No use denying it. Bechloe started my Fanfiction career, but Aubrey is officially my favorite.

Chloe pranced to the living room, looking triumphant and pleased with herself.

"Sunshine, we love you, but you're blocking the telly," Beca intoned from the couch.

But Chloe turned the TV off instead, cutting off whatever remarks Beca had in mind with a knowing smirk. Aubrey, already falling asleep with her head on Beca's lap, opened her eyes. "What's going on?"

"Lady and equally-hot lady," Chloe announced, drawing herself up to her full height and gesturing at Beca and Aubrey in turn, "I HAVE TICKETS TO EQUUS!"

Aubrey leapt up with a squeal and hugged Chloe. The two screeched like The Beatles just landed, then jumped up and down, then shook each other's shoulders, then screamed shrilly again. Beca watched the odd scene, half-baffled, half-amused.

"Oh my god, Chlo, the one starring Daniel Radcliffe?!" Aubrey asked breathlessly.


"Aca-awesome! When?"

"Two months from now! We can still book cheap flights to Broadway!"


Beca raised her eyebrow. Aubrey only swore in two situations: when she was angry, and when she was thinking/having sex. Since the blonde seemed jubilant, Beca had a pretty good guess.

Her musings were quickly confirmed by Chloe's next statement.

"Bree, do you think Daniel Radcliffe would be naked?!"

Aubrey's eyes went wide. "Babe, get out of my brain!"

At that, Beca couldn't contain herself any longer. "Hate to interrupt the panty-wetting session, but what the hell is Equus?"

Chloe's jaw dropped open. "Beca – have you been living under a rock?"

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Beca? Equus is a play about a man who has a religious, insane fascination with horses."

Beca snorted. "Wow. I'm shitting myself in excitement."

"Aww, Bree, you can't be the advertiser in our bunch," Chloe consoled Aubrey, who shot Beca an icy glare. "Equus talks about the line between love and madness, religious adoration and sexual attraction, passion and dissatisfaction –"

"And someone has been reading too much romantic novels," Aubrey huffed, albeit fondly, as she pulled Chloe closer and kissed her lightly. She then turned to Beca. "You want a tagline, Smurf? 'A grown-ass naked guy rides horses joyfully through the plains.' That's Equus."

No sooner had the blonde said it, though, when she abruptly fell silent and turned red. Chloe, being the most sensitive of the three of them, immediately noticed. "Bree, you okay?"

Aubrey nodded, not trusting herself to speak and avoiding her girlfriends' looks. There was a short, awkward silence, where Chloe tried to figure out whether she said something wrong, while Beca narrowed her eyes at the insanely bright red flush on Aubrey's cheeks.

And then Aubrey's green eyes flickered quickly to Chloe's – and in turn, Beca's – legs. The blonde then lowered her gaze, swallowing nervously. It was a dead giveaway.

"HA!" Beca suddenly bellowed, jumping up to stand on the couch and pointing an accusing finger at Aubrey. "YOU JUST IMAGINED ME AND CHLOE RIDING HORSES NAKED!"

Aubrey's mouth was set in a thin line, a sure sign she was under duress. "What?! NO!"

And thus started a staring contest where Aubrey glowered fiercely at Beca, Beca looked back at Aubrey with a shit-eating grin, and Chloe, in the middle of them, looked back and forth across the two, unsure of what was happening.

"Uh, guys?"

"Lesbihonest!" Beca roared, trying to hold back her laughter.

"What makes you so sure I wasn't thinking of a naked guy instead?" Aubrey shot back.

"Because we all dig fur burgers –" Aubrey dry-heaved at that and Chloe immediately began rubbing her back – "it's breasties before testes, and if you say you're thinking of a naked guy ever again I will dig a hole and live there seething in jealousy."

Chloe, who was acquiring more and more of Beca's snark the longer they lived together, joined the teasing. "Ooh, I bet we'd look smashing riding horses, baby bear," she grinned at Beca, before turning to Aubrey. "Right, Bree?"

Aubrey tried to do her best poker face in response.

"The sun on our skin, wind in our hair..." Chloe said dreamily, tucking a strand of hair behind the frozen blonde's ear. "Our laughter in rhythm with our horses' hoof beats..."

"Our lady bits bouncing, your toner bulging..." Beca added before keeling over, guffawing heartily.

"You are such a guy!" Chloe scolded her, although with a smile to soften the effect. She looked back at Aubrey. "So – Beca and I riding horses. What a gorgeous sight, yes?"

The blonde only rolled her eyes. Her two girlfriends always found strange joy in breaking down what they dubbed as her 'prude' nature. Aubrey often let them have their fun, although she would never admit how much she enjoyed herself too, but there was no way she was allowing them to discover one of her sexual fantasies or she'll never hear the end of it –

"You don't think it's gorgeous?" Chloe whined, pouting her lips – her best weapon – while Beca winked smugly at Aubrey. The pout did the trick, as always. Aubrey finally caved in and threw her hands up.

