Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the Naruto manga/anime or character, I have a boyfriend and I don't find whiskers sexy anyhow.

Chapter 1 - Lunch

Maybe things would have been different if she just did something. But Rin was no good at being impulsive - she left that to Obito. Instead she magically hoped her silence, her diligence might attract him, but part of her always felt that it was hopeless. Kakashi wasn't the sort of person to fall in love. He was too wrapped up in the rules, the right thing to do, power, training, his father...

She knew all of that - she knew him, better than anyone really and it was because of this that she felt sure he would never notice her. Sometimes she would fantasize about what would happen if he did care for her. Would he bring her flowers? Would he smile at her? Would he show her his face? Or would he be as he always was because he would hold his feelings back, just like she was doing.

But how could such a cold person ever fall in love?

Rin stood alone besides a tree, the roots cropping out from the earth just between her feet. In the distance she could spot the white of Kakashi's hair flashing in and out of focus as he spared with their sensei. He was becoming faster, and more aggressive, though he was still no match for Minato. In another instant Kakashi hit the ground with a thump that resonated around the clearing.

"Serves him right..." muttered Obito from up above. Her brown eyes looked upward to find him sprawled unceremoniously on one of the trees branches, a kunai in his hand. She said nothing and turned her eyes back to Kakashi who was standing once again and charging forward. How long had they been training? Three hours, four? How wasn't he exhausted?

"You must be pretty bored, want to head over to the Village and get something to eat?" said Obito as he landed smoothly on the spot next to her.

"No, thank you."

He sighed and from the corner of her eyes she could see that he was disappointed. Maybe she should have been clearer about that too. "What are you going to do then? Just stand here watching them?" he persisted.

"I'll start my own training soon."

"But this is our day off."

"I know, but he works so hard, we should at least try to keep up."

"Ah!" he scoffed and leaned against the tree bark. "When I get my sharingan it's Kakashi who's going to have to try to keep up."

Rin smiled and turned to him. She knew exactly what Kakashi thought of Obito and yet she couldn't agree. He might be lazy but he had a good heart. "You shouldn't depend on sharingan Obito. It's beneath you. A shinobi has to learn to be strong on their own. You can't depend on anything or anybody." Her eyes trailed over to Kakashi again. If only she could heed her own advice...

"Yeah... I guess you're right," he sighed. She was so entranced by Kakashi and Minato's quick movements that Rin failed to notice Obito inch closer to her. "Are you sure you don't want to eat something? I could bring it here, you shouldn't train on an empty stomach." Beneath his goggles Obito was blushing a little. It was embarrassing having to insist so much, but she was worth it, of that he was sure.

"I'm fine really," she paused and looked over at him again. Their arms were almost touching and she could see a certain eagerness in his expression that she was sure she herself bore whenever Kakashi talked to her. People were really very transparent, she could see the use of wearing a mask all the time. "Obito-" she said quietly looking through his gleaming goggles to the dark eyes beneath "Why are you here? It's our day off. Why aren't you with your family?"

He shuffled his feet and she watched his face turn red. "I just-I-" he seemed at a loss for words. "I wanted-" he began but in that instance they heard Minato's voice calling out to them from the clearing.

"Hey there you two! Are you hungry?" he yelled. Kakashi was sitting down a few feet away, his clothing filthy, and dozens of little cuts on his hands and arms.

"Obito's starving!" Rin yelled back, flashing the dumb-struck Uchiha a smile.

"Good," in an instant Minato appeared right in front of them a smile on his face. "I didn't know all of you were going to come out today-" his eyes landed on Obito who squirmed away, his face still red. "Kushina had invited Kakashi for lunch but I'm sure she'd welcome all of you, would you like to come?"

"Sure," said Rin automatically.

Obito seemed much more hesitant. He was staring at Kakashi who was slowly making his way over to them. "I don't think so- my parents-" he stumbled over his usual excuses.

He had just turned away when Rin said, "But I thought you were hungry? And Kushina is such an excellent cook." He halted dead in his tracks and turned around to look at her. Why did she always have to look so pretty? "Come on Obito, it's nice to have the team all together."

Kakashi had reached them but even the sight of his covered face and apathetic eyes couldn't stop Obito from accepting the invitation.

While they walked Minato and Kakashi discussed their training while Rin kept quiet. He wondered what she was thinking about, and why she always seemed ready to sacrifice her precious days off to be with Kakashi, even when he ignored her entire existence. He hadn't even said a word to her all day! And between their missions and her medical training Rin had even less spare time than the rest of them.

"How's your training with Shizune going?" he asked, loud enough to drown out Kakashi and Minato's conversation.

"Pretty good, she's a very nice Lady."

Obito looked around the streets they walked through trying to get another conversation started between them, but Rin was occupied listening to the other two's conversation. He resigned himself to their silence and instead skitted ahead of the group so as not to hear Kakashi's annoying voice.

Kakashi. Everything was about Kakashi. He was so young! He was so talented! He had so much promise! It was said even the 3rd looked in on his training with admiration. Everyone thought he was the best in their generation, the most talented young ninja since Minato had been a child. All of that might well be true, Obito couldn't deny that Kakashi was extremely powerful, especially considering he was two years younger than him and Rin. But power wasn't everything, Kakashi was entitled, arrogant, and more selfish than anyone he had ever met.

