Chapter 16 - The Skilled

"Ones who are skilled go by unnoticed;

While the unskilled ones get all the attention.

Why is that, I asked?" Unparalleled by Skye Applebome

Morella's POV - A Few Days Later

Rays of light hit my eyelids, as the sun rose. How those rays made it through the curtains? I'm not sure. Pulling the quilt on my bed back, I got up and opened the curtains more. The light flooded the room, as I headed for my bathroom. 'I think I'll get ready without Mey-rin's help, today'. Once there, I turned the knobs to the bath until I get a relaxing temperature. I withdrew my nightgown and turned off the faucet when the tub was filled.

Stepping into the water, I leaned against the back of the tub for a moment, before washing up. When that was done, I stepped out and dried myself. I know I didn't have to bath and towel dry, yet it was relaxing. At least to me it was. I got dressed and went to my vanity. Sitting on the stool, I glanced at the mirror, before turning quickly toward the mirror. I would have screamed, if it wasn't for my hand that flew to cover my mouth.

Now, everything looked normal, but my eye…which looked identical to Sebastian's when his were demonic. Yet, instead mine were glowing green. 'What?... This can't be happening… I'm an angel! Not a demon!' I thought, in a panic. 'How could this be happening?'.

"M-Miss? A-are you awake? The Young Master h-has asked me to see if you will be joining him to town?" Mey-rin's voice was muffled by the door slightly, although I perceived her perfectly… Along with her heart beat. My eyes slowly turned toward the door, focusing on the spot where her heart would be. The rhythmic beat being the only sound I cared to hear. "M-Miss? Can you hear me? Are you awake?"

I blinked once and found myself in front of my door, hand on the handle. Without my knowledge, my mind had become fuzzy, yet it didn't stay long as I shook my head to clear it. Stepping back from the door, with much strength, I called out, "Y-Yes, I'm awake. I-I just woke. I won't be going with Ciel… I… I think I'll j-just stay home today."

"A-Are you alright, Miss? Are you feeling well?" Mey-rin questioned, the handle turning slightly.

"Yes! Yes, l-I'm fine. Just a bit groggy," I rushed out.

"Alright, Miss. I'll go tell the Young Master that you won't be joining him," Mey-rin replied and I heard her leave.

With a sigh, I waited until I sensed the carriage had left, before opening my window and jumped to the ground. I didn't trust myself to leave my room through my door, afraid I'd unintentionally harm a member, if not all members, of the staff. I went to the lake that was close to the manor, yet the staff wouldn't see me. Quickly, I stripped to only my shift and looked at my reflection. My eyes were still demonic. Letting my wings out, I turned to see the the color of them. Stretching them, I saw that they were still gray, yet at the base at my back, a black was starting to overcome them.

Stepping into the water, I swam to the middle of the lake. Once there, I layed on my back and let myself sink. I said a silent prayer in my head, to bless me of this evil. Well, as much evil it could get rid of. I felt my back and wings softly land on the bottom of the lake, the arms of the water taking away the evil. Opening my eyes, I saw the fractured sunlight, which brought me peace. I turned to see my wings, the black completely gone, leaving only the gray feathers I learned to live with. I watched my hair float around my face, swaying with the current. After a moment of relaxing, I swam to the surface, breaking the watery mirror.

Swimming to the shore, I stretched my wings, before putting them away. I looked at my reflection to see my eyes had gone back to normal, for now at the very least. I looked down at myself. My shift was sticking to my body, like a second skin, and I realized that, in the panic I was in, forgot to get another one before I left. Though I would have to take a bath again, smelling like fish and all. Grabbing my clothes, I ran to the manor, which dried my shift, and jumped into my room, just before Mey-rin knocked on my door. Quickly, I laid my clothes on my bed and called for her to come in.

"Are you feeling alright, Miss?" Mey-rin asked, worry covered her face.

"Yes, I'm fine. As I said earlier, I was just a little tired. Thank you for your concern," was my reply, a small smile forming on my face.

"That's wonderful to hear, Miss. Would you like breakfast here or down stairs?" she asked, her hands folded in front of her and a light blush on her face.

"Down stairs would be wonderful. Yet, I think I'll have a bath first. For some reason, I smell of fish," I explained. Mey-rin nodded in understanding and went to draw the bath. I sat at my vanity with a sigh of relief. 'Today had quite the start.'

Once washed, dried, and dressed with Mey-rin's help, again, I went down stairs for a light breakfast. As I was heading down the stairs, I heard a blood curdling scream. I ran at a human speed to the sound, thinking it was on of the servants. When I made a turn to another hall, I crashed into something. Or rather someone. Elizabeth.

"Aunt Ella! I've missed you so much!" Elizabeth yelled happily, hugging me tight. Slightly surprised, I hugged her back.

"Hello, sweetheart! I've missed you, too. Oh, look at you! You get cuter every time I see you," I replied, holding my niece at arms length. Her emerald eyes show happiness as she smiled at me.

