Chapter 20

Because you're the wind that flows around me

Olivia was packing all of her stuff in her suitcase. She decided she wants to go to her mother's house and continue to work in the bakery with Cam.

"I don't understand," Cam sighed as he grabbed a photo of him and his mother. "Why can't we stay? You said we everything was better… Why do we have to leave d-… I mean Cole?"

"I thought you want to see your grandmother right? Plus I don't want to live this lifestyle anymore… You can be in grave danger… And Cole…" She muttered before continuing. "He'll be fine without us and we'll be fine without him,"


"We don't belong here…" She sighed as she went to kneel in front of her son. "How much do you love me?"

"Mum, you're be rid-"

"How much Cam?"

"More than anything,"

"Then you got to believe me," And that got him to shut up. Once she had zipped up her last bag, their door open.

"Liv," Cole said but she didn't look at him. "Please look at me," This time, she did. Cam knew this was his cue to leave. He tip toed out of the room. "Liv, I still love you and I always will," but she shook her head stubbornly.

"I need to get out of here,"

"Why? Why do you have to leave again?"

"B-because… I've been so stupid… I should have known this was a plan… I should have known you had loved me so much that you wouldn't do any bet against me… I can't forgive myself for being so stupid… You deserve better," She sighed and looked back to the suitcase.

"Are you crazy? All the stuff I need is in this room and outside the door," He laughed and he pulled her into rough kiss, putting his tongue into her mouth like they had done many years ago. Once they pulled apart, they both felt another arms wrap around their bodies.

"So are we staying?" Cam asked. Liv giggled and looked into Cole's eyes.


Because you gave me the water of life

Marie groaned as she tried pushing down the clothes. Her body still ached from the fight, especially her burning side.

"Mummy, are you alright?" May and April asked as they rushed to their mother's aid.

"Yeah," she gasped.

"You want us to get d-"

"No," Marie was told the whole conversation the others had about the plan and so on. Even she felt stupid for falling for the stupid plan. Would Zane even like me anymore? I must have caused him so much pain… She knows the twins are devastated about leaving their father. She looked back at them and saw tears swelling in their eyes. Once Marie finished packing, she wheeled the suitcases to the door but the twins tried stopping her.

"Please mummy!" April sobbed. It killed Marie so much for see her baby girls crying. She bends down and both ran into her arms. She gasped in pain but she tried to show no emotion but sadness.

"I'm sorry girls… We have to go. Don't you want to go back to my place and live by the sea?"

"But… We want daddy," May cried. "Why are we leaving him?" Marie felt tears form in her eyes.

"B-because… I not think he love me back…" Marie whispered, smacking herself mentally for pulling her daughters from their father because of her.

"He has too! You love him too! We want to stay!"

"Please girls… we have to leave," Marie said softly but her voice shook from her burning side. The girls nodded, knowing it would be impossible to change her mind. They grabbed their little bags and wheeled it towards the door, behind Marie. When Marie reached out her hand for the door handle to the hall, the door opened and Zane stood there.

"I need to get through," Marie whispered.

"Why do you have to go?" Zane asked ever so gently as he leaned in towards her.

"We don't belong here…" She said softly looking at the ground. Zane looked at her with a sympathy look. He smiled a little and pulled her closed to him and he wrapped his arms around her shivering small body.

"You do belong here Marie… This was your home for 2 years," He said quietly as he rocked the two back and forward.

"It was my home but it isn't anymore," He was taken back on what he heard and he frowned.

"But you heard the truth; it was just the Dark Sisters messing with us,"

"Then why is there still a hole in my heart! Why am I still in pain because of you?!" She shouted getting out of his grip. Tears were pouring from her eyes. "I just… want to get rid of that pain… And I think the best way is to give it some time…" She said back in her quiet voice.

"But you had those 6 years,"

"Well… I still need more time," She sighed.