"Obito where are you going? The House is right here," said Minato from behind him. Obito turned and realized that he had never been to their Sensei's home before, but the three of them were standing in front of a small gate, through which he could see a very pretty garden.

He ran back to them, just in time to hear Kakashi say something nasty about his sense of direction.

"Shut up, I've never been here before!" He retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's no excuse, ninja are supposed to have instincts," his voice was cold and as soon as the words left his lips he turned smoothly on the spot and began walking down the garden's path to the front door.

Obito narrowed his eyes and for a moment considered turning around and going home but as always Rin stopped him. She had stayed by his side, and was smiling sweetly. "Come on, don't chicken out."

"I'm not."

Her smile widened, and she grabbed hold of his sleeve and half-forced him down the path as well. The garden was to all sides of them and beautiful, he had never seen some of these flowers before but their smell was intoxicating. He sniffed the air - he could also make out the sent of teriyaki chicken, his favorite. Maybe this had been a good idea...

Minato opened the door for them and they filed in neatly. Obito got the distinct impression that Kakashi was here very often, as he confidently made his way to the main room after taking his shoes off. He stayed close to Rin, it was said their Sensei's wife was very fierce, and had a temper that the smallest thing could set off.

As they reached the main room the smell of chicken became much more prominent - as did a certain voice - a voice Obito knew very well.

"I think Kushina's team is here as well," said Minato.

Kakashi and Obito groaned at the same time and then looked at each other crossly. Rin smiled again, "I don't think I've met them, they're a year ahead of us right?"

"Yeah, but they're really nothing special," said Kakashi before their sensei could answer.

At that instant they heard a woman's voice: "Minato is that you?" and a second later she was in front of them in a long dress and flaming hair. Obito gulped - she did look terrifying - but in this instant she was smiling.

"Oh, you brought the whole team, I thought it was just Kakashi," she said giving the smallest boy a fond look.

"Yeah, they were watching us train, not a problem is it?" His tone was cautious. Was he afraid of her too?

But then Kushina laughed and broke out in to a huge smile full of teeth and she suddenly didn't look half as scary. "Not at all, I've got my boys too, and a ton of food. They were actually helping me make it, I was testing their culinary know hows so it should be very fun." She then turned to her to Obito. "I've actually never met you before have I? I'm Kushina."

Obito nodded and might have been forced to say something awkward but there came the sound of pots and pans crashing from another room and she disappeared her hair lingering a good 30 seconds after her body's exit.

"Who is in Lady Kushina's team? Anyone I might know?" asked Rin as they made their way into the living room.

"There's Genma Shiranui, Ebisu and-"

"The creepiest guy in all of Konoha," finished Obito.

Minato smiled. "Might Guy is a bit, different but I think creepy is a bit harsh."

"For once I agree with Obito," muttered Kakashi as he took a seat in one of the armchairs.

"He's got a very strange name, what's he like Kakashi," asked Rin taking a seat next to him.

"You'll see soon enough," he muttered, barely even looking at her.

Minato left them after a second crash of pots was heard, saying he was going to see if Kushina needed any help. To Obito's horror Rin immediately volunteered to help him and they left together, so that he was stuck with Kakashi.

"Do you come here a lot?"

Kakashi shrugged. "Sensei and I train together and he invites me here sometimes. He would probably invite you as well if you ever trained."

Obito turned red. "The second my sharingan get's here I'm going to-"

"You don't know anything do you! Sharingan doesn't 'get here' they develop as you develop. And since you haven't developed in the slightest then you're never going to achieve that."

"Shut up!"

"Gladly but stop talking to me."

Obito sighed and looked around the room - there were pictures of Minato Sensei and Kushina everywhere. They were holding hands, hugging, walking together along various places in the world. In some of them they looked just out of battle, with ripped clothes and blood smears, while in others they were happily at home. There were other people he recognized in them, there was one with 2 of the Sannin, Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade, as well as with the third and in one of the walls there was a picture of Team Minato. He was standing between Rin and Kakashi, trying to make light of the situation by making bunny ears. Kakashi looked annoyed and Minato aggravated - but it was Rin who caught his eye.

She looked beautiful.

At that moment a cry was heard from a distant room. "Kakashi Hatake is here! The prodigy child of the leaf!" The voice was unmistakable, it was Might Guy.

There was a third crash of pots and he entered the room in a flash, looking ridiculous as always in his green jumpsuit and bright orange leg warmers. "Kakashi!"

Kakashi rolled his eyes and looked in a different direction. "Hello Guy."

"I challenge you, right now, right here. I will prove that I am the best Konoha ninja!"

"No thank you," muttered the white-haired boy.

"What are you scared Kakashi? Everyone says you're so great, but I work hardest and I am better than you."

At this point Kakashi stood up, and for a fraction of a second Obito actually thought they might begin fighting right there, but that wasn't Kakashi's style. He merely shrugged and muttered, "Those are just words, they don't mean anything. The greatest, the most hardworking, in the end it all comes down to the moment and all those silly things that people say don't mean a thing."