"Thank you! Do you know where Ciel is? I can't find him anywhere," Elizabeth pouted, looking down both ends of the hall, as though Ciel would suddenly appear.

"He's out running an errand, darling. Why don't we go have some tea? I haven't had breakfast yet, so we can talk while we wait for Ciel," I suggested, hoping she would comply. To my disappointment, she didn't.

"Actually, I was hoping we could decorate the manor to make it cute for Ciel. It always looks dull and boring. Hopefully, making the manor cute will make him happy," Elizabeth explained, hope filling her eyes. Shock overcame me. She didn't believe Ciel was happy… I don't blame her, of course. Ciel wasn't happy.

"Alright. Let's decorate the manor," I replied, knowing very well it would anger him, yet Elizabeth needed this. With a shrill of delight, Elizabeth was off to decorate who-knows-what. I went to the dining room to eat something small before I got started. By the time I was done, Elizabeth had decorated the second level of the Grand Foyer and I was to decorate the bottom. I saw some hearts and started to help.

One Hour Later

I just finished hanging the hearts on the walls, and I was climbing down a ladder, that I had to find. Where had the staff gone?... Where was Elizabeth? I went and put the ladder away, before I went looking for Elizabeth or the staff. Standing in the middle of the main hall, I looked around the room. It looked lovely. Heart, bunnies, balloons, bows, and ribbons were everywhere… Ciel won't be happy… Oh, well.

Now, to look for the staff and Elizabeth. I looked toward the staircase. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on any soul that I could find. Elizabeth and Tanaka are in the Salon, the staff are headed this way and quickly, and… Ciel! I turned toward the front door just as it opened.

"Is something wro-", just before Sebastian finished, he saw what the Grand Foyer looked like. Safe to say, Sebastian's reaction was funnier that Ciel's. Ciel looked horrified, while Sebastian looked as though he was dumbfounded, irritated, with a dash of 'Serious!?'.

"Surprise?" I tried with a nervous smile. Yet, they could only pay attention to the Grand Foyer.

"..What on Earth… has happened here…!?" Sebastian exclaimed, while Ciel kept muttering, 'My manor'.

"Now, I understand-" before I could finish, the servants charged into the foyer and made their way to Sebastian, while crying his name.

"What is going on!?Rather… why are you two dressed like that?" Sebastian pondered. Bard and Finny were presently dressed in a bonnet, bib, bunny ears, and mittens.

"Ask that crazy girl!" Bard bellowed.

"Crazy girl...?" Sebastian pondered.

"She is not crazy!" I protested, turning to Bard. The servants took a step back. I went on, saying how Elizabeth gets too excited at times and could go over board. Whilst this was taking place, I failed to notice Ciel and Sebastian ignore me and head toward the Salon. It was only when I heard Elizabeth cry Ciel's name, that I stopped talking. I walked over to the room, to see Elizabeth give Sebastian a present. A pink bonnet.

"There we go! Aaahn, soooo cuuute! You're always wearing black, so I thought some colour would be good for you!" Elizabeth gushed. I could hear Ciel and the servants fail to contain their laughter, and Tanaka telling Sebastian that the bonnet looked fabulous on him. I lightly giggled at the sight. He gave the servants a deadly look, silencing them.

"I am exceedingly… grateful… for your kindness toward someone such as myself," he thanked.

"Don't mention it."

"Ahem. By the way, Lizzy… Why are you here? Where is your mother?" Ciel stepped in. Francis! Why didn't I ask about Francis?... My goodness, I'm losing my touch. Must be getting old.

"I wanted to see you, so I came here without telling her!" she hugged Ciel. Oh dear, Francis will not be happy to hear this.

"What?! What were you thinking… ?" Ciel inquired.

"Elizabeth, don't you think you're mother will be worried to find you gone?" I questioned. God knows what Francis must be thinking right now.

"Don't worry, Aunt Ella. She will be fine," Elizabeth answered.

"Never the less… Sebastian, call-" before Ciel could finish, Elizabeth dragged Ciel further into the Salon.

"Cieeeel! Come over heeere! Look, look! I made the Salon cute too!" my niece went on. "Oh! I know! Saaay, Ciel? Since the salon is all lovely now... ," Ciel could only mumble 'My manor, its'.

"... Lets have a dance party! My fiance will escort me, and together, we'll dance the night away! Kyaaaah!"


"A dance is it?" Sebastian pondered, while Elizabeth was in her fantasy, and Ciel was twitching. I just examined what was taking place.

"Make sure you wear the clothes I chose for you chose for you, Ciel," Elizabeth explained, excited. Ciel looked horrified.

"Hey, I never said I'd…"

"Dancing with Ciel, who'll be wearing an outfit I picked out. It'll be like a dream come true! I have to dress up and look my most stylish toooooo!" my niece fell back into her day-dream, ignoring Ciel all the while. "Aunt Ella, let's go get ready!"

Sebastian's POV - The Party

Following my master down to the Salon, I couldn't help but think of how exasperating it was to have to teach my master to dance. You would imagine, being from a noble family, that one would know how to dance. However...


