Lady Olivia of Ettinsmoor made her way silently to the kitchen. She was planning to get some tea and biscuits to her room, when suddenly someone grabbed her arm and slammed her against the corridor wall.

"What on Aslan's name are you doing? You scared me." She said, trying to calm down.

"I want it done. Now." Bart Kendrick held her really tight by her shoulders, hurting her, threatening her.

"I told you I was going to do it when the moment was precise."

"I think precise is now!" He slammed her once more against the hard cold wall. "Have you forgotten all I've done for you? For your family? You belong to me! I owe you and you are doing as I say."

Tears fell down her cheeks. "I will, when the moment is precise!" She shook his hands off her shoulders and left to her bedchambers.

"Is it night yet?"

Caspian chuckled. "Yes, Susan this is the third time you ask me that."

"I just can't remember the last time I was out Cair Paravel this late."

"Well, I call this: Susan Pevensie is living a little."

"That is actually nice."

"But I bet that with me is better."

"Oh excuse me Sir Perfection."

Caspian laughed loudly and Susan rested her head on this chest. He had spread a large white blanket in the muddy floor of the woods and had Susan stargaze with him. They could have done it back at Cair Paravel but this felt more private, especially because Caspian wanted to ask Susan to have a proper courtship, and he was terrified about her answer.

"Caspian, I think we should go…." Susan kissed him deeply leaving Caspian shocked.

"Su, I have to tell you something." Susan's heart raced. She thought about this moment, the moment Caspian got bored of her. She faked a yawn. "Caspian, I'm sure you can tell me tomorrow."

"No, Susan, I-"

Susan hugged him. "Tomorrow." She whispered in his ear. If he were to leave her, she wouldn't let him ruin the night. It was beautiful after all.

"Okay, tomorrow." He had planned all of this for her, but if she was tired he'll wait.

They mounted Destrier and head to the castle.

A knock on the door distract Peter from his thoughts, that weren't exactly battle strategy. Mister Bart Kendrick was announced.

"Please, come in."

Mr. Kendrick entered the counsel room and found Peter sitting on the head of the table, as he always did. Only one single candle was lit and its light hit his face. Blue eyes, blonde hair and that respectable look Peter always gave him. Stupid blonde brat, Kendrick thought.

"Your Highness." He bowed.

"Please, just Peter. Take a sit, sir."

Without second thought he pulled the chair beside Peter and sat. "Are you worried, My Ki- I mean, Peter?"

"Just distracted on my thoughts… What brings you here so late?"

"I wanted to know how things were going with Lady Olivia."

Peter felt his throat go dry. "Uh Olivia? I- yes she, we talk you know. Like people."

"Like people?"

"No. I mean, yes. We are aware about your plans…."

"Will you marry her?"

"I don't know."

"You wish to get another match?" He asked outraged.

"No. Please, she is wonderful; just let me think it through. I don't love her."

"You will. I promise you. She thinks very high of you; I bet she fancies you already."

Peter blushed. He knew he wasn't bad looking, but he always rejected compliments only because he got too many. After all, he was the High King. "Oh I doubt that, Bart."

"Well, she never stops taking about you."

"I told you we spoke today, Bart."

"I'll plan something for you two, and tomorrow let's have an entertainment evening for everyone in the castle. Would you like that?"

"That can be a good idea." He was sure Lucy wouldn't like that.

Mr. Kendrick stood up and shook Peter's hand. "When you wake up your manservant will be acquainted with your activities with Lady Olivia."

"Of course, sir." Peter watched Mr. Kendrick leave.

Why was Mr. Kendrick so insistent about the wedding with Olivia, couldn't he at least have some time to know her? If he had no other option but marry a person he just met he must at least know something about her. He planned first to tell Lucy in the morning, in that way she wouldn't find out by other person but him and second, try to like Olivia.

The next morning, Edmund walked around the busy castle. It was going to be a fuss of a day, and entertainment night was to blame. He tried to help the servants, he always enjoyed doing stuff that had nothing to do with weaponry on the days he was free of public royal duty. He was on his way to the gardens and took the east staircase.

"Lady Olivia! Good morning." He smiled.

"Good day, King Edmund." She replied nervously.

"Are you, okay? What happened to your shoulders?"

"Nothing, I'm just clumsy." She tried to cover her bruises with her dress but failed.

"Well if you won't talk to me about what happened, at least let me take you to the physician."

"No, please. It is not necessary."

"My Lady, I am not taking no for an answer."

Olivia shut her mouth and followed Edmund down the stairs. She needed to get rid of those bruises before some else saw them; her life was so messed up. Bart hurt her while threatening her last night, she couldn't stand him anymore and she hated what she had to do for him.

Edmund guided her to a set of big wooden double door and as Olivia tried to open them, she flinched in pain.

"Let the guards do that, please, you'll hurt yourself." He was so concerned.

Olivia lowered her gaze. "Thanks."

The guards opened the door and Olivia found herself in the vast room they called Yheeta's. She never thought a centaur will be her physician, but she was glad to see her because maybe just maybe her physical pain will go away with some miracle herb mixture.

