So this is my first K fanfic as well as the first fic I've put up on this website! Yay! Maybe. If it's good. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Misaki knows it's stupid. Knows that what he's doing is reckless and unnecessary and so incredibly stupid.

But that doesn't stop him. With their King captured HOMRA looks weak and that's something they definitely aren't. They've never been weak, not even without their King are they weak and Misaki's determined to show everyone that.

Swiftly skating through the alley ways Misaki doesn't hesitate on his turns. He knows exactly where he's going.

He's going to take out a blue.

Or at the very least send a blue to the hospital and maybe some therapy sessions.

It doesn't help that he's pissed off either. It would've been a lie if he said he wasn't upset, but he wasn't going to say anything to anyone about that. His pride wouldn't allow him to ever be visibly upset in front of anyone. Well, he might've cried in front of Saruhiko a few times. But that didn't count. Saruhiko was a traitor and Misaki would never be fooled by that damned monkey again.

And now Misaki's even more furious. Whoever he caught was going to regret ever being born.

Pushing off the ground Misaki forced his board to move even faster, now even more determined to beat someone's head in. Everyone would know not to mess with HOMRA after this. Swerving to a stop at the end of the alley a smirk finds its way onto the boy's face. It hadn't even taken him 30 seconds to find his victim.

The blue's walking alone down the empty street, and as he passes under a streetlight Misaki can tell he's wearing a hoodie. Said hoodie is covering his face, but the uniform is clearly still being worn by this person. It's a man Misaki decides, the chest is too flat for it to be a girl and for that he is thankful. If it were a girl he would've been screwed.

Silently Misaki presses his back up against the wall of the alley, the footsteps of the blue getting closer and closer.

It won't be long now . . .

Footsteps get louder and Misaki knows he's only got a couple more seconds before he'll be noticed. And just like that the blue is at the entrance of the alley and Misaki is raising his bat to take a swing at him.

Reflexively the blue's hand shoots out to grab onto the baseball bat, but Misaki grins and readjusts his angle managing to slam the metal into the blue's stomach. A choked noise comes out of the blue's mouth then and Misaki freezes at the familiar noise.


Of all the people he could've jumped . . .

"Oh, if it isn't Mi-Sa-Ki~"

Misaki stares with wide eyes for a second before they harden back into a glare, "You damned monkey!" Taking another swing at the younger boy Misaki really shouldn't be surprised when Saruhiko easily grabs a hold of the bat and flings him into a wall.

Groaning Misaki can feel a dull pain starting to pound in his head, god damn, had Saruhiko really gotten so strong already?

"What might you be doing her Mi-Sa-Ki?" Saruhiko drawled out smirking at the glare the older boy sent him. "Tch, it's none of your business and don't fucking say my name, monkey!"

"Oh? I think it is my business given you just attacked me don't you think?" Says Saruhiko and Misaki balls his hand into a fist because, really, he hadn't expected tonight to go like this. If anything it was only supposed to take an hour for him to beat the crap out of some blue and get back to HOMRA. Not spend forever trying to kill this damn monkey.

Smiling slyly Saruhiko taunts, "I bet it's all for your precious Mikoto isn't it? You're such a drama queen."

Glaring Misaki growls "Shut the fuck up! You don't know a thing about what I'm doing here!"

Rolling his eyes Saruhiko mocks, "Oh yeah, it's so obvious that you're just trying to look strong when you're so obviously not. Look at you Misaki. I haven't even begun yet and you're breathing heavy. It's quite sad really. Mikoto would be disappointed in you."

Red flames start flaring up around Misaki's body, and Saruhiko grins maliciously as his own blue and red flames start sprouting as well. "Shut the hell up! You don't know anything! We're way stronger than you fucking blues!"

Saruhiko grins, "Let's see it then . . . Mi-Sa-Ki~"

Grinding his teeth together Misaki lunges at Saruhiko ready to ram his bat into the younger boy's stomach, his flames licking around the metal as well. "You bastard, I'll kill you!"

Chuckling Saruhiko easily avoids the attack bringing the hilt of his sword down against Misaki's back.

Fuck, when had he gotten his sword out?

