Guys! I would like you all to know that I've made some changes. So here in chapter one, I decided to list all the collection's titles and their summaries.

Please Enjoy!




1. Look Away

The way she looks away from him made him feel a little dead inside. There's a small crack, a very small crack threatening to make a larger one on his heart. And it breaks.

2. One Winter Morning -AU

She died in a one snowy morning. For two years of searching, he finally found her, buried deeply on the ground with her name scribbled elegantly on her grave stone.

3. Our Wedding

It was now his turn to imagine. Imagine that he's the one who is standing with her in front of the altar.

4. She's in love with another man.

The hardest thing to watch is to see the one you love, love someone else.

5. Facedown -AU

Gray quickly retracted his words; told her that he didn't mean it. He told her to face him but she shook her head and said: "Juvia can't look at Gray-sama's eyes anymore. She already had enough."

6. Black Curtain

"I've been harboring these feelings for you for these past few months, I just could get the right time to tell you... Juvia, I lov-" and he couldn't finish his sentence when he heard the door slammed shut.

7. Bitter Sweet

"Why is Gray-sama treating the other girls kindly? While with Juvia, he's always cold and unresponsive? Why?" she asked as a tear rolled down from her eyes, confused on why is the love of her life treating her like that.

8. Dress

"You look beautiful..." he commented. Juvia grinned and jumped to his side. "R-really? Juvia's glad that Gray-sama thinks that it's beautiful."

He smiled down at her, the words... his words are on the edge of his tongue but he couldn't say it.

"W-well, Juvia can't help but be nervous." she mumbled as she looked on the mirror once again. "What if Lyon-sama doesn't find it beautiful?"

Oh he remembered. It was not him anymore. It was now all about Lyon. It was not him who matters to her anymore. Not. HIM.

9. Missed

"Why don't you try finding a new one? She wouldn't like it if you rot here alone." Gajeel asked him curiously. And all the memories -her memories- came in a rush, and his poor heart began to contract again, leaving him scarred and lonely.

10. Wasted -AU

Nine years ago, she confessed her love to him. Being stupid and young, he rejected her and she asked if they could be friends instead. Years passed, he found her in a new different light. They graduated and she disappeared. After six long years, their batch held a reunion and he saw her once again. He didn't let the opportunity to pass and he only though of one thing; 'She's going to be mine.'



an2. Tada~ the first ten! I don't know if I'm going to add more but if I do, I'll make a list again of five or ten. I really hoped that you like this!

By the way, which story did you find very interesting? Which story did you find your most favorite? Tell me also what number you anticipates to read too :) Review it guys! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

And oh, must warn you all that the characters might be a lil OOC xD just a little only thouh 8D

Gruvia0218 Esthellar heather XD Lunar Mistress BrigitteoO Darkhope superduperizee rawrryy69 Sarapyon

Thank you for reviewing! *hugs you all*