Hello readers! I'm pleased to inform that this is my last chapter! Yay! But, also awww. I had tons of fun writing this story, I loved having Molly and John be in an environment where Sherlock was the one in need of rescuing. It was a good change of pace... I do hope you enjoy this final chapter, I still don't know if I want to write a fourth installment, I'll let you all decide if I should or not. Let me know! Also, before I forget, all the characters are a little OOC in this chapter, especially Sherlock... Especially towards the end. The only reason I'm saying this is because I don't want to get any PM's complaining about how they aren't "in character" Yes, I am aware that they're OOC, I did write it after all... Also, my brother told me Moran is giving off some Moriarty vibes in this chapter so sorry if he feels to much like Moriarty... Just pretend that a little Moriarty had rubbed off on Sebastian...

Anyways! Enjoy!

Sherlock continued staring at the door long after Molly had been escorted out.

"Oh, don't worry they're not going to do anything. Well... Unless I tell them too." teased Moran.

Sherlock turned his attention to the tall man leaning against the wall, "I can order those men to do whatever I want. Maybe we could let them have a little fun with her? Make you watch?" A grin appeared on his face as he watched Sherlock's reaction.

"You used to be fun, what happened? Have you become comfortable living a domestic life?" he asked him.

"Tell me, Sherly." he began, "What did it feel like? Being back in the game, chasing after me for the past three months? I bet it felt good, feeling the rush in your veins. You missed it didn't you?"

Sherlock remained silent, a scowl permanently on his face. Sebastian dragged Molly's chair and turned it around, he sat with his chest against the back of the chair and watched him.

"Do you regret it?" he asked him suddenly.

"No." replied Sherlock.

"Oh? He speaks!" said Sebastian in mock surprise, "Why don't you? Look at you! YOU'VE BECOME SOOO BORING!" he said, "Remember our little fight? That was fun... I could see it in your eyes, you know? I could see how much you welcomed death at that point, knowing your friends were safe... But you know what? I would have gone after them, Oh the stories I'd say to them 'Oh, Sherlock Holmes? Yeah, I killed him... What do you mean he's been dead for a while? I just slit his throat last week... or I just put a bullet through his head.' How do you think they'd react? Their last thoughts being that you lied to them?"

"They would understand." he said in a stern voice, "They would know I did it to protect them."

"And yet..." said Moran, "They'd die."

Sebastian laughed causing Sherlock to let out a frustrated grunt, "It's not time to dwell on the 'what ifs'. If you're going to kill me do it now, hopefully death will help me from hearing you talk."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and leaned on the chair, "I don't think I'm going to kill you yet... I'm going to wait for lovely little Molly to come back from the loo. I want you to watch me slit her fucking throat. I want you to see to feel what it's like to witness someone you care about die in front of you. I saw you two.. You and Moriarty... on the roof-"

"Then you saw that I did not kill him! He did that himself!" spat Sherlock.

"BUT YOU WERE THE CAUSE OF IT!" he roared, "You drove him insane! That's what you do to people! I'm surprise the idiot doctor hasn't blown his head off yet. Or Molly for that fact..." he grinned suddenly, " Maybe I'll help her out with that..."

Sebastian got up from his chair and pulled out a walkie-talkie, "Hurry up and bring the girl." he said quickly after a few seconds there was a response, "We just banged on the door she should be out soon."

Sebastian put the walkie-talkie on the table and faced Sherlock, "How do you think I should kill her?" he began, "Should I just grab her the second she steps into the room? Quick and painless? OR! Maybe I should bleed her out, watch her beg to be killed to end it all..."

"Just let her go." warned Sherlock.

Sebastian began laughing at him "Just let her go." he mocked, "Molly has nothing to do with this please! Please! She's my everything I love her to death!" he spat, "You've gone soft Sherlock Holmes. I don't know why you can't understand that Molly helped you! She has everything to do with thi-" before he could finish they heard a loud crash that caused them both to look up.

"What the fuck was that?" said Sebastian out loud.

Sebastian hurried out the door shutting it behind him, Sherlock listened to the sound of his footsteps fade in the distance a few seconds later he heard a series of shouting and gun shots. Sherlock's heart began to race, whatever was going on out there he knew Molly was somewhere in the middle of it all, he had to get out.

Molly could hear heavy boots against the hard wood floor and the sounds of shouting and gunshots in the air, she tried her best to blend in to the background, so far so good. It was getting harder and harder to see as she went deeper into the building; the smoke in the air was causing Molly's eyes to sting. Finally she spotted the door, clutching the gun closely to her (the knife was safely tucked in the waist band of her trousers), Molly slowly opened the door, she pushed it open with the gun and looked wildly around for any sign of danger, once she spotted Sherlock, who by the way was giving her a very confused look, she let out a sigh of relief, she shut the door behind her and hurried to his side.

"Molly what's going on?" he said as Molly grabbed the knife from her waist band, and ripped off the ropes at his feet.

The pathologist then walked behind him and kneeled so she was eyes level with his bound hands, "The C.I.A is here." she told him.

"Mycroft got through to someone." he stated.

"It seems he did."

Molly quickly began sawing the ropes, just as they were beginning to loosen the door burst open.

"It's seems your damn brother is trying to ruin the fun." she heard Sebastian say.

Molly hid behind Sherlock's body, clearly Sebastian hadn't noticed her hiding and apparently Sherlock noticed this too.

"You're finally going to get what you deserve." said Sherlock, "I'm actually relieved I won't have to kill you... I think prison is more suited for you."

As Sherlock distracted Sebastian, Molly began working on his ropes again once they were cut off she grabbed them before they fell to the ground.

"I think..." began Moran, "You think I'm an idiot." he told Sherlock.

"Obviously." he muttered.