"Permit me to teach you the Viennese Waltz…As I have often visited the Schönbrunn Palace in the past," I explained.

1729 - Schönbrunn Palace

She looked as beautiful as the day I left, all those year ago. Yet, she had grown. Her raven hair clashing against that blue ribbon. Her stunning dress brought out her skin. I could see the ring I had given her that day. The ruby shined from the light of the chandlers. Her eyes still that forest green. From what I could see with her mask on, no wrinkles or bags had taken over her eyes. And her scent… It smells of pine, lavender, and... something so pure. I'm not sure how, yet I can't resist it. Now, only to surprise her.

"Belial," I called the attention of the demon next to me. He, like me, was a prince in Hell. His father controlled the Northern regions. In human for, he towered over others and was quite chiseled. His face was strong, yet soft bring a welcoming atmosphere around him. Freckles just-barely stood out on his face, which went well with his fiery, swept-back hair. That, all together, brought women to him. And when they saw his dimples, when he smiled, and dark, brown eyes, they just couldn't seem to stay away from him.

"I need you to do something," I began, never letting my eyes leave Morella's form.

"And what would that be?" his voice was guttural.

"You see that woman over there? Blue dress, green eyes."

"I see her. Wait, isn't that…?"

"Yes. I need you to keep her on the dance floor."

"Why? Finally going to mark her?" Belial smirked. I finally looked at him to glower.

"Just do it."

"Fine, fine," Belial snickered, walking straight for Morella. I went looking for my own partner. Finding a woman to dance with was quite easy and soon, I was on the dance floor. As I danced, I felt Morella's eye on my being, yet I never glanced up at her.

When I finally became Morella's partner, she froze and just stared at my chest. It was quite amusing, which made me chuckle. Then I saw her eyes. Those beautiful forest eyes.


Oh, dear. It seems that while I was reminiscing, although I kept half a mind on the present, Miss Elizabeth took the Young Master's ring.

"Give it back this instant… Elizabeth!" The Master commanded, hand read to take the ring.

"Wh-why are you so angry? I… was just…," Miss Elizabeth was starting to get a bit teary. The Young Master's glare only got colder. " What is it… !? I was only trying to make you look cute! So how come you're so angry!? You're mean! I hate… THIS RING!"

When the ring shattered, I knew the Young Master would do something he would regret. We couldn't have that. Morella quickly went to grab Miss Elizabeth out of the way of my Master about to slap her. Luckily, I happened to notice that my master forget his walking stick. I quickly grabbed ahold of my master's hand.

"Young Master. Young Master," my master turn to me. Sweat had formed on his face and he was panting from rage. Placing his walking stick in the hand I grabbed, I said, "You have forgotten this walking stick of yours we just had made."

"Elizabeth… That ring was very important. It was the only thing that was passed down from each head of the Phantomhive Family," Morella explained, kneeling before Miss Elizabeth.

"Excuse us, Miss Elizabeth. Please forgive my master's discourtesy," I ask, my hand over my heart.

"Eh…!? That was such a precious ring… and I …" my master's fiancée started to tremble, as more tears were beginning to form. As this happened, said master was picking up the remains of his ring and… walking to the window? "Oh, Ciel… I'm-!" I watched, as the pieces of the ring flew out the window.

"Ciel!?" Morella exclaimed, shocked.

"Wh-Ciel!? How could you!?" Miss Elizabeth cried.

"I don't care… It's… just an old ring. Whether I wear that ring or not… I, 'Ciel Phantomhive'... am the head of the Phantomhive Family," my master declared, much to the surprise of use all. With that, my master cleaned Miss Elizabeth's face and dance, while I accompanied with the music. Not a bad ending for a dance party.

Morella's POV - One O'Clock In The Morning

"Yes, Sebastian?" I called, before he could even knock. I caught the sound of the door to my room open and close. Footsteps made their way over behind my chair by the fireplace. Familiar hand started to rub my shoulders. Was this our new thing? Late night visits and massages? "Oh, before I forget. Did you fix the ring?"

"Yes, I did… I also heard the funnest thing today," he began, all the while his thumb glided over the middle of the back of my neck, with light pressure.

"Really," I replied with mild interest. Most of my attention was on his hands. His palms started to work into the knots on my shoulder blades… It felt wonderful.

"Yes. I heard that you weren't quite yourself this morning," Sebastian's hands lightly pushed me forward, to work a bit lower.

"You really shouldn't believe rumors," I breathed, eyes closing in ecstasy. His hands are pure bliss.

"So, you're telling me that what I apprehended is a lie?" Sebastian whispered sensually. I exhaled, too far at peace with this message.

"No, simply giving advice."

"Then you were acting differently this morning?" A moan also made it through my lips, yet I feld it back. "Morella~?"

"Yes," I whispered, my head fell back slightly. Sebastian ran his wonderful fingers along the sides of my back.

"How so?" he breathed into my ear, working on my lower back. I knew, from the moment he stepped in, he would try to get answers out of me. And no matter how amazing this felt, I will not tell him what happened this morning. Who knows what he would do if he found out.

