I found this in my drafts, and I'm really not sure why it exists. It's not a complete scene and I wrote it in 2013, but I'm gonna include it as a "bonus scene" anyway.

She ran down the corridor, trying and failing and trying and failing. She couldn't stop the thoughts, the fears, the inadequacies.

His voice, "Belle, I'm sorry. Belle, I am ashamed. Belle… Belle."

She couldn't see for the tears in her eyes, she couldn't think past her mistake. She really fucked it up this time. She had to fix it, she had to. Terrance was important to her, he was her everything. He had cared for her when no one bothered to spit in her direction. And he had been hurt so much, so much in his life. She wanted to be there for him as he had for her. She would fix this, she had to. She had to.

The doors and walls blurred past her, everything blending into a sickly color. She tried a door, but realized it was the wrong one and escaped to another. This one was right, it was what she wanted. She had found her long lasting friend; the library. She rummaged through the books, pulling them off shelves and discarding them in her haste. Normally she couldn't stand to treat her companions this way, but she had to fix this! She had to fix it now! God, what went wrong, what went wrong? She kept pulling and pulling, then finally found something that might actually help her.

Books were her teachers; they gave her knowledge when she needed it. People had never been around for her, and her father gave her all the best answers he could, but he had never had a decent education. Try as he might, he did not in fact have all the answers to life. This book though, it looked like it had some answers for her. With a red cover and gold lettering, Mistress to an Angel looked promising. Vowing to come back and replace the books later, she took a seat at her favorite couch by the window and started to read.

"Alright, alright, ahh." Lumiere sighed and rubbed his face from where he was pacing by the window. "Tell me again what happened. Try to calm yourself Terrance, it's hard to understand you when you growl between your words."

Terrance just slumped further in his high backed chair. It was comfortable and sat in his well-kept office, and the fact that it remained intact through his fits of rage as an animal was testimony to how often it was used. But he didn't care about any of that now, not even the fact that he looked like a petulant child.

He rumbled a little but managed to get most of his words out. He recounted what had happened that morning with Belle in the bathroom and then what followed in the bedroom.

"I think…God, I think I hurt her Lumiere. She seemed like she wanted it too, then she tensed under me and she had the most awful look on her face…" The pain ripped through him anew at the memory of it. If there was a way for him to take all the discomforts she would ever experience in her life and put them on himself, he would. If anyone deserved it, he did.

Lumiere gave him a hard look, no doubt contemplating how to tell him what a fuck-up he was. And he would have to agree with him. He coughed to try and ease the tightness in his throat.