It was July and, once again, Albus Dumbledore had to choose a Head Boy and Head Girl. He was sitting at his desk in his office in the nearly deserted Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sunlight streamed in through the windows of Albus' study, bathing the room in a warm golden glow and reflecting off the many artifacts in his collection. One of these artifacts was rapidly spinning- first one way, then the other- with a whirring noise. Albus had an almost childlike fondness for color and noise. Fawkes' perch was empty as the Phoenix was out stretching his wings.

On the parchment in front of Albus, written in neat careful script, were the names of the nine candidates for a Head position- four girls and five boys- all seventh years. Albus always took care when choosing Head Boy and Head Girl. While Prefects had simply to be responsible, Heads had to be outstanding. Each Prefect had been carefully chosen by his or her Head of House, and now Albus had to choose from students who had already proven to be good choices.

Head Girl, this year, turned out to be an easy choice. Miss Lily Evans had shone during her time at Hogwarts, and Albus was pleased with his choice. Still, he paused, quill hovering above the parchment, to make sure he was certain. Confident that he was, Albus carefully circled Lily Evans in green ink. Minerva would be pleased.

There were four Prefects and one Quidditch captain to choose from for the position of Head Boy. Mr. Remus Lupin was the most responsible student, by far, but something held Albus' quill back. Remus had been overjoyed to be chosen as a Prefect, but he had always worried that his lycanthropy made him unsuitable. Albus thought that in other circumstances Remus would have perfect choice, but Albus did not want to burden the boy with more responsibility. Remus had enough to worry about without Albus adding Head Boy. Regretfully, Albus returned his quill to the ink well.

Pressing his fingertips together, Albus peered down at the list through half-moon spectacles. Thomas Harrison from Ravenclaw would be a suitable Head Boy, Albus decided. Thomas was careful, responsible, and intelligent as all Ravenclaws are. Albus reached for his quill. This time when he paused above the parchment, Albus stopped. Though Albus could see Thomas as Head Boy, Albus did not think Thomas was the best choice.

A name seemed to stand out from the others at the bottom of the parchment. James Potter. Two years ago, Albus wouldn't have even considered James as a Prefect let alone a Head Boy. He had been reckless and irresponsible. Even Albus had been surprised at the change James had gone through the previous year. He had matured drastically, and though he still was in detention with Sirius Black every other week, James was responsible now. But was he worthy of the title of Head Boy? Albus could see it happening. Albus considered himself to have very good intuition, and his intuition was telling him that James Potter was the best choice for Head Boy. Albus didn't even pause. He circled James Potter and returned his quill to the ink well.

Albus carefully folded the parchment into a perfect paper airplane, something one can only manage with years of practice. Lifting his wand, Albus gently tapped the paper airplane. It rustled, then lifted itself into the air and soared off. Albus pointed his wand at the closed door and it opened, allowing the airplane to fly through. Soon it would find itself in the office of Minerva McGonagall.

Albus stood up from his chair. He felt like getting a cold beverage at Hogsmede. Albus left his office and began walking down a flight of stairs, unaware that he had just made a choice that had changed not only the future of Lily Evans and James Potter but also the future of the entire wizarding world.