"Why did you make a contract with Ciel?" I looked Sebastian straight in the eye. My voice was strong, breaking the wonderful and peaceful atmosphere around us. Like last time, Sebastian kissed my forehead and left.

Three Weeks Later

"How horribly noisy," Lord Arthur Randall, an older man with a sharp face and wrinkles to show his age, observed. He was the police commissioner of Scotland Yard. The servants could be perceived through the door, trying to catch mice. "It would appear the mice are here as well."

"How long are you planning to let the vermin roam free? All they do is forage for food and spread plagues," Diedrich commented. He had gained quite a bit of weight and there were a little bit of bags under his eyes, along with a mustache. Other than that, he was the Diedrich that I fondly remembered.

"Let them roam free? Is he not leaving them at large?" Lau posed. Lau, a tall Chinese Nobleman, with black hair and a fair face, and the head of the British branch of the Shanghai trading company "Kon Ron", and not to mention, a leader of an opium den.

"Quite right. He always aims for the nine ball," Anne informed. "Will you be passing again… Earl Phantomhive?"

"Pass. I don't believe in shooting useless balls," Ciel grinned. Azzurro Vanel, a man from Italy, who had a rather large scar across his face and multiple piercings, took his turn at billiards. My turn was after his.

"Enough of your pompous talk. When will you carry out your extermination of the mice?" Lord Arthur demanded, by mice meaning the drug traffickers, whom have been stirring quite a bit of trouble lately. As I took my turn, I could feel Azzurro's eyes on my back side when I bent over. Really?

"Right away. I've already had Chlaus secure the necessities," Ciel enlightened, becoming more amused by the second. Lau took his turn. "It will be rather a spot of bother to find their nest and eradicate them. I hope you're prepared to pay me a tidy sum?"

"... You Vulture…!"

"Have you the right to insult our coat of arms? You who've spent a fortune on bloodhounds that cannot kill even a single mouse," my nephew inquired, changeling Lord Arthur to continue.

"Too bad, that. A foul," Lau exhaled. 'My, billiards is difficult."

"It is the Earl's turn. You will take your shot?" asked Azzurro.

"I suppose it's about time I ended this silly game," Ciel started over. As he passed Arthur, Ciel asked, "Well? When will you have my compensation ready?"

"...B-by this evening."

"Very well. I shall have a carriage pick you up later. And I shall be waiting with High Tea at the ready for you, sir."

"Three balls left, and you're aiming for the nine ball?"

"Of course."

"Let's see the skill of this game prodigy for ourselves!" declared Diedrich, amusement clear in his voice and on his face.

"Greed shall prove to be your downfall… Ciel!" Arthur glared, clearly not happy with the situation. Ciel smirked, sticking the cue ball. With that one shot, he managed to win the game.

"Greed, hmm…?"

"It was wonderful seeing you again," I commented to Diedrich, who would be leaving for Germany tomorrow.

"And you as well," he smiled, grey eyes shining with a bit of light.

"Have a safe trip," I kissed his cheek. After bedding the rest of our guest farewell, I made my way to library, like always, to read. It was really the only thing I could do when Ciel was busy. Plus, I had a few books in the library that I had not read, yet. I could hear the servants still trying to get the mice up a head.

"Whaddaya mean, what!? We're catching mice, of course!" I heard Baldroy explain and I giggle. I could only imagine what they were doing. That is until I passed the corner. Finny was dressed in a giant cat costume, Mey-Rin had mouse traps on her hands,Tanaka held a butterfly net, and Baldroy… Oh, Baldroy. He had his hair back with a bandanna, a matching apron on and goggles. My hand flew to my mouth, attempting to hold back my laughter.

"My Lady, will you be join the Young Master for afternoon tea?" Sebastian asked, ignoring the chaos behind him.

"N-no. I wi-will be in the library," I walked over, barely hold in my giggles and trying not to look at the servants.

"Of course," Sebastian smiled, hand over his chest. Before I busted out laughing, I quickly went to the library.

Once there, I closed the door and took a deep breathe, a smile still on my face. I took one step, before a hand with a cloth covered my mouth. The strong smell of chloroform came from said cloth. 'Seriously!? All I want to do is relax,' I thought, irritated, but pretended to faint anyway.

Some Time Later

"You, the 'order' of the Inghilterra Underworld. Dissidents meet their end in the jaws of your absolute power… You, the Watchdog of the Queen," Azzurro went on. I opened my eyes, only to shut them harshly from the light. I kept my eyes closed for too long. The clocked 'ticked' in the background. "Over many generations has your kind done the government's dirty work… You, the Aristocrat of Evil. Tell me, how many aliases have you got? How many families have you ruined?"

I watched as Azzurro lit a cigar. So it was him. Azzurro was the drug traffickers. Can't say I'm surprised. Out of everyone in that room, I only really expected Azzurro, even though I know Lau deals with opium. But, Ciel allows it and I can't ever change his mind.

