This was requested by I'll Cover Angel and Collins. She said I could either publish it or write the story through a PM just for her. Of course, being the twisted sicko I am, I decided to publish this on the site. Enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Total Drama would be banned if I owned it. That's pretty much why I don't own it.

WARNING: The actions that occur in this fic are NOT, under ANY circumstances, to be imitated in real life. Such actions can lead to arrest and later imprisonment (or the death penalty in some jurisdictions) for the perpetrator, and severe trauma that may be permanent for the victim.

Cody awoke to find himself laying in a cot. Cody sat up to notice that he was in a room with white walls, brown floorboards, red furniture, toys and red curtains. Cody looked down. A horrible sight met his eyes. All he was wearing was a nappy. Cody cringed. He wanted to yelp but he feared that if he did, Sierra would hear him, run into the room and quite possibly molest him. He had to escape and find the nearest police station while he has the time.

Cody gripped the top of the barrier and proceeded to jump over it. However, he jumped too fast and he hurt his knee before he landed on his but on a piece of Lego. The smarting pain coming from the Lego piece prompted Cody to whinge for a good two seconds before clasping his mouth. He realised he's alerted one of his kidnappers because he could hear footsteps pounding towards the door. The kidnapper flung the door open, prompting Cody to curl up into an egg and close his eyes in fear.

"NO, SIERRA! I DON'T WANT IT!" he wails.

"Ahem, you call me daddy, understood!" hissed a sinisterly familiar voice. Confused, Cody looked up to see Duncan and Alejandro staring at Cody.

Alejandro spoke. "And you will call me Papa," he added. "What are you doing out of your bed, Cody?" he asked.

Before Cody could speak, Duncan said: "Oh I get it. Our little Cody must be hungry." Duncan withdrew a male-breastfeeding device from his pocket and fitted it on. The device resembles a bra, with the cups looking like actual boobs. Each 'breast' contains a pouch through which baby bottles can fit through. The delinquent went up to Cody, picked him up and held Cody's face against the 'breast' which contained the baby bottle. Cody tried to wrestle himself out of Duncan's hold, but Duncan was too strong. Giving in, Cody drank the milk until there was none left.

"Who's a good baby?" Duncan teased.

"I'm 19!" Cody protested.

"Well tough luck, kid," Alejandro smirked. "We couldn't find a surrogate mother, and no adoption agency would help us adopt a child, so we adopted one ourselves."

"You guys are around my age!" Cody protested, squirming in Duncan's grip. "You two will never get away with it."

"Not if nobody finds out," Duncan smirks. "And right now you've been very bold, so back to bed with you." Duncan laid Cody back in the cot and the couple left the room. Alejandro locked the door behind him.

Cody laid back down on his bed. He knew when he was beaten. For the first time in his life he wished he was kidnapped by Sierra instead.

Dun! Dun! Dun!

This is an Alejandro/Duncan fan fic where, as you can see, Cody is their surrogate son. How will Cody survive, or even escape, this ordeal? Find out as I update this story.

The fic is set after All Stars. Alejandro and Duncan will both be 20, while Cody will be 19. Imagine being babied by someone who is only a year older than you? As I've said before, DO NOT do what Alejandro and Duncan did. You willl regret it later in life.

Until next time!