everyone, the fans of Highschool DxD... please give cheers at ichibumi-sensei ... DxD BANZAI ... \(,)/

This is my first fanfic ...
I hope you can enjoy it, because that's the joy of a writer ... and just think of this as a side story fanfic (if you do not mind anyway?) hehehe ...

I made this fanfic in order to wait for the publication of HSDXD Vol: 16 ... let's wait for the publication together ...

and happy reading ... : D

Life 00...

I Hyoudo Issei, is a demon but also a humanoid dragon. Maybe my existance very complicated to be explained. But that's the the reality .

It has been several months since a massive attack by the alliance Chaos Brigade and hades. Right now I and all members of the family under the leadership of Rias Gremory was on his way after a vacation to the onsen for supernatural creatures. I had a car with Xenovia, gasper and Ophis, and the one who was driving is...

" Sensei... What do you want to kill us all " I yelled, terrified by how reckless the driver.

" Lighten Issei, we will survive as you was before "

" Shut the fuck up, and drive normally "

" Mou... Issei. Why you can't calm like them ? " Sensei said while pointed toward back seat, Gasper, Ophis, and Xenovia still sleep with peacfull face.

" Where can I sleep well in life and death situations like now "

"you had die once, right?" Azazel-sensei said with a mischievous smile.

It's true I have previously died from curse of Samael blood after the battle with Salba in artificial dimension. But a miracle came to me.

Great red, Ophis, and Ddraig work together to bring me back from the dead. Even make me a new body from Great Red's flesh and Ophis's power.

" Take it easy. You will not die only with little incident like this " Azazel sensei continued.

" Do not treat me like I can not die! " i frightened.

" Haha... oh yes. By the way. it seems we're going to wrong way, let try to check the GPS " sensei said while pressing a button.

Wait, I feel bad. if not mistaken, it is the key to fire the beam from Grigory's space satellite.


None happened this time. In the small car dashboard, little screen appears that shows our location map . " So this time is really a GPS ? " I sighed with relief.

" Take it easy, I have to fix it before " sensei smiled proudly. " Now, we must search our location, first" sensei continued while pressing the screen. "I thought we were in this area"


I was feeling bad after reading that suddenly appeared on the screen.

" Ups, it looks like this is the weapons for anticipation the terrorists with the map to determine the targets " said sensei without sin. " Issei tight your grip up... ! "



Me and my friends saw a strange sight from the the car. The pillars of light appeared in the mountains. Is it the terrorists act?

" Ara... ara... Ise seemed to have an enjoyable trip "

" Ise-san. let's hope he is okay with azazel-sensei"

" calm down. he will live again though he is dead, and it's been proven, right? "
Akeno-san, asia-chan, and rossweisse-san give their comments after seeing a pillar of light in the distance. I kiba Yuuto, only smiled bitterly respond to their comments.

" Why should i different car with my Ise? " Rias Gremory, our Master as well as high class devil look disappointed. Looks like she wanted to be with the person she love most. he is, my best friend. The underworld hero Sekiryuutei, Hyoudou Issei.

" Voting results make Ise-senpai have to sparated with us..." koneko said while reading a book.

" Ise-kun, I have a bad feeling"

" Let us pray for his safety "

" " AMEEEN " "

" " " AUCH " " "

I and all the member of the car simultaneously received little damage and hold our heads. Rosweisse-san who nearly lost control of the car immediately stabilize the car that had swerved.

" Don't pray carelessly, dangerous if you do it since wa are on the highway. " Rosweisse-san complaints to Asia and Irina.

" " Sorry , it's just habit " " Asia and Irina apologized simultaneously.

For us the Devils. If we hear a prayer like that, we'll get a little damage. But it is an exception to Asia and Xenovia. Leave aside Irina, she is an reincarnated angel.

Asia and Xenovia have detached from the system. They got special treatment. my best friend, Hyoudo Issei. He begged Maichel-sama to remove the restrictions, he said, he can't bear to see asia and Xenovia always smile in pain when they were both praying.

But because of his kindness that make we all loved and respected him so much. Forget about his perverted thought, he is the host of very powerful heavenly dragon who can kill the god. The Red dragon Emperor, Ddraig.

A few hours later...

Azazel-sensei's sports car stopped in front of the Hyoudo's residence. Ophis, Gasper and Xenovia come out from the back seat with a new face getting out of bed. Sensei out of the car too. wait... where is ise-kun?