"The king of the number one toy factory in the world is just a brat, in this situation. isn't that right… Ciel Phantomhive? A man should not be judged by his looks. Still… I suppose it does make sense for the King of the Toy Palace to be a child."

"So it was you. The Ferro Family's Azzurro Vanel, " Ciel remarked, glaring at the Italian drug dealer. I saw Ciel was in restraints, like me, and had a swollen cheek, a bruise starting to form, and blood on his face. Why must he use himself as bait? I twisted my wrist, trying to get rid of some of the pain from the restraints.

"You know, little Phantomhive… Here, in your country, it is difficult for us Italian Mafia to conduct business. Very, very difficult. You, Ingles! All have tea stains on the brains," the Italian dragged on and on. I heard a dog growl a few feet away. I looked to see a doberman held back by a one of Azzurro's men. "Think about it. What do you think is the best way for people like us to make money? Not murder, not smuggling…" Azzurro roughly grabbed my chin, making me look him in the eye, "... Not women, not organs… That leaves drugs, yes?"

I yanked my chin out of his hold, not liking the look in his eyes or the smell from the cigar. As he walked over to his desk, I made out the sound of him chuckling. Pervert. When will Sebastian get here? It's getting really annoying, listening to his villain dialogue.
"But once we arrived here, there was not even a whiff of mellow fragrance in this country - All thanks to the Watchdog."

"The Queen ordered that all dealers and drugs be controlled," I informed, glaring at his smug face.

"Oh dear, what a prude," Azzurro's eyes racked my body, making me shiver on the inside. Thankfully, my dress had a high collar. He turned to Ciel, "There you have it! The reason I hate the Inglesi. Mama this! Mama that! You are nothing but a bunch of mama's boy's. Hahaha… Still… At the end of the day, you and I, we are two of a kind. We would make some money with you if possible."

"I have no intention of colluding with a filthy sewer rat," remarked Ciel, his nose bleeding.

"So you say, but I wonder about the other fellows. Maybe they are just afraid of the watchdog, and are sitting tight for the time being… In fear of Ciel Phantomhive, sweeper of the dark. I was especially careful to not deal those drugs in Italy… So it surprises me that you find me so fast. I didn't think you would use Chlaus to get them. That is why, me, I am useless. The boss will yell at me again!" Azzurro let out a laugh, "Now. You understand what I want? If you tell me where the drugs are, I send you and your bellissima zia home alive… Little Phantomhive."

"If I fail to return, Chlaus will hand over the evidence to the government. Most unfortunate for you," a smirk appeared on Ciel's face.

"One must never look down on one's elders," Azzurro cocked his gun, pointing it at Ciel, " … you snot-nosed little noble! I already have my men over at your mansion. Where are the drugs? If you don't spit it out pronto… I shall kill you servants one by one!"

"I do hope your precious pet dogs know their way around a game of 'fetch'," Ciel smiled. Azzurro smiled and walked over to Ciel. I started to get an uneasy feeling. Azzurro was too calm. Once he was in front of Ciel, he kicked Ciel in the face!

"Ciel!" I yelled, before the Italian backhanded me with his left hand, his rings scratching me. I flew to my side, blood started to trail down my face.

"You hear that? There was a break-down in our negotiations. Kill them!" I heard Azzurro stomp on his cigar. It was a few minutes before I made out a voice over the phone.

[ Sorry, I missed.] A voice said over the phone.

"YOU WHAT!? YOU USELESS IDIOTS! THIS IS WHY TRASH LIKE -! YOU BASTARDS ARE FINITO! GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Azzurro screamed into the phone. If I wasn't bound and have to play human, I would of covered my ears.

[Hang on. Something's in our way. ! WHAT THE HELL IS THAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?]

"What, you have seen a bear or something?" Azzurro joked, his men laughing.


"What's wrong with you? Are you guys too high!?"

[GO FASTER!] I could hear a car screech.



"Hey! What is!? Don't fuck with-,' Azzurro was cut off.

[IT'S C-!]




"...H...Ey?" Azzurro sounded nerves. I could practically see the sweat traveling down his face. "Hey! What's going on!?"

"Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! It would seem that your game of 'fetch' was a failure," mocked Ciel. I turned onto my back to see my nephew, my face blank. Ciel was on my right, facing Azzurro.

"SHUT UP! YOU MISERABLE LITTLE BRAAAT!" Azzurro kicked Ciel again and again.

"STOP! YOU'LL KILL HIM!" I screamed, desperate to turn the drug trafficker's attention away from my nephew.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU WHORE!" Azzurro started to stomp my stomach so hard, I coughed up blood. Turning back to his phone,Azzurro yelled, " Hey! Give it to me straight, or I'm going to kill you mutts! Hey!"

{Hello?} I lightly sighed… Sebastian.

{Hello? I am a servant of the Phantomhive Family.} Azzurro's new cigar fell from his lips. {Might our masters be there?... Hello? Is something wrong, sir?}

I watched as Azzurro started to shake. For being an angel, I was enjoying the way he was squirming way to much. Then again, one day I will be a demon, so. I could hear his heart beating faster and faster. If he didn't calm down soon, he might have a heart attack.