"Fine, it is," she admitted, in a very small voice.

Chloe broke out her signature happy-bouncy dance and peppered kisses on Aubrey's still-crimson face. Beca, however, began half-singing, half-crowing London Bridge is Falling Down at the top of her lungs, obnoxiously replacing the lyrics.

Aubrey Posen's going down, going down, going down

Aubrey Posen's going down on my fur burger!

"Gross!" Chloe shrieked, chucking a pillow at Beca.

"Damn you, Mitchell!" Aubrey snapped, cringing. "I can never look at burgers the same way again."

A month later, on Aubrey's birthday, they all went down to the nearest beach with the Bellas and some Trebles. How they managed to get the spot all to themselves Aubrey had no idea. Lights, tents and a grilling station were quickly set up, and the table in the lone cottage by the sea filled with drinks and freshly-cooked seafood. Everyone was having a good time.

In the middle of the party, though, Aubrey noticed that Chloe and Beca were nowhere to be seen.

"Have you seen Beca and Chloe?" Aubrey asked Fat Amy, who was trying to push another drink in her hand.

The Australian went pink. "Uhh...ahhm...they uh, went to get some, you know, entertainment?"

Stacie overheard the exchange and stepped closer, slinging an arm around Aubrey's shoulder. "They went to Jesse's pickup to get more beer."

"What?! It's six-thirty in the evening! Some mad axe-man might be prowling about –"

"You said it yourself, Captain, it's six-thirty," Stacie assured, smoothly replacing the blonde's empty cup with one full of rum and coke. "Too early for horror movies, don't you think?"

"Stace!" Ashley yelled, waving from the shore where she stood. "It's time!"

And just like that, Stacie grabbed Aubrey to keep her still, while Lilly appeared out of nowhere and tied a bandanna around the blonde's eyes. "Aca-bitches, what the –"

"No guys allowed, excuse us!" Aubrey heard Jessica shout, before she was suddenly lifted off her feet by Fat Amy and slung over the Australian's shoulder. Fat Amy then began running to god knows where.

"Jesus, Fat Amy, if you throw me into the water I swear –"

Fat Amy set her down gently, and Aubrey felt wet sand beneath her flip flops. Cynthia Rose yanked off the bandanna. "Thank us later, Blondie."

Aubrey looked around, confused. The hoof beats reached her ears first before she saw what she was supposed to be thankful for. A few hundred meters away, galloping towards her, were two horses – one chestnut, one white. But what really made the sight breathtaking were the riders: Beca and Chloe, wearing identical red bikinis and beaming happily, the sunset casting a golden glow on their skin and long shadows behind them.

And damn it if it wasn't the most magnificent thing Aubrey has ever seen.


It was almost the way Chloe described it: the wind whipping back Beca and Chloe's luxurious hair, their laughter ringing in sync with the horses' trotting. But this was happening in real time, a hundred times better than Aubrey's already-hyperactive imagination, and the only thing that came to her already-blanked-out mind was oh my god, those lady bits DO bounce.

Stacie nudged Aubrey's slack jaw shut. "Take a vid, it'll last longer."

"Shit, I...I think I need water," Aubrey managed to gasp.

The brunette and the redhead finally came to a stop right in front of Aubrey, and Chloe eagerly leapt off her horse amidst much clapping and whistling from the Bellas. She ran to give her blonde girlfriend a hug. "Happy birthday Bree!"

Beca followed the redhead, laughing at the jokes and compliments while accepting fist bumps from Cynthia Rose and Denise. The DJ watched them go back to the party so that they can have some privacy. Then, when she was pretty sure they were alone, she walked up to Aubrey and Chloe and joined the hug, noting the blonde's flushed countenance and heavy breathing.

"Sorry we couldn't do that naked," Beca smirked, drawing patterns on the overheated skin on Aubrey's back, right beneath the hem of her tank top. Aubrey closed her eyes and bit her lip.

"Though judging by the way you look right now, I doubt we'll be clothed much longer," Chloe whispered seductively in Aubrey's ear. The blonde made a sound halfway between a moan and a whimper and tried her best not to let her hands roam down her girlfriends' bare backs.

"Shit, Chlo, I think we broke Aubrey!" Beca laughed, disentangling herself from the embrace and cupping Aubrey's face with her hands.

Chloe discreetly slid a hand down Aubrey's cutoff denims, and Aubrey gasped, reaching out for Beca to stop her knees from buckling. "Mmm, Becs, I think I know just how to fix her."

Aubrey finally opened her eyes, and their normally-green hue was reduced to black with desire. When she spoke her voice was several octaves lower. "How fast can we get out of here?"