So here we are. I am now working on Harry's story. There will probably be several rapid updates followed by periods of slower updates. This is just the prologue. Its very short. More to come soon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, I just enjoy playing with the characters.


The world is going to end tomorrow. I saw the end when I was just a child; in fact I had several night-mares over it that is until I just stopped caring about it. I know from my mum's diary and from what my Aunt has told me, she saw the end too and decided to do something about it. She became a catalyst, so I would live. But I'm going to take it one step further. I'm going to destroy the world because this world destroyed the innocence that my mother once had. Then I am going to rebuild it because it would be something that she would have been amused over and something my fathers would have approved of.

The wizards are going to hate me, but I have my mate, my godfather, my aunt and my general by my side. My friends won't understand what I am going to do. They just want the war to be over. They are far too Gryffindor to understand sometimes it's necessary for you to destroy something before it can be 'saved'. But they will follow me until the very end because they love me.

I would have killed the Dark Lord for the simple fact that he was a threat to my power. However he killed my mother and my father and that made it personal so I was going to make sure I killed everyone he kept close to him. He may be a crazy bastard but even crazy bastards had things they protected, things they loved.

I will tear down the ministry because they've done a damn good job in destroying the wizarding world by keeping us in the dark ages. I have my allies and protectorate. I will prevail because that is the only thing I am going to allow myself to do.

The skies begin to darken and I can feel my shadows caress me in dark amusement as to the left of me Luna places her petite hand within mine. My godfather who is my father, my brother in arms stands to the right of me and my Aunt lends me her silent support from behind. She had gotten damn good with a sniper rifle. Neville followed from behind to move forward to stand in front as my shield, my general for my armies to come. The sounds of battle could be heard down below. We stood over the cliff face and watched. We were not in a terrible hurry; we still had time before first light broke. It was always darkest before the dawn. We would survive and this world would burn.

edited 1-5-14

Let me know what you think.

Cheers Jack