The Fellowship of the Morons
By Samhoku
Disclaimer: I do not own this story. The only people I own are myself and my sister. I am trying to keep this realistic as my sister and I are not fangirls.
Reviewers: Thank you for reviewing. :) I love feedback, it helps me with the story.
It seemed almost as if Aragorn had jumped out of nowhere on the Orc. They fought for a few minutes and Aragorn killed the Orc. Samantha scrambled down out of the tree and sat down at the base of the tree, burying her face in her knees. She hadn't seen her sister in hours and it was scaring her. If she couldn't find her sister then who knows what happened to her.
Aragorn kissed Borimier's forehead and then looked at Samantha, "It is alright." They all ran down to the beach in time to see 1 tall female figure disappearing into the woods with two hobbits.
"Is my sister INSANE? Mordor? Afrahsmiagnahia." Samantha said something that sounded very garbled after the first few words and then she looked at Legolas as he started to push the Canoe into the water. Aragorn shook his head and said something.
"Then let it all be in Vain." Gimili said gloomily and he looked at the ground.
"No. We will not allow for Merry and Pippin to be tortured in Prison. Lets go hunt some Orc." Aragorn said, looking from one person to the next. Samantha grinned and followed Aragorn, making an insane laugh.
Gimili said with joy, "YESS!" He followed Samantha and Aragorn and Legolas was close behind them, "Attack!" Gimili said, even though they where no where close to attacking someone at the moment.
Veronica followed Frodo and Sam through the woods in the general direction of Mordor. She missed her sister already, but she had to keep track of the hobbits. She knew Legolas, Gimili, and Aragorn wouldn't let anything happen to Samantha within their power. But there was no one to protect the hobbits, so she took it upon herself to watch after them. If Aragorn couldn't, then she would take up his vow.
If in life or death, she can protect them, she will.