"Or maybe you need more of this," He said with a smile and moved his lips to her's and placed his hands around her waist. Her lips tasted like salt from the tears spilling from her lips. And in no time, he felt her kissing back, very passionately. The twins watched in awe as their parents kissed. They tried so hard to not giggle. The couple pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes. "Is the pain gone now?" He asked with a smile. Marie couldn't help but smile with happy tears streaming down her cheeks. "You're the only one that makes me feel like a real human and… I really love you Marie and I need you back into my life,"

"Me too," she whispered. The twins cocked their heads wondering what their father mean by a 'real human'.

"Please don't leave me,"

"I won't," Marie giggled through her tears and kissed Zane again while the twins pulled on their brightest smile.

Because the jokes are only funny when you're around.

Nya sighed as she sat on the beach that the bounty was docked on. The wind blew her short jet black hair. She looked at Josh and smiled as he licked his chocolate ice cream.

"You better lick it faster before it melts," She said as she pats his head.

"Or do you want me to finish faster so we can move away from dad?" Josh asked. She sighed. Why does my son have to be so intelligent? She knows she can't lie to him again.

"The reason… Why we left your father is because… I thought he didn't love me," She said looking at the sand and placed her finger in it and drew a random shape. "But… I was wrong and he still does but… Would he really want me back? I didn't trust him…"

"But if he still love you… You might as well stay," Josh said as he finished off his ice cream.

"But… I just don't want to go back," Nya admitted, embarrassed that she's telling her feelings to her son, her smart 6 year old son.

"But… What about Uncle Kai? And does that mean Chenae is my aunty and Katherine is my cousin?" He asked.

"Yes, that's true but… Uncle Kai will be fine without us," She smiled as both of them started to make their way back to the bounty. When they had entered jay's mini apartment, they walked to their room and packed while Jay was in his room, unaware they had just entered. Once they were done, they walked out of their ex-room and made their way to the front door but Jay had just come out of his room.

"You're leaving?" He asked, with a shock expression, like when Nya turn evil by the dark matter.

"We have to," She replied, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You don't have to, you can always stay,"

"We don't want to. Right Josh?" But the young boy didn't say anything. Nya sighed as she looked at the blue ninja.

"You heard the truth, it wasn't us… We made the mistake," Jay pleaded to change her mind.

"You haven't made any mistakes; it was my entire fault… I was actually stupid to fall for it… Plus you deserve better… Why would anyone as funny as you want someone who is stupid and is easily to be lured into a trap?"

"Nya," He said firmly, walking towards her. "You're not stupid, you're really smart. The smartest person I had ever known. Whenever you're around, the jokes I tell are great but when you're gone… The joy in them goes away too… You're the only one for me." Josh smirked as he slightly pushed his mother towards Jay so that they were only 5cm apart.

"I don't understand though…"

"Ok, that has to be the stupidest thing that has ever came out of your mouth," Jay laughed and he moved his hands behind Nya's head and he placed his lips on her's. He missed her so bad, being able to touch her, kiss her. He wanted her right now but he couldn't, not when their son is watching. Josh smiled and cleared his throat. The two separated and beet red.

"So… are we staying?" Josh asked. Nya eyes filled with happy tears and she bend down and her son ran into her arms. Jay crouched next to her and pulled them both into his arms.

Because you're the light in me…

Chenae zipped up her suitcase while her daughter was playing a soft yet sad melody on her guitar. She could tell Katherine was sad, leaving her father and her friends. Katherine had been repeating the melody over and over again. Chenae wanted until her daughter start again before singing.

"I never thought this day would come.
I truly thought you were the one.
We use to laugh and talk all night.
Now we argue, fuss, and fight.
All is wrong in things I do.
To take the blame is never you.
So quick to run when things get rough.
Your best excuse it's just too tough.
I keep it secret when things turn bad.
Because our kid love her dad.
I'll sleep tonight on what I wrote.
As I leave this good-bye note
," Chenae sang and she looked at Kathy's face.

