A/N: Yes, mates. The next chapter is up! Hurrah for me! It took me the whole morning so you better like it! Also, it would be great if you guys could give me some ideas as to what I should put in the coming chapters. Thanks for your help and hope you like it :D

A while later, dear old Padfoot was looking quite normal, thanks to the walking pomfret (a name which we gave Madame Pomfrey in second year), except for the slight grayish tinge that could still be seen in his hair and for the fact that he was unconscious in a hospital wing bed with the curtains drawn (he would murder me if anyone else walking by saw his new hair-do).

Whether he passed out from the shock of being nearly eaten alive by the Giant Squid or he just never noticed how hideous grey his hair really looked until he saw his reflection in the Giant Squid's eyes, no-one knows. But for self-entertainment purposes, I would like to think of it as Sirius was mistaken for an oversized piece of French Toast and was almost swallowed whole by the Giant Squid, who was suffering from a very serious case of French Toast deficiency. Thankfully he wasn't diagnosed with pneumonia, although a life without Sirius would mean not waking up at four in the morning due to a slight malfunction with the use of white hair dye.

Right now, that great friend of mine was sleeping peacefully on a bed in the infirmary, while the rest of his average friends sat on the other side of the curtains (minus Wormy - he had just excused himself go and do who-knows-what). And then there's me of course! No, I am NOT a part of his 'average friends'. I always knew I exceeded expectations.

Anyways… I really don't think it's a good idea to stay around just incase Padfoot tries to get back at me for accidently damaging his hair when he wakes up. But being the oh-so-amazing friend I am, I will wait until he decides to accuse me before retreating.

It wasn't long before we saw a mop of brown hair poking out of the curtains.

"PRONGSIE!" he bellowed, at which Lily and Alice raised their eyebrows. I thanked Merlin that the walking Pomfret was having a lunch break, or else they would have landed themselves in detention.

"Uh… Padfoot? You may want to step out of the curtains unless you want too look like a floating buffoon," I told him. Very sincerely, if I may say so myself.

"A floating buffoon?" clarified Remus.

"Yes Moony, a floating buffoon."

Sirius attempted to make his way out of the curtains, but somehow found himself tangled and wound up in them, resulting in a white cocoon with legs sticking out, before unceremoniously yelling, "MOONY! HELP!"

"Oh no! Sirius Black is stuck in curtains looking like an artificial cocoon! It's the apocalypse!" added a very sarcastic Remus waving around his hands.

"MOONY, THAT ISN'T HELPING! I CAN'T BREATHE!" Sirius whined, causing Lily to sigh. She pointed her wand at the white cocoon, which immediately came undone and dropped a now maroon (from the lack of oxygen) Sirius on the hospital wing floor with a thump.

"Thank you dearest Lily-flower, it seems that you are the only one who cares about me here," he sniffed, giving death glares at his best mates and Alice.

"I just didn't want to be killed by your fan girls," she shrugged, making Sirius glare at her. Remus, Alice and I exchanged a look, before bursting out laughing.

"At least they care about me," he stated proudly, at which us boys, who had composed ourselves, started laughing on the floor again.

"What?" asked Sirius innocently, and when no-one paid him any attention, tried to walk away from his bed. What he didn't realise was that he was still standing on the white curtain, and when he started to move, he slipped and hit his head on the floor. Charming lad.

"THIS NEVER HAPPENED," he announced, quickly recovering from the slight shock and brushing himself off before standing up again.

"Why ever not?" asked Remus, with a face that was now red in colour from holding in a laugh.

"Because no one needs to know that I, the one and only Sirius Black, came out of the shower with white hair and then almost got eated by the giant squid and then looked like a giant cocoon when he came out of a harmless hospital wing bed," he screeched, stomping his foot on the floor to emphasise his point.

"Err… eated Sirius?" asked Alice.

"Shut up. I was never good at spelling ok?"

"That's grammar, Sirius," she told him with a very serious look on her face. Haha! Get it? Sirius! Bloody brilliant. Now that evil twit has got to me.

"GETTING TO THE POINT," he bellowed, successfully earning him attention, "If dearest Prongsie here never mixed up my shampoo with Snivellus' white hair dye - he shot a pointed look at me. Aaahhh! There it is, my cue to leave soon... - then I would have never gotten tangled in THE BLOODY CURTAIN!" he exclaimed.

All four of us snorted.


"Sure it was," grinned Remus, patting his back in mock comfort.


"Yes, we know mate," answered Remus, rolling his eyes, while the others chuckled heartily in the background.

"Where's Wormy?" questioned Sirius out of the blue.

"He stopped hanging around a decade ago, Pads," I told him.

"But we didn't know him then!" he stated, thoroughly confused.

"A phrase, Padfoot," I told him whilst rolling my eyes.

"What's that?"

"I really think he needs to go see Mungo's for advice to cure his mighty thick-headedness," muttered Lily under her breath, only loud enough for Remus, Alice and I to hear, which caused everyone to immediately start snickering.

Sirius, who had not an inkling about what was going on, looked at them like they were fish out of water. And then his eyes widened as he remembered why he was in the hospital wing in the first place.


I raised an eyebrow at his sudden change in behaviour. It only took a few seconds for realisation to dawn on me. Time to make my great escape.

"Erm… I'm just going to go to the… err… Quidditch… THE QUIDDITCH PITCH!" I yelled, thankful that my wonderful brain thought of an escape. Lovely brain. I always knew you were smart. Good brainy. You'll get a prize later.

Everyone was now looking at me like I was an insolent nutcase. In my defense, I grew up around Sirius Black, world number one in scandalous-ism.

"To fly?" asked Sirius incredulously.

"No, Pads. To plant mandrakes," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Really? I was under the impression that you do that in the greenhouse," he said thoughtfully, with a glaze over his eyes, clearly not detecting the sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the doors of the infirmary, towards the pitch. Seriously, how thick could a person get?

Please review, I would really like some more comments and thanks to all who already have. I appreciate your time!