Phantom is a newly born red eyed vampire and after travelling/trying to find a place to call his own, he settles in the Forrest outside of the small town of Amity.

A/N: I stopped reading Attack on Titan to write this lovely prompt Swaqdanny gave me. Maybe my dream was trying to tell me something. Or maybe I'm just a glutton for tired fingers and plot bunnies jumping around. Needless to say, I hope I don't disappoint with this. This is why I am not allowed to have nice dreams Swaqqy.

Prologue-Nights Like This Are Why I Have No Friends

Phantom couldn't help but awake at night feeling extremely thirsty. He tried to ignore it for a few days now, but every time he woke up, he felt like he was about to go crazy. Phantom had no clue why he felt so thirsty, he drank enough water to feed a camel. However, every day that passed, the water seemed to be harder and harder to get down.

What was wrong with him? Phantom ran his fighters through his silver hair and sighed. He threw his blankets off of him and sat on the edge of his bed, wondering if he really wanted to go downstairs and into the kitchen for water he would have to force down. He swallowed the saliva that started to form in his mouth...but why was he producing saliva in the first place? It wasn't like he smelled something was two in the morning, no one should be up at this hour.

Phantom stood up and walked toward the door to his bedroom and stopped. The smell was stronger now. The bathroom light was on and he heard a female voice cursing and water running. Curiosity getting the better of him, Phantom quietly opened the bathroom door to find his sister disinfecting some sort of wound on her hand.

Phantom's eyes couldn't help but watch as the bright red liquid was washed down the drain, a small whine escaping his throat without him being conscious of it. That was when his sister turned around, her heartbeat quickening. She didn't even see him come in, and the mirror was right in front of the door!

"Phantom, what are you awake?" His sister asked as she turned off the water and dried her hands.

"Thirsty." Was all the silver haired boy replied. He didn't notice how his canines grew longer or how his eyes became half-lidded. All he could focus on was the lovely beat of his sisters heart and the smell of her blood.

Yes, he was now certain that was what he had smelled when he first woke up. But how? When he cut his finger a week ago he wasn't able to smell anything. In fact, he didn't remember blood ever having a smell that he remembered. But here he was, walking closer to his sister and panting.

Through the crack in his lips, Phantoms sister could see his fangs. Fangs she never remembered her brother having. She started to pain as soon as she saw her brothers emerald green eyes turn a bright red and her heart started to spazz out. Of course, Phantom smiled as he heard his sisters heartbeat pick up. Phantom reached out for her hand and pulled her close. The smell was stronger now, almost completely consuming him. He had no clue what came over him as he tilted his sisters head to the side, effectively exposing her neck.

Phantom licked along his sisters carotid artery, enjoying the feel of the blood being moved underneath. Blood that was forced to go everywhere in the body by one powerful beat of the heart. In an instant, his fangs dug into her neck, silencing the small gasp he heard. Blood began to pool around his fangs as he sucked, some even escaped his lips and ran down his chin.

And for once the thirst was being driven away. Sweet lord, he was able to think without being driven crazy! The more he drank, the more the thirst went away, and pretty soon his sister sat motionless in his arms. He gave one final suck and pulled away, unaware that his sister was now dead thanks to him. Phantom left her there and headed for his parents room.

He was still thirsty after all.