"Woof!" Ciel called out, causing the drug trafficker to freeze.

{... Understood, sir. I shall be there to collect you and Lady Phantomhive straight away. Please be patient for just a little longer.} *Beep* *Bzzzzt* Ciel turned his head toward Azzurro, spitting out blood….

"Phantomhive's bouncer is on his way! Hold the gates. Don't let a single mouse in! This is an emergency! Don't stand around twiddling your thumbs! Stop him no matter what! Don't let the bastard set one foot in here!" the Italian barked out. A herd of feet could be made out throughout the manor.

It wasn't long before I could sense that familiar dark presence. Soon, guns and screams could be heard outside. However, it was over rather quickly. At half past five, to be exact. Yet, more screams and guns roared to life a second later, lasting four minutes. Then the sounds came back, again. This time, ending at five-forty three (nine minutes went by). I watched as Azzurro waited anxiously, his gun ready to shoot anything that moved. If I wasn't so irked, I would of tried to scare him. The clock ticked for, what seemed, the longest time, before the clicking of shoes became aware. Azzurro started to shake again, his gun rattling. I turned away from him, not caring to see the pathetic man anymore. The double-doors clicked and then opened, showing Sebastian, who I could see from the mirror hanging over the mantel.

"Pardon my intrusion," Sebastian walked in and had that stupid smirk that, at the moment, I was glad to see. Once inside he bowed to Azzurro, who looked puzzled obviously expecting a hulk of a man or something. "I have come to retrieve my masters."

"A butler?" Azzurro pointed his gun at the demon, " Ha… Ha. I am amazed. To think you took all those men out yourself. Well.. I'll be damned! I was wondering what sort of big man you were, but you are nothing more than a Romeo swanning around in a swallowtail coat. Well, who are you? An assassin hired by the Phantomhives? Or an ex-Special Forces Mercenary? You are not just a butler, yes"

"Oh, but I am," Sebastian remarked, his smirk never leaving. He was clearly amused by the situation. "Just a butler, that is."

"HA! Is that so…? In any case, I have no intention of fighting with you, Signore Butler. I surrender," Azzurro let his gun go limp, "However-."

I saw the Italian head toward me and felt the pull of my hair, before he dragged me close to Ciel. Then he quickly turned me around, wrapping his arm around my neck, placing the gun in that hand, and grabbed Ciel by the hair turning, also turning him around and pointed the gun at his head.

"I would have you leave the goods behind," Azzurro cocked the gun. I looked from the gun to Sebastian, amusement completely gone from his features. "You do not want a hole in your adorable Master's head, now do you? If you are a butler as you say, you should know what this situation calls for, yes?"

"I have what you desire…," Sebastian reached into his tail coat, grabbing the drugs.


A bullet drove its way through Sebastian's head, blood spurting out.

"Se-," Ciel began, yet was cut off by more bullets propelled through the butler, blood erupting from his body. Sebastian fell to the ground, not moving… He's not dead. H-he can't be. He's a demon! Calm down, Ella! Just breath… But… I've never seen Sebastian like this. It was unsettling. All I could do was stare.

"Did we get him…?" the men in the, now ruined, picture frame asked.

"... But this game is mine!" Azzurro let me fall from his grip, making me land on my shoulder facing Sebastian. "And after he went to the trouble of coming to get you both… How sad for you two… Phantomhives. You see up against the 'Queen's Watchdog', I had to have a Joker in hand. And I have killed you, Little Phantomhive, all will be perfectto. You were in our way from the very beginning, watching us like the police! Eeh?"

I could see the bloody Italian pulling Ciel's hair, so that Ciel would look at him. A smug look was glued onto Azzurro's features. He truly is damned.

"I'll get rid of you… And conquer Inghilterra our way!... But I must say.. you are too pretty to dismember, Little Phantomhive. I bruised you up a bit.. But I should still be able to sell you in one piece," Azzurro used the barrel of the gun, "and I'm sure your bellissima zia will be plenty fun for me, before I sell her, too. Now, now. Don't you be frightened. I will drug you so you don't feel a thing by the time a pervert somce to take you away-."

"Hey. Play-time's over," Ciel commanded. Azzurro just stared at him. in confusion. I turned to look at Ciel. "I can't imagine the floor makes for comfortable slumber."

"Ciel?" I asked, having to pretend that I didn't know what he meant. Ciel simply ignored me.

"Just how long are you going to feign sleep?" I looked at Sebastian, just in time to see his hand twitch.

"I-it can't be!" Azzurro screamed, hurting my ears some more.

"... My goodness," Sebastian's body slowly started to lift up right, "the firearms of today have improved greatly in terms of power, have that not? Those from a hundred years ago do not even compare. Allow me to return these," Sebastian hacked up the bullets that had been in his body.

"What are you waiting for!? Kill hiiiiiim!" Sebastian threw the bullets back, at the men from the portret. Roars of agony filled the air, each man falling to the ground.

