
He's basically lost his own life- broken beyond repair- just for him to build those shattered fragments all around her.

A/N: Another chapter, yes. Well, this is from Nick, addressed to Gatsby, I guess. It's not like he actually TALKS to Gatsby, just… more of musings and thoughts and internal conversations. So… yes.

OH I forgot to mention, the previous chapter of this fanfic happened BEFORE Young and Beautiful (a fanfic I made before), while the last part of this chapter coincides with the last part of that fanfiction.


Fix You


When you try your best but you don't succeed

When you get what you want but not what you need

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse

Gatsby's my friend. Possibly more than that. But…what he is to me isn't really of my concern at the moment. My concern is that… well…

He's in love with my cousin.

I understand that it's something people would usually rejoice about, but not under certain conditions, no.

My cousin- Daisy- is married, and has a beautiful girl already. She's also… well… sad to say… different. Different from all those stories Gatsby told me once about his life.

This Daisy is changed now. She's rich and she's happy. She's not the lovestruck lover Gatsby used to have. He's a man trapped in the past, and is willing to go through a lot just to get her back. He's organized parties, he's done things a younger version of himself never thought would happen, but… here he is now, in his beautiful shirts.

But something tells me it won't work. She won't budge.

But why would she have to? As much as I've come to… dislike… her, she's living her life for what and who she is now. Gatsby's the one who has to wake up from this illusion.

I feel sorry for him, though, that the reason for all he's sacrificed has come to an imminent close and he'll realize it just wasn't worth it.

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

…I've seen him.

At his best… at his worst… and at his truest state. He's cried over her. He's persisted living for her. He's built this empire for her. He's stayed up all night, looking far ahead by the dock… He's loved her, only to have that love sent back to him uncertain and unclear with no definite meaning or description.

He's basically lost his own life- broken beyond repair- just for him to build those shattered fragments all around her.

And for what, exactly?

It's a question I've been asking him for a while now, only to get more words of love, adoration, obsession, and complete and utter desperation from him.

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

Honestly, I don't know what exactly I should do. A part of me says that this is his life, and whatever outcome that may result in all this is just what he deserves. Another part of me argues that, as his one true friend (possibly the only true thing in his life, I later realize), I have a responsibility to watch over him and see if he goes over the top.

I'm scared of losing him. I don't want to lose him at all. He's my friend, and, well… I don't want to see him hurt.

So I'll do everything I can to help him.

And high up above or down below

When you're too in love to let it go

But if you never try you'll never know

Just what you're worth

"You can't bring back the past."

That's what she said before. I swear it. I heard it.

But what did he say back?

"Oh, but yes, you can."

His hope was a beautiful thing- a magical wonder that people ought to have more. But… was this hope or a twisted sense of desperation?

I honestly thought it was desperation.

He was just… so desperate to have his life back. How? By doing illegal things just to earn money in hopes that Daisy would come to him back. Little did he know that by doing so, he did lose his life.

Daisy- a person he basically dedicated his whole existence to- belittles him and tosses him around whenever she feels like it. So now… he feels like complete and utter (I apologize for the word) shit. He blames himself on what she does, and acts more of a chained puppy than the supposed "lover" he's supposed to be to her.

Love is supposed to be about equality. About supporting each other's every action and about devoting yourself to that person entirely.

This wasn't love. Daisy treated him like a play toy, whereas Gatsby treated her a god. And it seemed to stick on him.

Let me prove to him he's more than just a woman's toy.

Let me show him his true worth. Please.

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

I will really try my best to do everything I can in my abilities to help him. That would explain why, right now, I'm standing at his front door, waiting for him or any of his butlers to open up. I want to hear his side, despite how desperately in love he usually sounds like. I want to hear everything, in hopes that he realizes his true worth and, most especially, his true purpose.

"Yes?" the butler who opened the door asked.

"Is Gatsby here?"

"By the dock, Master Nick." He says, coughing softly. "Come inside, if you will."

I do as I'm told, and I run to the dock.

"Thank you!" I cry out to him.

Tears stream down your face

When you lose something you cannot replace

Tears stream down your face

And I

At a distance, I stopped running to stare at the figure by the end of the dock.


He looked to be quite tired. Weary.

But what was he doing?

Reaching out to the light.

I can't help but to shake my head.

"And the day begins." I say, ill-toned.

Tears stream down your face

I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Tears stream down your face

And I

After staring at him, I sprint as fast as I could to the dock, after Gatsby. Why? He was wobbling! For real! Is he sleepy? What does he think he's doing here, wobbling around?! What if he falls into the water?! He should be in bed!

"Gatsby!" I shout.

He faced around slowly, as if breaking from whatever trance he was in. His expression was blank as his eyes registered who I was. Suddenly, he grinned. He grinned so wide, that I swear, at that moment, the sun could've risen up behind him to greet us with a new, fresh morning.

A morning to change.

"Old Sport." He said, and I gulped at the amount of affection and adoration that seemed to permeate those words.

"I… I saw you and I just… you seemed to be wobbling, and I thought you might fall down the water..." I explained. Well, tried to.

He smiled at me genuinely.

"It's alright." He stepped forward, wrapped his robe more tightly around him, and cleared his throat. "Care for a drink inside, Nick?"

His eyes shone the bluest of blues, as if you were lost in the shining glaze of the waters…


He wasn't the person who could rise the sun up.

He was the sun.

More importantly, his sun.

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you