I know what you're thinking. Another story? But Stormy, you already have so many others in progress! I know, I know, but this story idea hit me and hit me hard. Stories like Flipped and Project Blood sort of left my intrest list. I mean, if I get any more inspiration for them I'll work on them of course. But for now, I'm going to focus on this drabble series. It's not always going to be a continuing story, just little drabbles as they pop into my head. This chapter merely sets everything up, and I'm mostly going to write their tot-times. In fact there may be drabbles without Miwa, and just some of the guys growing up as tots. I don't know, we'll see. I hope you like this story though! :)

A small bell chimed as the door to the pet store opened. The aroma of different animals and failed air freshener mixed to create a stale scent, though everyone lingering thought it best to leave it ignored. It hit Hamato Yoshi like a wall, and he winced slightly upon entering. Small puppies barked in the corners of the store, and birds chirped from the cages atop one another. Every inch of the small shop seemed lively and happy besides the small sobbing child, screaming and begging her mother to buy her a rabbit.

Cradled against the man's hip, small Miwa uncurled her fingers and blinked rapidly at the change of atmosphere. Letting the door swing back to it's place, Yoshi put his free hand back to helping support his one-year-old on his hip. Usually, he would bring a stroller, but the darn thing busted just that morning. At least the pet store was just down the block from his home.

After getting more than adjusted to his new life, he had been planning for a while to get a pet. Nothing that took too much care, mind you. He still had a one-year-old he had to raise on his own. Something small for now, say, a hamster. Maybe even just a few fish. After Miwa was a few years older, he could go with her to adopt a pet she could better interact with.

Still, he would let Miwa play with a few animals before they left. Granted she didn't get attatched to any of them.

Walking farther into the store, Yoshi stopped as he spotted an assistant holding a kitten for a little boy to pet. As his mother called him and he raced off, Miwa reached out her arms and Yoshi stepped towards the assistant, who held out the small orange and black tabby kitten in his hands. With a shrill giggle, Miwa reached her hands out and buried her fingers into the soft fur. The bright light in her eyes reminded Yoshi of his wife more and more every day, and he gave a small smile. The kitten leaned up on it's unsteady paws, rubbing it's head against her chin. Cute, but he didn't want a kitten at the time.

"Can I help you look for a pet today, sir?" The assistant asked, smiling at the child and kitten.

Yoshi hesitated, shifting his hold on his daughter. "I'm looking for a pet that is easy to care for and won't require extensive attention."

The store owner slowly drew the cat away to put back into it's pen. Miwa reached for it at first, a small whine leaving her before she settled back against her father. "Well, let's see what there is..." The clerk spoke aloud, more to himself, as he scanned over the store. "We have a variety of fish..." He began to mutter, leading them over to a corner in the store. Yoshi scanned over the cages and pens, holding Miwa close. The clerk turned around with one hand on the edge of a fishtank.

Yoshi scanned over the fish, finding himself growing bored. Maybe others liked fish, but he didn't really want to own any as pets. The clerk seemed to sense this, and instead leaned towards the other end of the store with a flick of his hand. "We also have birds." He pointed out, motioning to the squaking animals in their cages.

Yoshi slowly shook his head, wary of the idea. "We also have turtles... right here." He motioned to the clear-glass pen, where four little turtles roamed a rock and stone environment. A small boy with blonde, rough hair was leaning against it, poking the shell of one of them with intrest.

Turtles were definitely a possibility. "Perhaps. Which one do you like, Miwa?" He whispered softly, watching her as she studied the small creatures with faint intrest. She was squirming in his arms, growing restless.

"No, you can't just pick one!" The boy by the tank suddenly shrieked out, startling Yoshi. He glanced down at him, finding the boy positioned protectively with his arms over the tank. "They're a family! You shouldn't seperate a family! It's wrong!"

Yoshi gave a small smile, tightening his hold on his squirming daughter before looking down at the four creatures. Surely, it shouldn't be too hard to care for four turtles. They didn't have a short lifespan, and Miwa could touch them, unlike the fish. So with a small hmmph, he caved. "Alright." He said with a crisp voice. He asked the clerk how much the turtles would be, and the blonde boy began to dance with delight.

Minutes passed as they worked everything out, and Miwa was very restless by now, beginning to cry. But finally, he was given a small container, filled with dirt and seed and a miniature palm tree sticking out to carry home.

