Severus groaned once more before getting to his feet and surveying his destroyed lab. Every available surface was covered in shimmering golden goo, including his books and the third and fourth year's essays. He prayed to Merlin that his books weren't ruined and scoffed at the essays before vanishing them. As far as he was concerned, they had all failed anyway.

He performed a quick evanesco, setting the room to rights, before yanking a hand through his hair and stalking from the room. It couldn't be postponed any longer. It was time to report to Dumbledore. He grinned darkly to himself as he heard the unmistakable sound of students out after curfew.

Might as well make the trip worthwhile.

Hermione woke with a gasp. What a strange dream. It was impossible, yet it felt so real. Any other girl would be shaking with disgust at dreaming of not only being married to Professor Snape, but also having his child.

Hermione, though… she was different. She could see what others could not. He was simply a man in too deep and just trying to stay alive like everyone else. He was also a brilliant professor and a talented wizard. Hermione blushed as her mind wondered just what other talents he might have. She was pregnant in her dream. She shut those thoughts down and frowned.

"I do not like Professor Snape. This is not some silly little schoolgirl crush. I respect him, that's all."

Crookshanks meowed at his mistress, annoyed to be woken by her late night musings. Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed, throwing the blankets from her body and on top of the orange ball of fur.

"I'm not going back to sleep quite yet, Crooks. Perhaps a quick stroll to the kitchens?"

A growl came from deep within the pile of covers. Hermione put her hands on her hips.

"Maybe I could ask the elves for a saucer of milk…" she wondered aloud, staring intently at the mound on her bed.

Crooks fought free of the blankets and shot by Hermione so fast he only appeared as an orange blur. She laughed as he sat looking quickly between her to the door and back again. She thanked Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore for granting her private rooms as she quietly opened the door and snuck out behind Crookshanks.

So far, he had deducted 10 points each from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and 50 points from Gryffindor. He smirked to himself. He hadn't seen a single Slytherin lurking about the corridors. He rolled his eyes when he saw the glow of a wand up ahead. Did these dunderheads ever learn?

He approached the source of light and cursed when he recognized the platinum blonde hair. He got as close as dared before leaning in next to the boy's ear.

"Draco," he growled, smirking in delight as the boy jumped. "Might I suggest that you return to the dungeons before Slytherin loses any chance it may have of winning the house cup."

The boy glared at him through silver eyes. "What chance? You know as well as I do that the bloody thing is going to Gryffindor again."

Snape narrowed his eyes and scowled. "You may be my godson, Mr. Malfoy, but I am still your professor and your head of house and you will speak to me with respect. I expect you to remember that. I believe that I told you to return to your rooms. Now."

Malfoy sneered before turning and stomping away.

Severus turned the corner and nearly tripped over a purring Crookshanks as he attempted to tangle himself in the professor's legs.

"What the devil are you doing here you mangy beast? Where did you even…" Severus froze midsentence as he felt another presence nearby. He spun quickly, wand out, accidentally kicking the horrid beast away.

"Reveal yourself or suffer the consequences," he growled dangerously.

Hermione's heart hammered in her ears. Her eyes were wide and she was frozen in shock (and maybe just a smidge of fear) as she stared passed the wand in her face into the cold black eyes of her professor.

"Last chance." He gripped his wand tighter.

Hermione came to her senses and quickly canceled the disillusionment charm she had placed on herself. The professor narrowed his eyes as he focused on the bushy hair and brown eyes of Gryffindor's princess. He slowly lowered his wand.

"Well, well," he drawled. "What do we have here? The Golden Girl breaking rules."

Hermione's face flushed and she looked down in embarrassment. Why did it have to be him to catch her? And on tonight of all nights. With her dream fresh in her mind it was hard to look at him as strict professor rather than a friend.

She looked up at him through her eyelashes and compared him to her dream. He was just as tall and his build seemed the same, though it was hard to tell with the little bit of light available. His skin was just as pale, smooth, and perfect. His hair looked just as soft and she remembered the way it felt when she combed her fingers through it. His eyes were just as beautiful.

Professor Snape raised an eyebrow, wondering what she could be up to that made her seem so bashful.

"Explain yourself," he snapped.

Her eyes focused on his mouth and remembered how he looked younger and less stressed when he smiled and relaxed a little. And his voice. Merlin, that voice. Steel wrapped in velvet with the ability to cut one to the core or bring one to the peak of…

She snapped out of it. "I'm sorry, Sir, what was that?" she squeaked.

"Explain yourself. Now, Miss Granger," he ground out, glaring at her as if he could turn her into dust by doing so. All it seemed to be doing was turning her into goo. She shook her head, hoping to clear away those thoughts that she should definitely not be having about her professor.

"I- I had a strange dream, Sir," she began, not noticing the sharp inhale from the man before her, "and I couldn't sleep so I decided a trip to the kitchens might help. The house elves are very kind, though a little overwhelming, and I promised Crookshanks a bowl of milk for waking him." She blushed as she realized that she was rambling on and that her explanation sounded childish.

"Crookshanks? Of course this foul animal is yours," he muttered as he attempted to push the cat towards its mistress with his boot, grumbling as the damned thing continued twining itself around his legs. "Get this creature off of me and return to your rooms immediately and I shall forget about this incident," he said, once again failing to kick the cat away.

Hermione laughed quietly and felt the glare Professor Snape turned on her. She knelt and called the half-kneazle over with a simple, "Here, Crooks." Crookshanks looked up at Snape before meowing in disappointment and responding to his mistress. Hermione laughed again. She quickly and quietly told Crooks to go ahead to the kitchen for his milk and to return to the room when he was done. With a flick of his tail, he rushed off. Nothing was better than a bowl of nice cold milk, not even annoying the dark man.

The professor stared after the cat before turning to the girl for an explanation. She shrugged.

"I told you, Sir, I promised him. I always keep my word." She stood awkwardly for a moment. "He's half-kneazle, you know, an excellent judge of character. He likes you." She smiled at him, mumbled a quick goodnight, and rushed off towards the tower.

Severus watched the girl walk away. Once she was out of sight, he stormed down the corridor. Excellent judge of character? What was she on about? He had no character. His honor, his love, anything that may have been good had been stripped of him when he became a Death Eater.

He paused as he recalled her explanation. A strange dream. Was it possible that she had seen the same thing he did? He hoped not.

He ignored any students that may have been sneaking around in favor of getting to the Headmasters office as quickly as possible.

"Gumdrops!" he barked as he approached the gargoyle. He took the steps two at a time. He pushed open the door and there sat Albus, eyes twinkling as he reached for a lemon drop. He opened his mouth and Severus just knew what he was about to be asked.

"No, Albus, I would not like a lemon drop." He glared at the old wizard as he whipped out his wand and blew the small crystal bowl holding the little yellow candies to smithereens.