Wincing at the pain now throbbing in his back Misaki glared at his former friend, "Fucker!" Taking another swing, Misaki made sure that this time Saruhiko wouldn't see through his attack. Instead of only using his bat he swung his legs around, managing to catch Saruhiko's side. Pushing off of the younger boy Misaki watched him stumble backwards.

Smirking Misaki called, "Don't underestimate me you son of a bitch!"

The smirk slowly dropped off of Misaki's face though when he heard Saruhiko begin chuckling manically. Brows furrowing Misaki shouts, "Oi! What's so funny you damned monkey!?"

Looking up Saruhiko sends the older boy a bone chilling grin, "Maybe . . . you're the one who shouldn't be underestimating me."

Misaki didn't even get a chance to ask what the monkey meant before a knife came whizzing at him. Gasping the older boy barely managed to get out of the way of the knife before it hit his arm. He heard the sound of metal hitting concrete somewhere behind him, but he didn't dare take his eyes off of Saruhiko.

A playful gleam shimmered in Saruhiko's eyes and if Misaki said it wasn't creeping him out he would've be lying. He'd seen Saruhiko at his lowest points, yet he'd never seen him like this. If he didn't know better he'd say the younger boy looked insane.

Well that really wasn't too far off from what Misaki already thought of him, but this was different. This kind of insane was scaring him.

"Saru? What's gotten into you?" Misaki asked quietly almost afraid of the answer, but if anything Saruhiko's grin just widened. It almost looked like his face would split in half if he smiled anymore.

"Oh nothing, my dear Misaki. But I do believe it's time I really show you how strong I've gotten." Saruhiko laughed starting to make his way towards where Misaki was standing, knives gripped tightly in his hands.

Biting his lip Misaki couldn't have moved if he wanted to. It was like he was petrified by the look on the younger boy's face. Saruhiko twirled one of his knives in between his fingers and Misaki barely even noticed it was being flung at him before it was snagging onto the sleeve of his shirt.

Much to Misaki's surprise the force of the knife was enough to have him staggering back into the alley's wall. Banging his head against the bricks he let out a pained groan before looking back up to where Saruhiko was still approaching. Suddenly snapping back to reality Misaki tugged at the knife that had pierced through his shirt and held it up between him and the younger boy.

What a stupid move that had been.

The knife burst into blue flames immediately burning Misaki's hand. Dropping the knife with a pained yelp the older boy reached for his baseball bat, which he had must've dropped at some point.

Fuck, if he wanted to survive this he needed to get his shit together.

He didn't even make it halfway to where his bat was laying before Saruhiko had thrown another knife at him, this time piecing through the skin of his calf. A pained gasp left Misaki's lips and his knees buckled sending him to the ground. Gripping at the wound around where the knife was buried Misaki glared up at Saruhiko, "Y-you bastard!"

With that same grin still on his face Saruhiko bent down to cradle Misaki's face gently, "You're really quite beautiful Misaki. I've always thought you were. But ever since you joined HOMRA it's always been about Mikoto. Mikoto this and Mikoto that. I never hated him as a person per say, I just hated the effect he had on you."

Frowning Misaki tried in vain to pull his face away from Saruhiko's grip, "Wh-what the hell are you going on about?"

"I'm talking about how he stole you from me. You're mine Misaki. Nobody else can have you." Saruhiko explained his gentle caress turning into a firm, almost bruising, grip.

The grip on his jaw made it hard to snap at the younger boy, but Misaki was surprised when the grip slide from his jaw down to his throat.

"Oi! Stupid monkey what're you doing!?" Misaki cried thrashing slightly, but was quickly shut up when Saruhiko pushed down on his throat effectively cutting off his means of breathing.

Gasping slightly for breath Misaki raised his hands to pull at Saruhiko's hands, but it was no use. "S-stop . . . let go . . .S-Saru . . ."

The smile that Saruhiko shot down at him made his skin crawl, but he was more focused on trying to pull his hands off of his neck. He was starting to get dizzy now, and he's almost positive the edges of his vision shouldn't be black. This was bad. This was really bad.

By the time Misaki had thought to use his flames he was already slipping into unconsciousness, Saruhiko's chuckling echoing in his mind.

AN: Did you like it? Was it any good? I really wanna know what you think and if anyone wants I'll make another part which will more than likely have smut in it! Please review telling me if you liked it or not or if you have any helpful criticism! Thank you for reading! :)