Outcast Island. That's the place I live. With my father, Alvin the Treacherous, and my sister, Heather. It's cold here. Even colder than Berk. I hate that place. It's where my cousin, Hiccup, lives. My other brother, Dagur, used to live with us, before I was born, but he's gone to another part of the island to be a dragon slayer. We still have dragon attacks here, and we haven't made peace with them yet. But my cousin has. That's why I hate him. He's got a fancy title: 'The Dragon Conquerer.' My father refers to him as this. Why can't I have a title!?

We do have one dragon, though. He's a Night Fury. He's called Death. He's actually Hiccup's dragon's son. We named him Death because that's what he's going to cause to everyone on Berk. This story is about him, and us, and how we got him, and our adventures in our lives. Let's start then.

"Olaf! Heather! Come here!" our father shouted. Every morning we get up and go to the Outcast Great Hall to have a meeting.

"Now, you two, I've got a mission for you." he said. "See this map?"

"Yes, Father." we said.

"I want you to go to Berk. I've heard that Hiccup-" he said my cousin's name like it was a bad word. Which it was. "has invented a new thing. He calls it the Mangler. I need you to go and steal it. And while you're at it, I need you to steal the Book of Dragons too. But we need someone to look after you. I can't because I've got things to do. Does anyone want to?

Nobody raised their hand except Savage.

"Yes, Savage?" our father said.

"Sir, I've got an idea. How about nobody comes with them. I mean, you've got things to do, and because I'm your second-in-command, I've got to help you, and nobody else wants to, so how about it? And they can look after themselves, can't they?"

"Savage, that's a brilliant idea! Okay, you two, you're going on your own. And remember, if you fail this mission..."

"I know, I know,' I said. "Dragon stable cleaning duty."

"Right. Okay then, off you go! Have fun! And try not to die!"

Heather and I made our way down to the docks and got into a boat. We stayed mostly quiet on the way, although I couldn't help noticing that the sky around Berk had turned blood red. Me and my sister were both thinking the same thing: there was a dragon attack going on in Berk!

We when we got there, we jumped out of the boat and raced to Hiccup's house. I cautiously opened the door and looked around. There seemed to be nobody inside. I told Heather to be lookout and stay outside. I went in and closed the door. After checking there was still nobody around, I went upstairs to Hiccup's room. Stoick wasn't in his room; he was out taking care of the dragon attack. He was probably out there now, busy punching a Monstrous Nightmare senseless. I ran over to Hiccup's desk. Yes! The plans for the Mangler were there! I reached out my hand to grab it, but I almost jumped out of my skin when a voice behind me said:

"Hey Olaf. How's it going?"

I turned around to find Hiccup behind me.

"Heather let you in?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yeah. I just told her I needed to get something, and she let me in."

"I just need to borrow something." I said, holding up the plan for the Mangler. "Can I?"

"Yeah, sure." replied Hiccup. "Just make sure to bring it back."

"I will." I said, and dashed out of the house.

I met my sister outside.

"Did you get it?" she asked.

"Yeah, I did."

"Good. Now all we need to do is go to the Great Hall and steal the Book of Dragons."

We climbed up the many steps to reach it and opened the doors. I was expecting to find it deserted, but instead Stoick and the other Vikings were there, having a meeting.

"We need to finish them before they finish us." Stoick was saying. Gobber was sitting next to him, and in his hand was the Book of Dragons!