Author's Notes, or something similar:

Wrote this in nine minutes to break a writer's block. Baby's first Puzzleshipping smut. Don't expect much.

The Other Yuugi crawls all over him. The cheesy medium-grade porn is still running on the little TV in Yuugi's room, the porn Yuugi had watched forgetting the Other Yuugi could see, and the Other Yuugi is crawling all over him. Yuugi can feel his touch somehow, maybe imagining it, breath escalated, and he can't tell if this is wrong or not, the bedsheets crisp under his back, tingles crisp down his spine. They're kissing, and they're both awful at it, but the slip of wet lips against Yuugi's makes up for that—the Other makes a sound, a little low-chest sound, and Yuugi's hard, just like that. The little slide of tongue. The little heavy-breath from the Other Yuugi, from Yuugi, and maybe the Other is hard now too—only their chests are pressed together, not hips, so Yuugi can't feel—and that thought makes Yuugi moan a little too. And then, then, then—

The Other Yuugi pulls back with eyelids heavy and lips shiny and wet with Yuugi's spit and mutters, "Fuck me," like the girl in the porno that's still playing, and then he laughs, eyes shut. Playing at seduction, at knowing what he's doing—he has no clue, actually.

That doesn't matter, though, because Yuugi sits up on his elbows to kiss him again and again and again and again and he wants to kiss him forever. It ends up, eventually, with Yuugi on top, somehow. He doesn't know what he's doing, but that's okay, because neither does the Other Yuugi, and that's okay, too.

They're not sure how to go about this—Yuugi's never thought about sex with guys, really—but wait, the Other Yuugi is him, he thinks, or some part of him, so does it really count—well, anyway. But then the Other Yuugi presses his hips up, and Yuugi's eyes flicker shut and his face twists and he moans, and that's enough—they're frotting, fast and hard, and the tingles are all over Yuugi and all over the Other, who is moaning way more high-pitched than Yuugi thought he was capable of, and the Other is muttering "Fuck, fuck, fuck," and he pulls Yuugi's pants down over his thin bony hips, and Yuugi is going to die because it's so good

Maybe it's the mind link, because they both come at the same time, down to the second, Yuugi hissing and the Other letting out a high-pitched moan. Yuugi's legs tremble down to the knees, arms tremble down to the elbows. He falls on top of himself, boneless and happy.

As he falls asleep, he thinks he feels lips on the corner of his mouth—just one little peck.