"Yheeta this is Lady Olivia of Ettinsmoor. She is badly bruised; can you please do something about that?"

Yheeta had the kindest expression she had ever seen here in Cair Paravel so far. Well, after Edmund's. "Please call me Olivia."

"What happened to you, dear?"

"She won't tell. Just please, can you help her?" Asked Edmund.

"Of course dear, remember the day you tried to help Susan with her books and a pile fell over your thumb?"

"It was terribly painful, I don't wish to remember that." He smiled.

They left Yheeta do her job. She was efficient and wise, everyone trusted her remedies. With a mix of herbs that had a strong smell of ginger and comfrey in a bowl she approached them.

"My King, My Lady, I need to give a very important to Gira, the kitchen lady, she ran out of the last bottle I gave her and she needs it now. Edmund rub this on her bruises and wipe it with a wet cloth later. I think you can handle that, right?"

"I can do it myself, Yheeta, thank you so much for your help."

Yheeta bowed and left them alone.

"I can do it, My Lady, if you wish."

Olivia stared at the wooden little bowl, and then she looked at Edmund. "Be gentle."

"Of course! Just move your hair please."

Olivia did as she was told and flinched as soon as she felt Edmund's hand on her shoulder. "Easy."

"Easy, My Lady, don't you trust me?"

"I can't quite say that, My King."

"You will, I am the one who is going to heal you." He laughed.

Edmund's hands on Olivia skin burned as wildfire, she couldn't exactly tell if it was the herb mix or just Edmund. He massaged her pain away, his touch was light but not vague and she could feel the pain going slowly away.

"The other shoulder, please."

Olivia moved her hair and tilted her head to the opposite side and let Edmund to his job. She wanted to cry, Edmund was such a nice person to her and all she was commanded to do was to destroy. If she could just break free of Kendrick's chains. ´Don't you trust me?´ his voice echoed on her head. She unconsciously became fond of every people she had met since she got to Cair Paravel, and that was not a good thing.

"My Lady, I'm done. How are you feeling?"

"Much better. My shoulders don't ache as much as they did before, Edmund."

He smiled. "You called me by my name, now this is making progress." He laughed but he became abruptly silent when the door opened and Peter stepped in.

"Olivia, are you okay? I heard you were injured, I thought-"

"No worries, Peter, I'm fine. Your brother here did a fine job healing me."

"Oh, is that so, Edmund?" He looked confused and annoyed, Edmund hated that.

"Just following Yheeta's orders."

"Will I see you later? For our archery….date." Peter awkwardly said.

"Yes, My King."

Peter nodded and exited the room.

"He has no idea, but I'll kick his ass."

Edmund managed a smile.

"Do you have to go, Peter?"

"Yes, Lucy." He said for the fifth time.

"Will you marry her?" There was pain in Lucy's voice.

"I probably will, Lu." He swiftly kissed her.

"What about this? Have you kissed her yet?"


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means… That. Not. Like. This." He lifted Lucy from his bed and pinned her against the door, his mouth over hers.

Lucy's legs wrapped around Peter's waist and opened her mouth to welcome his warm tongue that collided with hers making them mad with desire. Peter's tongue traced a path to Lucy's neck and sucked and kissed her until her moans were becoming too loud and Peter was ultimately pleased with making her feel that way. He broke the kiss and put her down gasping for air.

"Not like that, huh?"

"No." He left his chambers leaving Lucy alone.

The archery match date was going on just fine. Olivia was doing great, much better than Peter as she promised. The sun was setting and the air was chilly making Olivia shake from time to time. She should wear surcoats now, winter was near. A table with snacks became Peter's best friend after the fifth shot. The Lady of Ettinsmoor was just a natural.

"You're good!" He said.

"I am very aware of that." She smiled.

"Can you tell me how you got bruised? You don't have a lover do you?"

"Oh no! No! I am clumsy that's just it."

"You are a wonderful woman, Olivia, Bart told me you are very excited about this."

"He what? I barely talk to him, Peter."

"Oh, well this is awkward. He said you were bewitched by my good looks." He winked.

They both laugh. "I enjoy your company, Olivia."

"I guess it is important we get along if we really are going to marry."

He brushed her hair away from her face. "Yes, I am counting on that."

Olivia took Peter's face between her hands and kissed him, their lips locked and their bodies pushed against each other. It was a short but intense kiss. They stared at each other for a moment.

"I guess we should get used to that?" Olivia asked embarrassed.

"I guess we eventually will, Olivia."


"Caspian, good evening."

"I've been looking for you all day, remember I had to talk to you?"

"Oh yes. I forgot." Susan lied; she had hid all day from him. "But we should go inside, dinner is going to be served right now and entertainment night is going to be so much fun!" She pulled Caspian inside, avoiding their talk once again.

"My King and Queens and Lady Olivia, before the dinner begins, I announce to you we have an unexpected dear person back in the castle." Mr. Kendrick announced.

Everyone looked at Peter, and he couldn't be more lost.

"Announcing, Sir Christopher is back from Beruna."

Susan's heart seemed to stop.

I hope you liked this chapter. I'll update real soon. Please don't forget to review and tell me what are will you like to happen next and/or what you think will happen next.