"Alas. What a pity. My clothes are full of holes," the demon lifted the ends of his ruined tail coat.

"That's because you were playing around you fool," Ciel pointed out, irritated.

"I was simply following Young Master's order to the letter. Your order to act as a butler… That is," Sebastian wiped a bit of the blood from his face and started to walk over slowly, " besides… That really is such a good look for you. You look just like a caterpillar… it is so hideous and wonderful, all at once. It befits one as small and weak as yourself." Azzurro started to yell 'stop' and such, yet no one paid much attention.

"I thought it would be lovely to take in that view a little longer."

"...Who do you think you're talking to?" Ciel retorted.

"Stooop!" the drug trafficker commanded. Sebastian frozen, shocked. "I… I-I-I'm telling you to stop! Get any closer and I will kill them both!"

"Then.. What shall I do?" Sebastian pondered, the stupid smirk coming back, this time annoying me.

"Hurry it up. My arm hurts," Ciel explained, the Italian screaming 'shut up' and 'be quiet' in the background.

"But, Young Master… You will be killed if I move closer. And are you sure, you want your aunt to see anymore today?"

"Are you.. going to defy our 'covenant'?"

"I shall do no such thing," Sebastian place a hand over his heart, "since that day, I have always been Young Master's faithful servant. I shall do whatever Young Master wishes… In exchange for the sacrifice… And the pleasure that has been offered. Now…"

"What the hell are you talking about… You spookies!?"

"...Young Master," Sebastian cocked his head, a finger to his lips, " I do believe I taught you how to beg?"

"I command you. Rescue my aunt and I!" Ciel opened his right eye, which I haven't seen in two years. It..It had Sebastian's mark on it and glowed purple.

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUUUUUT UUUUUUP!" Azzurro pulled the trigger. And the bullet never hit Ciel. "Wh… Why.. Is he… Alive?"

"Are you looking for something?" Sebastian asked, both Ciel and my ears ringing slightly. The bullet was in Sebastian's hand, the demon standing behind Azzurro. "Permit me… To return this to you."

"I shall be taking my masters back," Sebastian replied, after returning the bullet, "If you would please remove that filthy arm from his person?"

Azzurro called out in agony as his arm was twisted by Sebastian, when the demon twirled his finger. I widened my eyes, in pretend shock to play dumb. Sebastian went over to Ciel first, getting Ciel away from the pervert.

"This game wasn't all that interesting either," Ciel confessed, gazing at Azzurro. Once Ciel was on a chair, Sebastian came over to me. Bending down he placed one of his hands on my side, to lift me up. His thumb lightly dug into my stomach, making me wince and grit my teeth. His smirk faltered for only a moment, before he bent down more carrying me as one would a bride. He gently placed my in the chair next to Ciel's, then began to take off the restraints on us both.

"W-w-wait! You..! You're just a butler, right!? I…! I can't die here like this! I will pay you five- No, ten-times you current wages to be my bodyguard! You can have all the booze and girls you want… So…! Come to my side!" pleaded Azzurro, desperate. Sebastian ripped the leather belts around Ciel, as he already took care of my restraints.

"...My apologies, Mister Vanel… But I have no interest in Man-Made rubbish, coin or otherwise. For you see.." Sebastian turned to Azzurro, "... I am a devil… of a butler. So long as the Young Master possesses the 'Mark of the Covenant'... I am his faithful dog. A 'sacrifice'… A 'wish'.. And a 'covenant' bind me to my master. Until I claim his soul."

The room grew darker and heavier with the Sebastian letting off so much demonic power.

"Too bad for you… ," Ciel began, chin on fiist, " This game is over."

In an instant, I went into unconsciousness. Probable by Sebatian, to keep me from seeing what was to happen next, and to make Ciel think I don't know about Sebastian the whole time, too.

A Few Hours Later

When I started to come to, I was in Sebastian's right arm, my head resting on his shoulder, and Ciel in his left. I looked at Ciel, seeing that his eyepatch was fixed and that he was staring at me. He looked slightly concerned and relieved, but also calculative. I looked around, to see that the manor was not far.

"You're awake, my Lady. How are you feeling?" I raised my eyes to look up at Sebastian, to find his smiling.

How did I feel?... Hury? Confused? Happy!? Honestly, I wasn't sure. How was I supposed to feel, after seeing that 'mark' on Ciel's eye? All I know right now, is that I want to go back to sleep.

"Fine," I replied. The curse of being an angel, is the feeling of never wanting to be a burden on someone. Never let someone try to help, even if we truly needed to. We're too nice.

"Are you okay?" I asked, cutting Ciel off. He looked shocked, whether it was because I interrupted or because I left my face emotionless, I wasn't certain. Or maybe he was expecting me to get scared.

"... I'm fine," he hesitated. Nodding, I turned to look at the manor getting closer and closer. I could hear the servants bickering about chopsticks and silver. When we can into view, their faces lit up.
"Mister Sebastian. Welcome home!" they called out warmly.

