Kiara was sitting in her room when she sister Tiffany walked in. She sat next to her and put her arm around her shoulders. Kiara had just be freed from the Wizards of the Black Circle. However she didn't want to be free. Well she did, but she didn't. She didn't want to fight her friends, but she wanted to be with Duman.

"Kiara are you ok? asked Tiffany.

"I don't know Tiff. I just don't know." said Kiara. She didn't know weather she should tell her sister that she had feelings for Duman.

"Kiara what's bothering you?" asked Tiffnay. She just stayed quite and looked at the floor. "Kiara you can tell me anything."

"Yeah I don't know if I can tell you this!" Kiara said as she stood up. Her fairy kitten landed on her shoulder trying to cheer her up.

"Kiara what is it? Come on tell me." said Tiffany.

"All right, but you have to promise that you won't tell the others." said Kiara.

"I promise." said Tiffany.

"When I was under the wizards control I started having feelings for Duman." said Kiara. Tiffany just sat there surprised that her sister had feelings for one of the wizards. "I know he's evil and wants to rule the world, but he's also kind and gentle."

"Does he feel the same way about you?" asked Tiffany.

"I think he does." said Kiara.

"Kiara I want you to be happy so I'm going to support you through this. Plus I have something to tell you." said Tiffany.

"What is it?" asked Kiara.

"I kind of think that Donny is cute." said Tiffany.

"I guess I'm not the only one then." said Kiara.

"Actually Bloom likes Ogron, Musa likes Gantlos, Flora likes Anagan, Roxy likes Alexander, Tecna likes Devon, Layla likes Ashton, and Stella likes Colt." said Tiffany.

"Well I guess we all have a thing for the wizards." said Kiara.

"Yeah well I'm going to bed." said Tiffany.

"Ok I'll see you in the morning." said Kiara.

"Night." said Tiffany.

"Night." Kiara said as Tiffany walked out and Kiara closed the door. She magically changed in to her pajama's. Kiara turned around and saw Duman leaning against the wall by the window with his arms crossed.

"I thought she'd never leave." said Duman.

"What are you doing here?" asked Kiara.

"What I can't see you? The others are getting a visit as well." said Duman. He put his arms down and walked towards her. He picked her up bridal style and carried her over to her bed. He set her down before he took his shirt off and laid next to her. He pulled her into his warm firm bare chest and they both fell asleep. The other wizards did the same thing to Tiffany, Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, Layla, and Roxy.

Back with the specialists were sitting in the living room with little knowledge that their girlfriends were sleeping with other guys. Better yet they didn't know that they were sleeping with the nine Wizards of the Black Circle.

"Hey did you notice the girls have been a little secretive lately?" asked Brandon.

"Now that you brought it up. Yeah it's like they're hiding something." said Helia.

"They're girls they're always hiding something." said Riven.

"I don't know. I mean take Kiara for example ever since we freed her from the wizards she hasn't been the same." said Seto.

"Tiffany has been acting the same way." said Cain.

"I'm gonna call Bloom right now." said Sky.

"Sky it's the middle of the night!" said Nabu.

"I don't care." Sky said as he pulled his phone out and dialed Bloom's number.

"Sky put it on speaker." said Timmy. Bloom sleeping with her head on Ogron's chest heard her phone go off. She sat up and answered her phone.

"Hello." Bloom said still half asleep.

"Bloom." said Sky.

"Sky!" said Bloom. When she said his name Ogron shot up and looked at the phone.

"Why do you seem so surprised that I called?" Sky asked harshly.

"It's just the middle of the night and I wasn't expecting a call from you. Plus I was sleeping cause I have work know the fairy pet shop." said Bloom.

"I'm sorry Bloom. It's just you girls are being secretive lately and I just wanted to know what was going on." said Sky.

"Sky nothing's going on. Now can I go back to sleep?" asked Bloom.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." said Sky.

"Ok." said Bloom. She hung up and set the phone back on her nightstand.

"What was that about?" asked Ogron.

"Nothing. Just go back to sleep." said Bloom. They both laid back down and went back to sleep.

The next day when the girls woke up they saw that the wizards were still laying next to them. They went into the kitchen and sat down in silence. They had a lot of explaining. They said that they didn't care if the wizards were evil love was love. They were enjoying breakfast when they heard the doorbell go off. The wizards helped them clean up before they disappeared. Bloom opened the door and saw that it was the specialists.