Sebastian chuckled and punched Sherlock in the face, the consulting detective fell to the floor and Sebastian grabbed Molly by her hair and dragged her towards the middle of the room.

"You think I didn't see her?" he said with a laugh.

Molly let out a grunt and swung the hand, which still contained the knife, towards his arm, piercing through his skin. Sebastian let out a yowl and threw Molly on the ground next to Sherlock. Sebastian pulled the knife out of his arm and hissed in pain, "You bitch! That hurt!" he said in almost a whine.

He threw the bloody knife of the floor falling with a loud thump, just them Sherlock lunged at him and the two fell to the floor the door suddenly opened allowing a cloud of smoke to enter the room and in came in some men, Molly couldn't tell if they were Moran's or Mycroft's men. Sebastian and Sherlock were still fighting on the floor, Molly couldn't see what was happening she stepped in and suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder followed by someone slipping a mask on her face, Molly took in full gasps of fresh air and pushed off whoever had helped her, the person suddenly wrapped their arm around their waist and dragged her out the room, Molly caught a glimpse of a detained Sherlock and Moran, both had masks on.

Everything went by quickly after that, once she had gotten out of the building she spotted John talking to two other men, he was wearing the same uniform as them, once he spotted her he quickly made his way towards her and pulled her into a hug.

"Are you ok!?" he said in concern, he examined her face and motioned for a medic to come look at her.

"Sherlock-" she began.

"He's fine." he assured her, "Apparently they found him and Moran mid-fight."

Molly nodded and felt someone take a hold of her hand, a man was at her side with a first aid kit and began treating her wounds.

"How?" she began.

"I saw you two get put in the van I immediately followed it and called Mycroft. It took long and it was frustrating, but finally he told me he did it. I met with the C.I.A and well now we're here." he said proudly.

"What's going to happen to Sebastian?" she asked curiously.

John opened his mouth to reply, but before he could he was interrupted, "He's going to prison for a long time." said the familiar baritone voice.

Both Molly and John looked up at Sherlock, his face was covered in cuts and bruises, the medic treating Molly let out a sigh and walked over to Sherlock. Sherlock surprisingly didn't protest, "Mycroft just informed me that they managed to prove that Sebastian Moran had killed over forty men in the past two years alone. Once he had the proof all he had to do was make a few phone calls." he told them.

"You spoke to Mycroft?" asked John.

"I didn't even get a chance to exit the building before someone handed me mobile." he replied with an eye roll.

After a few more checkup and a few chats with some of the C.I.A agents, they were given the ok to go home. Molly was happy to hear, she was ready to leave New York and this time John and Sherlock were coming with her, all was safe...Finally.

Sherlock sat inside the private jet that Mycroft had provided for them and waited for them to depart back to London. John had gone to the small office in the back to call Mary and inform her that they were on their way, while Molly slept next to him. Sherlock looked down at his pathologist, her hair was still damp from the shower she had taken earlier and she was wearing a ridiculous I 'heart' New York jumper that she had insisted he bought her. He didn't care much as long as it made her happy... Sherlock leaned against his seat and looked out the window, that's what he wanted right? To make Molly happy? Had he made her happy? Was she happy? All these questions filled his head and he closed his eyes.

"What would make Molly Hooper happy?" he thought to himself.

All Sherlock seemed to be doing was putting her in danger, she even went so far as to go look for him after she had been told of his disappearance, she was loyal that's for sure, but then again so was John... Sherlock shook his head, he wasn't talking about John. Yes, the two had a strong friendship and he trusted John. But he wasn't like Molly... He trusted Molly with his heart, and that was something he could never trust anyone with... But he wasn't good for her all he did was cause his pathologist anger and stress, perhaps a life without Sherlock Holmes was what Molly needed. But could he do that? Sherlock tucked a loose piece of damp hair behind Molly's ear, a smile crept on his face as she let out a breathy sigh. He couldn't do this... Sherlock was a selfish creature, he didn't want to think of a life without Molly Hooper, she belonged to him but, he belonged to her... Suddenly it dawned to him, he knew what he had to do.

"Molly..." he said as he shook her lightly.

Molly let out a sleepy hum from the back of her throat indicating that she was listening.

"Marry me."

Molly's eyes shot open and quickly found his face, a mixture of confusion and happiness grace her face. The pathologist sat up and rubbed her eyes tiredly.

"Sherlo-" she began.

"Molly..." he said.

Molly put her hand up to stop him, "Think about what you're asking me." she told him, "Is this what you want?"

Sherlock nodded "I did think about it... And it is."

"You're not asking me because you feel bad about everything?"

"Why would I feel bad?" he lied.

Molly stared at his face while Sherlock took her tiny hand in his; he kissed it lightly and looked into her eyes.

"Say it." she whispered.

"Aren't you going to give me an answer?" he said against her hand.

"Say it." she repeated.

Sherlock placed his other hand over Molly's and nodded.

"Molly Hooper, will you marry me?"

A smile tugged the corners of her face he could see tears forming in her brown eyes. She flung herself forward and wrapped her arms around his neck, she kissed his lips causing him to hiss in pain, his face was still sore and he suspected would be for the next few weeks. Molly pulled away and let out a concerned squeak.

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

Sherlock shook his head and tugged her towards him, "So it that a yes, Dr. Hooper?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

Molly nodded and pecked his lips lightly, "Yes."

Sherlock smiled at her, he knew he was doing the right choice, all his life he found marriage pointless and a waste of time, something to do to show your friends and family how much better you were than them, how boring. He had ignored what people had said about "Just having to find the right person." he never thought he'd feel these things for someone, let alone ask someone to marry him. But here he was in front of his pathologist and all he wanted to do was be with her for however long he'd have her.