Ugh, there's another Phantom! I didn't even know ghosts could have families. Here I am, learning so much. Yet, I'm learning so little.

Phantom looked slightly offended. "I do not sound like my sister! She's almost as crazy as my parents, and can't catch a single ghost like them either."

"She caught you just fine. What does that say about you?" Dani retorted.

"Oh my goodness, you're annoying me. No, I'm not going to tell Valerie!"

Wow. It was like I wasn't even there.

"I'm sorry Danny. I don't like fighting with you. Keep your stupid secret." Dani hugged Phantom.

At first Phantom seemed taken aback, but then he hugged back. "Thanks."

They seemed to remember that I was in the same room, and stared at me. "So…look I'll tell you later. But, honestly right now my secret is not what we need to be worrying about. It's Vlad and his freaking clones."

I accepted this. "You said he wants you to be his apprentice? Ok, well why doesn't he just get another ghost? What makes you so special? Sorry, but I'm aware you're not the most powerful ghost."

Dani opened her mouth, but then closed it quickly. She looked almost as frustrated as I felt.

"Vlad thinks of me as his…son kind of. He hates my dad, and is in love with my mother. And…we're…more alike than you think." Phantom paused before adding, "Don't think too deeply on that."

"Mom, dad, sister, cousin? Next you're gonna tell me you have a kid!" This new knowledge really got to me.

Dani looked thoughtful. "Well…depending on how you look at it…"

All I could do was stare at Phantom like a deer in headlights.

"Ew! No! No! Danielle, don't even think about it! No!" Phantom was grossed out. And I couldn't even enjoy it. All I could think about was Phantom having a kid. He was fourteen, right? At least he was physically. Who knows how many years he's been floating around?

"Hey! You think I want you as a father? I'd rather be the daughter of Mr. Fenton." Dani smirked as she said that, probably to annoy Phantom.

But Phantom only smirked. "Well…"

"Oh." Dani looked like she'd definitely been defeated in a battle. Too bad I was too stupid to understand.

Why would Dani be Phantom's daughter? Maybe I misunderstood that. But first, "Why would Dani be your daughter?"

"Ugh, questions. Questions. Questions. Why can't you just accept 'not enough information'?" Phantom was annoyed with me? The feeling was mutual.

"Because I'm not mindless! Just tell me!" You know that level of frustration where you feel like crying? I was entering it. Nope, I already entered it.

"Wow. Chicks are emotional. And they call guys hormonal?" I could tell Phantom was uncomfortable, but I was pissed.

"I am not emotional, I'm just frustrated! I don't even care anymore, I should just leave." I didn't want to deal with the secrecy anymore, but I couldn't leave. I desperately wanted to get my revenge on Masters, even if it was helping Phantom.

"Don't leave Valerie! We need you!" Dani big, ember eyes bored their holes into mine while she grabbed me tightly around the waist. Why was a twelve year old that freaking strong?

"Vlad tried to clone me before." Phantom didn't meet my eyes, but he finally seemed to be opening up.

"The one successful clone he made wasn't what he wanted. He wanted a son, but somehow he ended up making a girl. It didn't help that she was also unstable." Phantom gave a nervous smile. "So yeah, I guess you could say Dani's my daughter." His smile vanished. "But please don't! If anything she's my little sister."

"But…are you half…?" Great. Way to make me feel guilty.

"No! Umm that was one of Dani's imperfections." Phantom looked away. "Anyway, we need to get out of here."

For some reason, I couldn't believe him. Maybe it was because I was smarter than the average person. Maybe it was because of my acute intuition skills. Or maybe it was just because he was in dire need of acting lessons.

I hope you absolutely LOVED this chapter! Also if you have any ideas you would like to add, feel free to review them! I would love your help!