Sunset Shimmer sat down in her World History class. She couldn't shake off what had happened a fortnight ago. She remembered that when she put on the Element of Magic, it burned like a fire. Colours flashed all around her, and tears streamed down her face. As the change went on, the burning sensation faded. Soon she had made her own teenage army to take over the pony world of Equestria.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Ms. Cheerilee chimed.

"Uh, yes?" Sunset Shimmer pulled away from her thoughts.

"I asked, in what year was the Berlin Wall made?" Ms. Cheerilee asked once more.

The rest of the day was not fun. Ever since the events of two weeks ago, the students had become more afraid of Sunset Shimmer, for now they knew of the power she could truly posses, even though she did not have that power anymore.

The school bell rang out for the last time. Students poured out of the school, eager to hang out with friends, or go home. Sunset Shimmer was the last to leave the school, and saw Fluttershy picking up papers, most likely for the Animal Shelter. Sunset walked over to Fluttershy, and bent down to help pick up papers.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Sunset said, as she picked up the last of the purple papers from the ground. She stood up and handed them over to Fluttershy, but keeping one for herself.

"Oh, hello Sunset Shimmer. How are you?" Fluttershy asked, still scared of Sunset Shimmer, but tried to hide it as best as she could.

"I'm alright. I'm thinking of going through the portal to get Twilight. I need her to come here and help me. Now before you say anything, I know it will be hard. When I was back in Equestria, well the pony one that is, I read a book that talked about this world. Unicorn ponies and their counterparts here in this world are all able to do magic. Humans can do it, but it takes a while to channel it. Same with pegasi ponies and their counterparts. They can fly here as well, but its near impossible, and it is most definitely harder to do than the magic. Tomorrow, I may not be here. Do not tell anyone of my plans. I wanted one person to know, that way no one would freak. If anyone asks, i'm home sick. Have a nice day, Fluttershy." Sunset Shimmer walked off to channel her magic. She had done it once before, and she was sure she could do it once more.