Author's Note: Hi. This is the last chapter. I'd like to give everyone a big author kiss for reading! This has been, by far, the most fun story I've ever written. Evil Harry and insane Hermione has been a joy to write. Thank you so much for the reviews. They make me feel all happy inside! It feels very sad to end this, but I have to, or I'll never be able to start my next story. So thank you, and enjoy the last chapter of "The Boy Who Died."

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I can see you there, waiting. You want to know what becomes of me, how my story ends. Waiting for that happy, sunshine-and-daisies ending? It's not coming. I don't go good again. I kill and I destroy. And it makes me happy.

I was Harry Potter! Champion of all that is good and noble! And now I'm the Hanged Man, the opposite of my former self. I killed Hermione; together we killed Ginny; Ginny killed Draco. Together we killed hundreds, and we did it singing.

I tried the noble Severus Snape route. But I'd killed for far too long to suddenly become a virtuous vampire. You can only deny who you are for so long. After a while, you have to be who you truly are: a killer.

I bet you're disappointed in me. Oh, I shed a sarcastic tear. But I suppose you're tired of my rambling.

After I returned, I never heard from Voldemort again. He apparently had no need for dirty vampires like myself in his plans for world domination. He nearly succeeded- but that's a different story.

I became the Second again. Hermione, Draco, Ginny and I continued to live in the mansion. The best part, of course, was being with my Princess. They say vampires can't love; what fools. Vampires retain their human souls, so of course they can love. Just because one is a hunter doesn't mean one cannot feel compassion. Especially if the compassion is felt towards Hermione, the most radiant, vicious goddess ever to walk this earth.

So together the four of us hunted, and together Hermione and I were lovers. But between my favorite pastimes, I realized something was missing from my life. I had a beautiful lover, and power. That was what I longed for. Now I had it- and it was empty. Power doesn't make you happy; there are more important things.

I had no friends. You couldn't have a conversation with Hermione; she was good at loving and killing, but couldn't sit still for long. I do still regret driving her insane sometimes. Draco was far too afraid of me to keep up a conversation; probably thought I'd cut out his heart if he disagreed with me. And Ginny was too devoted to her poor, wounded Draco to actually have a personality.

So I decided to find myself a best friend. I knew just where to look.

* * *

Hogsmeade. A cute little town. Frequent visiting stop for wizards in England. Especially for the Weasleys twins, who opened their joke shop there several months ago. Now that it was the summer holidays, their younger brother had gotten a job there.

Cloaked in invisibility, I watched Ron lock the cash register. He'd been a good friend to me, I remembered. No one I counted on more than him. So now I'd do him a favor; give him eternal life.

He walked out of the store, walking through the balmy Hogsmeade streets to his brothers' house as the sky darkened. I, cloaked in power, snuck into his mind. ~Ron~, I whispered. The red-haired boy turned around, but found no one. "Did someone- no," he said quickly, turning back around.

~Come meet me in the alley, Ron~, I commanded, stepping between a robe shop and an apothecary. Ron, looking quite baffled, followed my command. Once he reached the alleyway, he looked around curiously. I let go of my power, and became visible.

"You!" Ron called out, looking at me with bitter hatred and cold fear. He backed away from me, into the alley wall.

~Freeze~, I ordered Ron. He froze, and suddenly I remembered the day I was turned, nearly two years ago. Ron's face was most likely identical to mine; part fear, part shock. part effort in trying to move.

"If you relax," I told Ron as my teeth lengthened and my hunger escalated, "it won't hurt." I nipped his neck, losing myself in the taste of his blood. I heard him cry out, but didn't stop to console him. Once again, I was reminded of what I had become.

After what seemed like hours, I pulled away from Ron's neck. "You bastard," I heard Ron mutter. "I'll never kill, never."

I grinned. "Of course you will, you stupid git." With my dagger I slit my wrist and put it in Ron's mouth. He fought defiantly, trying to stop from swallowing the blood, but in the end his head slumped to the ground, and blood covered his mouth.

With ease I picked up his body. By sunrise he'd be awake, with no memory of anything. I never did tell him who he was, or why he looked so similar to my mate's fledgling, Ginny. Ron was as good a hunter as I was, and found a mate in some French witch a year after he was turned. But we remained best friends, until the end.

And that's how it ends. We are vampires. We live forever.

Be seeing you soon.