Notes: /Blah/ Bumblebee speaking; Raf translating. So, enjoy!


Bumblebee turned to Miko and tilted his head.

"What is one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up?"

/You don't want to know./

After a long silence, Miko asked, "Where did you grow up?"

/In alot of different places. We'd move frequently because the town we stayed in would get destroyed or my sire would lose his job./

"What was your childhood like?"

/It wasn't all that bad, considering. We didn't offline quickly, and we didn't get hurt too often./

"Who were your favorite relatives?"

/I don't have any, I liked them all./

"Do you remember any of the stories they used to tell you?"

/Actually... we never really had any time for stories./

"How would you describe yourself as a child? Were you happy? What is your best memory of childhood? Worst?"

/I guess I was a little feisty when I was a sparkling... Yes, I was happy. My creators always made sure we were as happy as we could be in our situation. I don't really have a 'best' memory... but the worst one is watching Cybertron go dark./

"What would you ask your mom if he or she were here today?"

/If he was proud of what I've become./