Something fell when sensei opened the front door. Issei-kun fell unconscious. His face was pale... his eyes spinning.

A few seconds after he fall. he immediately got up, holding his mouth and ran into the house.

Everyone wondered what happened to him. Only Azazel-sensei who laugh at Ise-kun act...

Evening at the Hyoudo's residence.

I, Hyoudo Issei, were watching Our Movie shows the tokusatsu Oppai dragon with the whole group plus Ophis, irina, and Ravel. This episode told about oppai dragon beats the monster of Apocalypse carrier, the Monster that seeks to destroy the underworld. In the show oppai dragon gain superpowers after meeting with the dragon god king, Great read-sama, and defeat the giant monster of apocalypse carrier.

This scene is none other than my battle with the anti-monster Jabberwocky, the strongest anti-monster who has created by one of the Longinus [ Annihilation maker ] when the recent crisis of the underworld.
At that time, I had come back from the dead. I come back with Ophis and Great red. Finally the great red wants to help and fused with me. And form a gigantic balance breaker, I managed to eliminated the Jabberwocky.

"The worst thing is the scene after this" I murmured in my mind.

[ what a shame, not only Uroboros, but the great red-sama saying embarrassing things like that ]

Silence... not only you are depressed at that time... I had to swallow the bitter fruit of my pervert nature.

[ huoooh... ghuooooh... really can not be accepted. Even the two greatest existence to like it... I could not deal with the white one again... huooooh... partner the drugs please... which the drug was ]

Ddraig cry uncontrollably, really ferocious myself to make one of the legendary dragons to cry like this. I shed a drug on the jewel in my gauntlet after appearing it up.

[ The... huoh... feels more... good ]

" Ise, what Ddraig disease relapse? " Ophis who sat next to me suddenly asked me

" This is the third time since we watched the movie " Rias said in a surprised tone.

" As expected from Ise-kun, even the heavenly dragon bow down in front of him " kiba smiled bitterly. Damn you, Mr. Handsome...

" Issei-senpai, must control his pervertness " ravel sitting on my lap joined commented.

" Issei-senpai is the worst... " koneko was sitting on my lap verbally beat me.

""" Hahahahaha """ everyone laughs together.

Magic circle suddenly appeared in the corner of the room, in the magic circle appearing sirzech-sama, holding millicias, Greyfia-san, Azazel-sensei, Baraqiel-sama, Serafall-sama, Ajuka-sama and Shinra Tsubaki seto-Kaicho.

What is this, the Maou come to my house of a sudden. we got us all shocked, except Ophis is still calm watch a movie while eating sweets.

" Oni-sama... why are you here? " Rias stood surprised at the unexpected guest.

" Yooo... ise, Rias, you're all... " sirzech-sama greeting us without formality. They all use casual clothes, except Serafall-sama who still uses her magical girl costume.

" Ise-niisama, long time no see " millicias waved his hand at me.

" Tou-sama... " Akeno-san was also surprised to see his father.

" How are you Akeno ? are chichiryuutei still tried eat your oppai? " baraqiel gigled

" I TOLD YOU, I DON'T EAT OPPAI " i yelled at governor of Daten-shi.

" Just Kidding, boy... " baraqiel smiled at me.

" Sorry to interrupt your pleasure " Shinra seto-Kaicho bowdown politely.

" So what's all this ? " Rias asked again

" We are here because we take free day together after completing the work due to recent incidents. So are we can't relax after some fatigue because working in day and night for the sake of the underworld? And, is this the way you greet your guest? " greyfia-san pointed her. Rias felt down, afraid to look her mad onee-sama.

"...so Ophis also enjoy the movie of Oppai dragon, eh? " shirzech-sama finally broke the silence when he saw Ophis calmly watching television.

" This attractive, though not as it actually... " Ophis answered Shirzech-sama.

" Hahahaha... " sirzech-sama laughed.

" Hyoudo Issei-kun. Can we talk in private for a moment ? " Suddenly Ajuka Beelzebub-sama ask me.

I nodded to beelzebub-sama. We both left the crowd of people while all remain focused on us.

" I'm sorry for bringing you into my nasty room " I bowed down at the Beelzebub-sama

" No problem, so... I want to discuss the critically important things about your new body " Beelzebub-sama make a creepy smile.

And stood right in front of me is ajuka beelzebub, one of the four leaders of devil race.