"I have returned," Sebastian smiled. Once the servants got a closer look at us, they froze.

"Master Sebastian, what happened to your clothes!?" Mey-Rin gasped.

"Sebastian, your message was to hard to understand!" Baldroy complained.

"Young Master Ciel and Master Morella, you're hurt!" Finny worried. "Hey, wait. The masters were out, too?"

"We just tripped outside… What is it?" Ciel asked, nervous slightly. Bard was asking about the pie and message still.

"That's… Like 'up, up, and away'! Being carried like that… Looks fun!" Finny smiled, Mey-Rin gushed next to him. Ciel jumped out of Sebastian's arm, embarrassed.

"There's nothing fun about it whatsoever!" Ciel argued. Sebastian out me down gently, while Baldroy continued about the pie. My stomach actually still hurt a bit.

"Young Master," Sebastian bowed, getting Ciel's attention. "Forgive me. As butler to the Phantomhive Family, this is an unpardonable disgrace.. I do not know how I should atone for this… I have been unable to prepare dinner this evening."

Three O'Clock In The Morning

I lightly dabbed my cheek, with a damp cloth to clean the wound on my face again. With pretending to be human, I had to slow my healing process quite a bit. A pair of foot steps walked toward my room and opened my door. Ciel and Sebastian walked over to the bathroom, where I was. I didn't take my eyes off of my reflection, working on the other scratch on my cheek.

"It's rude to enter a lady's room without permission," I scolded lightly, wincing when I added a bit too much force.

"When have I ever needed permission to enter your room?" Ciel asked, leaning against the bathroom door. My lips twitched at the corners. It was true. Ciel never needed permission to enter my room, the door was and would always be open to him.

"True… Well, you didn't come here to have a heart to heart. Why are you here?" I took some ointment, which consisted of: honey, witch hazel (from the States), and lemon juice. All of these ingredients helped with the healing of bruising, however honey also helped cuts from getting disinfected. It was quiet for a moment.

"... I believe you already know why," Ciel explained, his gaze not leaving my form. I raised my eyebrows.

"Is that so?" I glanced at my nephew through the mirror. His eye patch was off, showing that mark. I went for the bandages, however, Sebastian already had his hand on them.

"Please, allow me," the demon asked getting the bandages ready. Sighing, I turned around, giving him better access to the wound. As Sebastian started to work, the room remained eerily quiet.

"That's it. You have nothing to say?" Ciel irked, irritated by my silence. I looked over at him, yet I kept my head still so the Sebastian could still work.

"What did you expect? Screaming? Cursing? Or perhaps you expected me to run, crying out 'devil'?" I suggested, annoyance and a bit of amusement filled my eyes. Ciel's eyes widened, confused. "Dear, if anything it just explains a lot."

"So, you're not mad or something?" Ciel narrowed his eyes.

"Darling, I'm not mad. I'm livid," I turned my full attention to Ciel. "I'm livid at what you did, however, it's your soul, not mine. I can't tell you what to do with your soul."

"Then you don't plan to do anything about this?" Sebastian turned my face toward him, his demonic eyes bore into mine. A sadistic smirk graced his lips.

"Like I said, his soul. Not mine," I glared. "I have no right to decide what happens to it… However… I can control his body. That being said, Ciel, you're grounded."

"What!?" I walked out of the bathroom, the wounds on my face taken care of. I sat in my favorite chair slowly, careful of my stomach.

"You heard me," I groaned out, finally seated. Ciel stood in front of my, furious.

"You can't ground me! I'm head of th-"

"Yes, you are head of the family. Yet, as your aunt and godmother, I'm head of you," taking a sip of my turmeric tea, I explained. The tea would help with the bruises all over. Ciel started open his mouth, yet nothing can out. He just looked shocked and angry. Sebastian came up behind him, a smile on his face.

"What shall his punishment be, my Lady?" Sebastian asked.

"... No dessert for a week," I decided.

"Wha- Why!? What did I do!? You can't punish me for making a covenant with a demon," Ciel whispered the last part.

"You're right, I can't. But, I can punish you for making yourself live bet," I informed, picking up my book. "You made me very worried today, Ciel. And we both know that it could've been avoided."

"Very good, my Lady. Young Master, we should let your aunt get some rest, and you should be getting some, too," Sebastian picked Ciel up, walking toward the door.

"Put me down! We're not done talking, yet!" Ciel hit Sebastian over and over, trying to get down."

"Goodnight, my sky~!" I called, waving. Sebastian closed my door, chuckling. I let out a small giggle. Now, one more chapter and then to bed.

Finally! I'm done with this chapter! According to documents, this chapter is 15 pages. My hands actually hurt. I hope this makes up for the long wait. I would of stopped at the end of the dance party thing, however, you guys were very patient and deserved more. So, thank you. I hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any and all errors.

*bellissima zia - beautiful aunt

P.S. I made a playlist of the songs I listen to when I write. If you want to check it out, go to youtube and type in the search bar, 'Bloodline Kelsey', it should show my playlist, with the thumbnail being a picture of an angel.