"Uh, guys, the food is ready," muttered Rin who had just appeared in the doorway, holding a tray of tea. "Everyones sitting down already, so hurry up."

"Come on," muttered Obito as he walked passed Kakashi and Guy. His own experience with Might Guy had been extensive since they'd been in the Academy together. He had trained very hard indeed, and made anyone else that didn't spend 10 hours punching a tree feel inadequate. But that wasn't what Obito disliked, back then they had been friendly. But ever since he got partnered with Kakashi, all Guy wanted to talk about was beating him in a fight.

Apparently Obito wasn't a good enough competitor for him. It was insulting! Everyone was obsessed with Kakashi. Everyone! How was that possible! The whole town! He entered the dinning room. The table was barely big enough to accommodate all of them, Kushina and Minato sat opposite each other on either length of the table, Rin was to Minato's left and Ebisu next to her. Genma sat next to Ebisu so that the right side of the table was completely vacant.

Obito sighed - he had hoped to sit next to Rin - but took a seat in front of her and next to their sensei none the less. Kakashi took the seat next to him and Guy was to the right of Kushina. It was then that he turned his attention towards the table. It was covered in plates of food - sushi, teriyaki, salt ramen, tempura vegetables, spicy curry, and barbecued meat - enough to feed at least 20 more people.

"Everything looks great Lady Kushina, thank you very much," said Rin with a small bow, the boys made similar mutters but their eyes were on the food.

Kushina smiled, "Well, dig in everyone!"

Instantly chopsticks moved onto the food, clasping meat, fish and vegetables and loading them onto plates that soon had a little bit of everything. It was all fantastic - even Kakashi looked like he was enjoying himself, and after a few minutes of silence conversation broke out again.

"This is the best food ever!" said Guy, looking up with tearing eyes at his sensei.

She laughed, "I'm glad you like it - see I told you Guy everyone can learn how to cook."

"Only when they have you as a teacher," he muttered, dreamily looking up at her. It was at that instant that Obito remembered something he had heard a few weeks ago. He had been walking through town when he met Genma and the two had caught each other up on their teams, and their mission - as much as they could say anyway. And in that occasion Genma had revealed that Guy had been crushing on their Sensei since the first time he tasted her food.

He let out a spontaneous laugh, which caused everyone to look at him.

"Are you okay?" asked Rin.

"Mmmh," he muttered grinning to himself. Guy had a crush on Kushina! He looked over at the boy again, nothing could be funnier than this. She was ten years older than them, and married to the most powerful ninja of the leaf! He wondered what Minato would do when he found out... Obito snickered.

"What's so funny," muttered Kakashi under his breathe.

Normally Obito wouldn't have bothered telling him - Kakashi clearly had no interest in gossip - but in this occasion he simply couldn't hold himself back. He leaned forward and muttered into Kakashi's ear. "Guy has the hots for Kushina Uzumaki."

His expression didn't change - but he did look over at Guy with new eyes.

"I heard Lady Shizune say that you were her most promising student," said Ebisu all of a sudden, and with a red face. He was of course addressing Rin.

She smiled. "I wouldn't know about that - I still have so much to learn. I've only been her apprentice for a year."

"She seemed very impressed by you," he continued, his face turning even reader. Obito's jaw set - he could see an unnatural gleam in Ebisu's eyes behind those ridiculous glasses of his. Did he like Rin? He clenched his fist under the table, if that was the case the little idiot was doomed.

"I've heard the same thing as well, and Lady Shizune wouldn't say so unless it was true, ya know!" said Kushina nodding and simultaneously stabbing a piece of meat with her chopstick.

Rin was turning pink. It must have been because in their group nobody took much notice of her. Minato was busy with Kakashi, and she didn't care for Obito's company or conversation. "Thank you," she muttered with a small smile.

The dinner would have likely continued in this fashion but at that instant Minato stood up, his eyes towards the front door. A second later he had disappeared - Kushina stood up too.

"If anything happens I will protect you Sensei!" exhausted Guy, standing up and moving closer to her.

She didn't say anything, but pushed him back as if he was a measly fly. He crashed to the floor and gave a shudder.

"Is something the matter?" asked Rin.

"No, I don't think so," she said, shaking her head. "I just think someone came to the door." That proved remarkably true, the moment the words left her lips they heard the sound of the front door opening.

"How did Sensei hear it?"

"He's got very good instincts," said Kushina, admiration lacing her voice.

Minato re-entered the room, a black Op by his side. "I'm afraid Lunch is over, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, we have a meeting with the third. We're likely setting out immediately afterwards."

Without answering the three of them stood up, Obito had managed to create a kabob of meat on his chopstick. "I'll send you a message before leaving, Kushina," said Minato softly towards his wife who merely nodded. Then the four of them filed out of the dinning room, Obito chewing on his meat kabob gleefully.

A/N: This will be a four part story centered around the mission that got Kakashi elevated to Jonin status. All comments, questions, feedback and knock knock jokes are appreciated.