
Normal POV:

It'd been a year since Maka's life had changed, a year in which she had come to terms with her past and moved on into her future. She was now a student at Death City Community College working to get a degree in Business Administration, her job at the diner was still her source of income and her relationship with her friends was intact and better than ever. Soul had thankfully survived, she'd spent every day he was in the hospital by his side, though she had left before he woke and packed her things out of his apartment moving to another part of the city and had even asked her friends not to tell him where she was, the few times he'd gone to the diner to look for her she'd hidden in the back and begged them not to tell him she was there. She'd been dodging him for months now and she didn't know how long she could keep it up, her guilt kept her from showing herself to him, though she knew he would tell her it wasn't her fault her mind told her otherwise. Plus she could never forgive herself for being a coward and staying with him up until he had recovered, to tell him she wanted to leave and that he make sure to forget she ever existed. But she couldn't he'd probably fight with her like he did the last time.

The sound of her cell phone ringing burst through the silence of her small one bedroom apartment. She picked it up seeing the diner's number on the screen, she quickly flipped it open and put it to her ear "Hello?" she asked "Maka? Sorry to call you on your day off but we're totally swamped can you come in?" Kim asked from the other end "Sure I'll be there in ten." Maka answered she wouldn't mind working anything to keep the depression at bay right now. She hung up and quickly went about pulling on jeans and a v-neck t-shirt, she picked up her cell and keys stuffing them into the back pocket of her jeans and headed out. She hailed a taxi and gave him the address of the diner, she gazed out the window not really seeing as buildings and people passed by, she startled when the cab driver called to her but she scrambled to pay and got out. She opened the door to the diner, goosebumps rising on her skin as she noticed just how empty it was she frowned Kim had said it was swamped but the brightly lit diner was desolate there was absolutely vacated. She walked behind the counter when she noticed a note scribbled on one of the napkins Kim's chicken scratch writing in pink ink:


I'm sorry to trick you like this but you know me I'm a sucker for romance and I couldn't say no. Now make nice with Shark boy ;)

-Kim 3

Maka looked up as movement registered in her peripheral vision, the note fluttered out of her hand as she watched Soul flip the sign to Closed and lock the door. "Did you really think you could avoid me for so long?" he asked leaning against the glass of the door crossing his arms, the white button up shirt strained against the expanse of his broad chest the two open top buttons widened to reveal the tanned chest she'd imagined time and time again, she looked away "I knew I couldn't for much longer, but it was worth a shot." She said ending with a shrug. "Why?" he asked "Why would you want to run Maka?" she shivered involuntarily at the sound of her name on his lips but she didn't answer looking anywhere but at him "You shouldn't have left, do you remember what I told you the first time you tried to run?" he crept closer without her knowing "Do you remember?" he asked again this time reaching the counter and leaning over to hold her wrists, she cried out startled fighting for him to let her go. "Yes! I remember!" she yelled hoping her answer would make him let her go, but he held on tighter pulling her until her hips stopped at the counter's edge.

"I told you the truth didn't I?" without letting her go he climbed onto the counter and settled down both legs on either side of her "Soul… You have to forget about me I'm no good for you." She said tears threatening to spill "I'm not the one for you, you deserve someone better someone not so broken and… and used." She spit out bitterly "No, I left my family because of that same reason Maka, being told what was good for me and what could be even better I don't care about anything that isn't being with you." He held chin firmly looking into watery emerald eyes "I love you Maka and nothing is going to stop me from being with you if you want to run go ahead, but always know that I'll be right behind you, no matter where you go I'll follow you." Maka's chest heaved with broken sobs "Soul…" she began "I love you too I always have I'm sorry." She said wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself until she was flush against him "Maka, don't leave." He pleaded he didn't care how uncool he sounded throughout this whole confession, if being in love made him that way then only Maka had the right to know that. He pulled away from her "Be mine forever," he said pulling a black velvet box from his pocket "Marry me." He opened the lid to reveal a Princess cut diamond set into a silver band a smaller cluster of emerald and rubies set on either side of the clear gem.

Maka gasped as she looked up at him, she looked down at the ring once again before answering "Yes." He grinned taking her left hand and setting the ring on her finger kissing it after. Maka gazed the shining band in amazement before looking up into bright rubies she leaned up kissing him as she had only been able to imagine for the past few months. Whoops and cheers erupted suddenly startling both of them, they whipped their heads to see Kim, Ox, Harvar, Jackie, Killik, Blair, Liz, Patti, Kid, Black Star and Tsubaki step out of the kitchen doors. Maka hid her face in Soul's chest and she heard his laugh rumble in his chest, "We should celebrate!" came Black Star's gleeful crow Killik, Liz and Patti quickly agreed "We'll go buy the booze!" Killik quickly volunteered steering Patti to the door, "We'll start cooking!" Kim said grabbing Ox by the elbow leaving no room to protest. "Maka if you like I could help with the wedding plans." Kid said coming up to the couple "Oh Hell no!" Liz protested "That's just a train wreck waiting to happen." Kid huffed "It will not! It will be perfect and symmetrical." He added Liz scoffed "I think wedding planning should be left to wedding planners and women." Kid eyed her levelly "Oh sorry I forgot I was dealing with one." Liz turned on him "The Hell is that supposed to mean?!" she screeched angrily. Maka was about to step in before it turned violent but Soul stopped her "If this is what they're gonna be like at the wedding I think I want something more private." Maka muttered, Soul chuckled looking down at his fiancée "We can arrange that, but I bet our wedding will be one of a kind." They both turned to see Black Star holding back a red-faced Liz and a calm Kid muttering insults in between checking his nails. "Yeah, it'll be one of a kind." Maka agreed smiling.

AN: And it is the END! Wow, I hope you liked this chapter like all the others thank you for sticking with me and this story until the last chapter! Just to clear up I DON"T OWN SOUL EATER OR ANY PRODUCTS named in this story. Well see ya around!