Stepping out into the busy New York streets, he held the turtles' box with one hand while the other cradled his tired daughter. This place wasn't much different than the area he used to live in back in Japan. Oh how he missed his home on occasions. Having only moved to this city seven months ago, he had transitioned easily. Adaptation was a strength of his anyway, having been trained in ninjitzu. Though he still wished he was back home, with Tang Shen...

Someone bumped into his shoulder, causing him to nearly drop the turtles. Miwa flinched, and he turned around to face the man. But the clean-cut tuxedo's back was his only response as the man kept moving. Stiff and poised as he walked, Yoshi almost immediately felt something off about the man. For a moment, he lingered on the sidewalk, staring after him.

Curiosity got the best of him. Tightening his grip on Miwa, he began to walk after the shady man. He never looked behind him- not once- letting Yoshi follow him easily. He didn't sense any sort of trap. He didn't even sense that the man knew he was being followed. But as he walked on, he began to hesitate. What was he doing? Stalking some stranger just because he bumped into him? He was never one to mistrust his instinct but... he was here to start a new life and settle down. And he's chasing after someone, half wishing for excitement somewhere, with his baby daughter in his arms!

Realizing he was acting foolishly, he decided to turn back. But just as he was about to do so, the man in front of him turned into an alley.

Stopping short at the corner, he decided to let himself take a quick look to satisfy his curiosity, then leave. Waiting a moment, he peered around the corner and took a step forward. There at the end, another man stood facing him. They looked completely identical, same tux, haircut, even facially. In one's hands was cradled a capsul, with glowing green ooze. The other reached his hands out to recieve it. He wasn't even sure which man was the one he had followed anymore. With wide, wondering eyes, Yoshi took a tender step forward, staring at the canister of liquid.

A squeal ripped from something under his shoe. Lifting his foot, he spotted a brown rat twitching and scrambling to get up. It raced sideways, ramming into his other leg and accidentally nuzzling under the pants leg. It's fur tickled his skin, and then the rodent raced off into the dark corners of the alley.

Yoshi's gaze snapped up to the two men coming near. "Go no further! This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place." One began to say. Yoshi turned away to face the end of the alley, beginning to walk away and pretend he saw nothing. But the men were persistant. "We have been seen by you, so this is not a place where you will be left in this place."

He didn't stop to question the way they spoke. It didn't matter. The way they talked was highly unnecessary, but as Hamato Yoshi glanced over his shoulders and saw them nearing, he grew frightened not for himself, but for his daughter. He felt so stupid for putting Miwa in danger like this. She curled herself against him, still squirmy and tired.

Both his hands were occupied. He felt the two shadows' presences behind him, and felt his heart begin to race. Not with panic, but adrenaline. So as the two neared, he curled Miwa closer to himself and lashed out with a strong kick, sending one man away. The skin felt hard... unnatural. Like he had metal suit under his tux. He didn't dwell in this feeling too long, and curved to kick the other man. Miwa began to sob loudly, curling against her father as he kicked the canister from the man's hand.

The ooze curved with the inertia of the falling capsule. As it flew into the air, Yoshi was unprepared as it landed heavily upon his head, breaking open and spilling out it's contents.

It happened so fast. Before he knew it, he was soaked with the green liquid. He couldn't move. His muscles began to spasm, and he felt as if his skin were beginning to rip. The sounds could even be heard. No, that was his clothing. Why was it ripping? Suddenly he could no longer control his arms, and the box of turtles and Miwa dropped to the pavement.

Startled at the fact of dropping his daughter so easily, he attempted to reach for her, only to feel agonizing pain rip through his nerves. He let out a cry, curling within himself as his stomach churned. Seemingly endless screams ripped through his throat as he felt his body shift and break. He had no knowledge to what was happening, and felt helpless at the very thought of his ignorance. Chemical knowledge was not one of his strong points, leaving him clueless to what this could be.

I shouldn't have followed the man.

Miwa was crying. Loudly, almost as if in pain. Dread and horror filled him, though he could do nothing about it. As a breeze ripped through the air, he felt the fur on the ends of his face fluff out, and his muzzle-structured face twitch with the newly-formed whiskers stretched out. Unable to move, barely able to breathe, his screams cut short, only to echo back to him in through alleyway walls.