" So what do you want to discuss? " I asked ajuka-sama

" Your body from great red's flesh and Ophis's power already spread among the Upperman " ajuka-sama stepped into my bed and sat down. " I want to know the potential of your new body "

" So ise-kun, may I check your body and measure its potential ? " he added.

" no problem... "

" relax your body, ise-kun "

Ajuka-sama wrote magic letter quickly. Suddenly a magic circle appeared under my feet. Unlike the common magic circle. This circle seem have complicated devil's letter in it.

" We started hyoudo ise-kun ... "

I nodded at ajuka beelzebub-sama.


magic circle start spinning rapidly. Beelzebub-sama eye's wider.

Is there something wrong with my body? I asked myself. looking beelzebub-sama expression make me little worried.

The Maou wrote several letters with his finger again. another circle appears with more compllicated devil's letter in it. And the circle was still spinning rapidly. None signs of stopping.

" Hemmm, awesome " ajuka-sama muttered.

" is my body wrong, beelzebub-sama? " I asked with worry.

Ajuka beelzebub removing magic formula that floats in front of him. Magic circles under my feet disappeared.

" Hyoudou ise-kun... " ajuka-sama called. I turned to him.

" I've put a kangkara formula even able to read capacity the power of the ultimate devil class. But still not able to calculate your nominal strength. " Ajuka-sama closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes and looked at me seriously. " In view of the outside of your body are exactly same with your previous body, it's just... "

" It's just, what ? " I am anxiously awaiting his words

" Your Body capacity can accommodate an unlimited demonic power. It like a black hole that absorbs anything into nothingness "

I was surprised by ajuka-sama words.

" What is it dangerous ? "

" Dangerous? Yes. But for your own... " the ajuka-sama words makes me think

" What do you mean ... ? "

" Your body is made up of two elements is called emptiness and infinite, dreams and illusions. Make you into a container that does not have a limit in accommodating demonic power "
I bowed down by beelzebub ajuka-sama words.

" There is something else that I find interesting " ajuka-sama smiled at me.

" Your Body composition same with dragon, you can even change your body part such as a dragon or restore it to normal appareance. in other words you can grow even further than before... " the Maou proceed.

de javu, I think I've listened this comments before? Ddraig also said it in the dimensional gap. Well...

" Yes. now, you have an unlimited potential. hard to admit it, when you're power equal with Maou class... maybe, you will reach my level or sirzech when you can control your fullpower... but this time, in your imperfect true queen, you can win agains serafall, because she is the weakest in four maou " Last ajuka beelzebub's word make me dumbfounded.

" Try to remove your wings " he told me to put out the wing, when I pull the wings, not bat wings had appearing, but it similar to the red dragon wings .

i turned shock looking at my own wings.

" That's one example. You can change your body parts into a dragon. "

" So, I now like this " I don't know, i must Happy or sad ...

"Of course, ise body is made form great red's flesh, ise was dragon after all "

Ophis suddenly appeared from the dark end of my room. As usual, her face expressionless.

" O-Ophis... since when you heve been here ? " I was surprised to saw Ophis was suddenly appeared from the dark corner of the room.

" since ise's leaving... " Ophis replied casually. " there is eavesdropping... "

Are someone overheard the conversation? I was surprised to hear Ophis word.

" hehehe... it's like Levia-tan seems out" one of the four Maou appeared in magic circle. make peace poses with two fingers

" So you hear it ? " Beelzebub-sama looked on serafall-sama.

" Hehehe, sorry. Levia-tan is very curious, why ajuka-chan suddenly invites sekiryuutei-kun go the way out here , levi-tan want to meet him too, and what your mean by i'am weakest? " serafall-sama said with childish tone. however, she is beside she was cosplayer a Maou Leviathan.

But it is the other side of the Maou of underworld. They are very easygoing.

" Eto... so why Leviathan-sama want to see me ? " I asked the girl with the magical girl outfit.

Serafall-sama just surround myself while continuing to look at every inch of my body. It makes me fell nervous.

" Hahaha, as I expected from my brother-in-law " sirzech-sama suddenly appeared from behind the door with everyone else in the group added Sithri including sona-kaichou and saji.

" Serafall very interested in you, I rarely see serafall interested in men other than maou " sirzech-sama proceed.

An honor when Maou interested in me, but what the mean about your word just now, srizech-sama ?

" Serzech-chan, Levia-tan decided challenged sekiryuutei-kun to a duel " Levitan serafall both said cheerfully, raising her wand.

" EEEEEEEEHHH " I cried out in surprise.