Chap. 6

Jackson found his son in the library, filling a tumbler with some of his fine Scotch. His hands were shaking. This was going to be an interesting conversation.

"You, alright?"

"I'm just peachy!"

"Yeah, the Scotch told me that."

"Is he still upset?"

"He's worried about you. He said you were quite shaken."

Gibbs scoffed and took a sip of his drink. He had just quite literally whipped the kid's ass and the boy was concerned about him.

"I hurt him, Dad."

Jackson placed his hands on his son's shoulders and sighed. Disciplining one's children was never an easy task. It often hurt the spanker more than it hurt the spankee, emotionally at least.

"I imagine his backside is still aflame. That was the whole point of the spanking. He'll remember the sore bottom the next time he thinks about disobeying you."

"Was I too hard on him? Should I have cut him some slack?"

"No and no. He has to understand that we won't let him endanger himself, even if we have to put some heat in his seat."

"I'm sorry for being such a brat when I was a kid. I know dealing with me wasn't easy. How do you still have hair?"

Jackson chuckled and hugged his son. Leroy wasn't a bad kid. He was mischievous sure, but most little boys are.

"Growing up is all about testing limits and pushing boundaries. The discipline showed you the limits and boundaries, just as it does for Tony. Don't get down on yourself for trying to teach a stubborn kid a lesson. Yes, it was harsh, but sometimes life is, so these lessons need to be. Compared to the alternative, not sitting for a few days is a cake walk."

"Logically, I know that. I just don't want him to be afraid of me because of this."

"He won't be afraid of you, he'll think twice about getting into trouble. That switch can have that effect on naughty ones."

Gibbs finished off his drink and placed the glass in the sink in the wet bar.

"I'm going for a walk. Keep an eye and an ear out for him?"

"You know I will. Now go on, clear your head and then talk this over with your boy."

Tony opened his eyes and looked around. He was on the bed and his stomach was growling. That had to be what woke him. Turning over, Tony whimpered and jumped up. His butt was still aching. Walking to the closet, he opened the door, staring into the mirror. Gently slipping his pajama bottoms down, Tony surveyed the damage. Little pink stripes went from his hind quarters to his thighs. He so did not want to tangle with that viscous switch again. Who would've thought that small stick could hurt so freaking much? He wondered how long it would be before he could sit with some degree of comfort. Just walking down the stairs caused his thighs and his rear end to sting and burn again. He definitely was not going to defy his dad again anytime soon. Now though, he just wanted to find something to eat before his stomach started gnawing on his back bone.

Gibbs heard his son descend the stairs as he plated up the chicken stir fry. He had hoped to talk to the kid before dinner, but when he had returned from his walk, Tony had still been asleep. Now he just wanted to get some food into the boy. He hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Jack set the table and waited for Tony to get the drinks. When they were all seated and as comfortable as they could get, the three of them began dinner.

"How was your walk, son?"

"It was fine. I saw those deer that keep coming up into the yard. They weren't even afraid of me. I think you've almost made pets of them."

Gibbs talked with his father as he watched Tony squirm in his seat. Good, the spanking had the desired effect. He just wished that effect didn't have to be so painful for his son. He hoped this first taste of the switch was the last one Tony would get. He didn't think his heart could take having to do that many more times.

Tony ate quietly. He didn't want to draw any more attention to himself. He had been given enough attention to last a lifetime lately. Squirming in the seat, Tony bit back a whimper and took another bite.

"Leroy, go find your son and make things right with him."

"There's nothing to make right. He broke the rules, I punished him."

"Just go talk to the boy. I'm sure he can alleviate some of that guilt you're feeling and you can tell him it's alright to be upset over this whole situation."

Gibbs watched his son flip the page and made his move.

"Can we talk about this morning?"

"What's there to talk about? I broke your rules and you beat my ass."

"You're damn right I did! And I would do it again if it kept you safe. I will not let you endanger yourself like that. I don't want to spank you, son, but if I have to I will. I hope this is the only time I have resort to such methods."

"Why did you use a switch? Why not just use a hairbrush or a wooden spoon or even a slipper?"

Gibbs sat beside his son on the bed and wrapped his arms around him.

"I needed this lesson to be memorable, Tony. I don't want to get another call at two in the morning telling me you've done something stupid and hurt yourself. The switch leaves a lasting impression without actually hurting you. It leaves little stinging stripes but not much else. I think for you the anticipation made the actual whipping worse than it was."

"It was horrible, Dad. My behind is still on fire. I understand why you used the switch, I just don't like it. You've never really whipped me before. That sacred me."

"Did this remind you of your parents?"

"No. It made think about how worried you and Grandpa must have been when Jeff called you. I know you wouldn't use that sort of discipline unless you needed to make an impact. Well, you got my attention. I don't want to go another round with you and that switch."

Gibbs laughed and kissed his son's head.

"Good. Then you've learned something."

"Did Grandpa ever whip you with a switch?"

"A few times. And I survived. I also learned something from those spankings."

"When do the stripes go away?"

"You'll be fine in the morning, kiddo. I'm not cruel, Tony. I don't want to hurt you. But if you deserve an ass whipping you can bet you're going to get one."

Tony leaned into his dad and sighed. He had to have to strictest parent ever! At least his dad cared enough to discipline him.

"I love you so much, Tony. If anything ever happened to you, I lose my mind."

The guilt hit him like a ton of bricks. Gibbs had already lost one family and Tony had almost succeeded in making him lose another child. Yeah, the spanking was well deserved.

"I love you too. And I'll try not to be so reckless. Sometimes I just can't stop myself. Before I met you, no one really cared what I did. I keep having to remind myself that I have people who care when I'm sick or hurt. "

"You don't resent me for being so hard on you?"

"No. You disciplined me for misbehaving, for ignoring your rules. I get that even if my ass feels like someone lit fire to it."

"I'm glad you understand why I felt I had to be a bit firmer with you on this. Causing trouble at work and back talking will not be tolerated, but endangering your life will get your ass beat every time."

Tony nodded into his dad's chest. He didn't like the thrashings, but if they forced him to reconsider his actions, then maybe they had a point.

"Mrs. Kingston called. She wanted to know if maybe you could help them set a booth for the Winter Wonderland."

"What's the Winter Wonderland?"

"It's a small get together the community organizes every year to raise for different charities throughout the town. Mrs. Kingston heads the Teacher's Association in Stillwater and they have a booth every year. They have handmade crafts, some of their own musical recording, some of them even write things. Some of the teachers and coaches cook and bake. The money made goes to the different charities."

"That's what's going on at the community center?"

"Yes. I told her I would love to help and would ask you what you thought."

"Yeah, I'll help. I think what they're doing is great."

"Good. Go call her and let her know that if you feel up to it we'll be there in the morning to help out."

"Yes sir."

Gibbs watched as his son grabbed his phone and headed down the stairs. Maybe he and Tony were ok now. They could work on it more before they had to go back to D.C.