A/N It has been almost two years since I have updated and I am truly and deeply sorry for that. My only excuse is that life and lack of a computer got in my way. However I am back and brewing with lots of wonderful ideas. Our boys have waited patiently for me to continue their tale and I shall not disappoint. Please make note of several things; I no longer have a beta and I am notorious for not catching my mistakes. Also the keyboard I am writing on has a terrible habit of double typing letters and I may not always see them. My writing quality has hopefully improved over the last couple of years and I plan on going back and editing my previous chapters when I hit another writer's block. I have not read the books in several years so I'll try to get my facts as spot on as possible. If at any point you have a sudden inspiration on something you'd like to have happen just send me a PM or leave a review and I will try to accommodate your wish if it fits my plot line. I will not make any promises on how often updates will be as I am very busy with school; however, I do promise that I will not abandon this story and I have every intention to finish it. As always Review and follow if you so wish (and want to make me smile). I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or places except for the ones from my imagination. HERE IT IS AT LONG LAST. CHAPTER TEN. ENJOY!

Also this chapter switches back and forth between Draco and Harry a lot.

Chapter Ten: A Dream or a Secret?

"Hello Draco. Harry."

Harry tensed beside Draco's relaxed form at the sound of Narcissa's welcoming voice. He immediately felt silly since Narcissa had been nothing but kind since the war; however, the presence of Lucius at her side felt ominous. Harry swallowed thickly as he looked into the older man's eyes, and at that moment Harry had never felt more exposed in his life. He felt almost as though all of his secrets were on display just from a mere glance.

Draco felt the shudder run through Harry's rigid body and unconsciously leaned closer to the smaller male trying to ease him of his stress. Almost instantly a soft smile tugged at Harry's lips and he breathed in deeply the scent of vanilla, magic, and moonbeams. The scent that was purely Draco.

"Hello Mother. Father." The silky drawl of Malfoy's voice suddenly snapped him to the reality around him and a light blush dusted his cheeks. The stain only deepened further in color when he realized that the eyes of the other occupants in the room were on him as he stood there mute.

"Erm...Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. Thank you for letting me stay here for the holidays." He managed to stammer out. The older Malfoys thought it was merely nerves getting to him about being back in a place filled with such dark memories; however, it was in fact something else entirely that made Harry stammer like an imbecile. The smell of Draco and the warmth of his body so close to his own was making Harry dizzy with delicious arousal as his teenage mind was filled with the blinding need for sex. Beside him Draco seemed completely oblivious to what was racing through his companion's mind.

"We're honored to have you here Mr. Potter. If you need anything during your visit do let us know. While we are not your family and this is not your home I sincerely wish for it to feel as such. For the first time in many years we wish to revel in the full experience of the Christmas spirit without darkness reigning over us."

Draco laughed at Harry's gobsmacked face when Lucius finished his short speech. His father was by no means a chick flick moments sort of guy and this welcoming, dare he even say nice, introduction to their home had even left Draco partially stunned. But even that had nothing on Harry's reaction, the poor boy looked as though he was genuinely considering the possibility that this was a polyjuiced Lucius Malfoy. Draco could hardly blame him; granted, the icy bitterness and cold demeanor of his father had mostly thawed since Voldemort's death this was too nice. Especially since it was aimed toward Harry friggin Potter of all people. Draco's eyes narrowed minimally, this act had his mother's influence written all over it. His eyes then crinkled at the edges as he tried to withhold another boil of laughter. Failing miserably he keeled over, the laughter bubbling forth uncontrollably until tears streamed down his face. Harry's reaction to his father paired with the fact that the oh so threatening Head of the Malfoy House could be controlled by a seemingly timid and small but actually intimidating woman was just more than he could handle.

Above him Harry's cheeks darkened and his eyes took on a dazzling sheen. When Draco wasn't laughing this hard at someone's misfortune he was actually kind of...beautiful. His irritation quickly flared at the sudden realization that he was probably being laughed at. Snatching the blonde up by his robes he glared darkly, "What is so bloody funny Malfoy?" he hissed quietly.

Draco stilled the instant those words brushed past his ear, his every nerve alite with the closeness of his friend's body. His breath coming faster as he stared into sinfully dark eyes and imagined Harry looking at him that same way in a different way.

"Oh God Harry." He moaned as he thrust into the tight, almost too tight, heat beneath him. Opening his eyes he glanced down suddenly trapped by the intensity of the bright emerald eyes staring back at him. Draco smirked wickedly as Harry dragged a slow tongue across his lower lip, those eyes gleaming impossibly brighter, lithe legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him deeper.

"Are you gonna fuck me Draco? Or stare at me all night?" Harry's playful tone caused Draco to growl before he set about reminding the green eyed man just who was in charge.

Draco shook his head as the fantasy quickly swept through his mind. He opened his mouth but was saved from responding when Charlton suddenly burst through the doors opposite the ones they had come through, hobbling on his pointed legs.

"Dinner is ready Master."' The creature stated lightly before turning and making his way back to wherever he had come from.

Harry cocked his head slightly his confusion obvious. This was the second creature he had seen behave abnormally. First the house elf with the sassy mouth and now the helpful beast who addressed his master without bowing. Harry knew Hermione would love the show of independence but these were the Malfoy's servants acting like this.

"Despite our past it is possible to change Mr. Potter", the silky voice of Lucius caused Harry to snap to attention. "Our servants are living breathing creatures who serve us well and make our lives more comfortable. We have learned to treat them kindly and allow them to show forth their own individualism and creativity so long as it does not hinder their work. It has worked spectacularly so far on the disposition of this household. Now let us go eat."

Lucius turned pointedly and strode from the room, Narcissa throwing a sweet smile their way before following closely after her husband. Draco nudged Harry's arm in a silent indication to walk before going after his parents. Harry turned his head to study Draco as they moved toward the dining room, trying to decipher why the blonde looked so flushed.


Dinner was a surprisingly pleasant affair. The food was incredible, almost as good as Hogwarts own, and Harry couldn't help but admire the beautiful renovations to the once dark dining room and the festive christmas decorations decorating adorning the white marble walls. If he hadn't seen the horror that had occurred in this very room with his own eyes it would be hard to believe that this had ever been anything other than a bright and happy place. Even the Malfoys were proving to be amiable company so far. Especially Draco. Harry's eyes strayed to the young blonde as he ate his pudding. The way his lips wrapped delicately around the silver spoon and sucked and licked every trace of pudding off before dipping it back into his bowl to repeat the process again had Harry captivated. No one should be allowed to make something so innocent look so bloody sensual.

"Harry?" Narcissa's sudden call of his name had Harry's cheeks burning and his eyes dropping to his plate, as guilty as a child caught with their fingers in the pie.

"Yes Mrs. Malfoy?"

"We were going to have a guest room set up for you but I thought perhaps since you boys are friends you would want to share Draco's room and have the full experience of a proper Christmas break. And as much as I'm sure none of us want to mention the past I understand that this house holds a lot of bad memories for you and I would prefer you not be alone. It's not good for one's mind. Is that acceptable to you boys?"

Narcissa's knowing smile was well hidden behind her wine glass as she observed the nervous glances the young men in front her quickly shared before nodding their assent. They truly were adorable and she knew that with all that they had been through they would be really good for one another. If only she could get the clueless pair to realize themselves their mutual interest in each other. She cast her eyes across the table at her husband and saw the shadowed look he was giving the boys and realized she had more than just Draco and Harry to convince that a relationship between the two would be a wonderful thing.


After dinner Draco and his parents said their goodnights and he showed Harry to his room. Harry wasn't in the least bit shocked to see that the blonde's room was bathed in a tasteful array of green and silver tones. And in the center of his huge room was an equally giant bed that looked so soft he thought he would be able to fall into it and never find his way back out. Harry gasped as the bed rippled and then duplicated in front of him.

"Looks like we won't be forced to share a bed. Thank Merlin for small gifts." The way Draco sighed out in absolute relief at the appearance of the second bed made Harry flinch as it sent a sharp pain through his stomach. God how had he thought he'd ever have a chance in hell with a bloody Malfoy when said Malfoy was relieved at not having to even sleep in the same bed as him.

Neither boy realized that sharing a bed or not their relationship was about to hit a level of intimacy neither was prepared for.


Harry stared at the ceiling as he woke suddenly from a quickly forgotten dream. Shaking his head he rolled onto his stomach preparing to slip back into sleep when a soft noise from his right caught his attention. Cocking his head slightly his confusion morphed to curiosity as the next sharp gasp from across the room hit his ears. Looking at the thrashing, sleeping form in the next bed he laughed when he realized what was happening. His jaw went slack as his hormones flooded his senses,his arousal spiking higher and higher with every keen and sweet plea for more that came from Draco's throat. Harry's hand strayed down to his boxers squeezing himself tightly, biting his lip to remain silent. He became so lost in the overwhelming arousal he almost missed the quietly gasped name from the blonde. Frowning he crept silently over to the other bed.

"Professor Night"

The long drawl of their professor's name was unmistakable this close. Harry's eyes narrowed, all traces of arousal gone at the sound of another's name on Draco's lips. Seized by a sudden fit of jealously Harry reached out harshly shaking the blonde, intent on rousing him from his erotic dream. However the second his hands touched him Draco began to tremble and moan,

"Harry! Oh Merlin you're so tight. Harry...Harry...OH GODS YES HARRRYYY!" Draco shuddered hard arching high off the bed as his orgasm crashed over him.

The dark haired man gazed down frozen in shock at what he'd just heard. Leaning down he gently cupped the blondes head and let his lips hover over the other teen's. When he heard the mumbled sound of his name being whispered in confusion and saw the slight peek of silver beneath the closed lids Harry panicked and stepped quickly away. Without consciously doing so he moved back to his own bed, laid down and fell asleep. The only thing his shocked mind was able to process before darkness overcame him was a life changing question.

Was it just a dream or did Draco have a secret similar to his own?

A/n Finally finished this chapter! It's been such a long time coming. In all honesty I have no idea what to do in the next chapter. Any ideas would be much appreciated. And a huge thanks to the many reviews telling me to continue you guys were my main motivation.