"So… you don't want to leave?" She asked. She shook my head. "But… what about in the cave, I saw you two helping each other…"

"Sweetie that was a life and death situation…"

"But… He kind of told me he loves you," The young girl whispered and then yawned.

"What do you mean?" Chenae asked. Katherine explained her conversation with Kai while her mother was unconscious. Katie yawned again, she had stayed up pretty late last night.

"Why don't you go and take a nap?" Chenae asked. She nodded and packed her guitar before falling asleep. Chenae smiled and walked out of the room and to the kitchen to get a glass of water and she stared at the light blue sky.

"I thought you'd already left," She heard Kai's voice from the living room. She sighed.

"If you want me gone that bad, all you had to do was say so," She snapped and went to return to her room but Kai jumped over the couch and stopped her.

"I didn't mean that!" He exclaimed.

"So what do you mean then?"

"I know you're only leaving because you feel guilty about what happened 6 years ago. I will always love you Chenae and don't you dare think it's your entire fault,"

"But why do you love me?" She asked.

"Do you need an answer? I love you more than anything else,"

"But can't you see Kai? I didn't trust you when I should have. Of course everything's my fault! I made a stupid choice to move away, putting my whole family in pain! My child was fatherless at the time, you were suffering because you got no idea what I was doing and I was suffering because I had to keep secrets away from everyone and in the end and it hurts to know the truth! So it is my fault just because I didn't trust you on when you say you'll never stop loving me and I thought… you stopped," She whispered after her outburst, tears streaming down her face. Wiping at her eyes, Kai pulled her in tight and comforting embrace.

"You've been through a lot Chenae, don't worry, everything's fine now," He said softly and rubbed her back with his hand.

"You loved me now since I have return but… what about before when we were away on our so called 'mission? Did I ever cross your mind?"


"So what? You didn't like me back then?"


"Did you want me?"


"Did you cry when I left?"

"Umm… No…"

"So if you had to choose you or your daughter and I, who would it be?"

"My life…" Chenae couldn't help but let anger boiled up in her. But Kai smirked, he knew he was being a smart ass and so on.

"Ok, here's the truth," He said softly as he placed his hands on Chenae's shoulders to calm her down. Normally it would be the reverse. "The reason you didn't cross my because you were always on my mind. The reason I don't like you is because I love you. The reason I don't want you is because I need you. The reason I didn't cry is because I've died on the inside. The reason I choose my life because right now, you and our daughter are my life and without them, I would cease to exist. Please stay Chenae,"

"I don't deserve this… any of this… including you," she cried into his shoulder. Kai felt like his heart had stopped at these words, tears forming in his eyes. He places his hand under her chin and lifted it up so he could look into those lime green eyes. He wiped her tears away with his thumb and she made no rejections. He slowly moved his lips towards hers slowly. When their foreheads were just touching, he stopped, waiting for permission, still looking into her eyes. Her eyes lids dropped and he knew that was his cue. He kissed her gently and then it became fierce.

"I don't deserve-"

"Shhh, you do now," he said as he pulled apart and looked at her. "Please stay Chenae, when I first met you, you had sparked a light in me and I knew since then you were the one for me… Will you stay?" He asked. She laughed and nodded.

Together Again

Rose's POV

There was no fight for Lloyd and I, I just decided to stay. Our lives are different in so many ways. Some comes naturally and some we had to search and find it. But stuff like this doesn't pop up every day so it'll never be forgotten. But now, everyone's happy including the kids. No more secrets were hidden from each other. No more threating calls and no more plays or bets or break ups and stuff like that.

Now its 3 years later, we still get nightmares about all the drama that had happened before but our worst so far was losing a member. Yes, we lost Sensei Wu earlier last year. We all moved out of the bounty and tried to live normal lives since there were no more serious crimes to be dealt with.

Olivia, Cole and Cam moved to Liv's village and helped her parents with the bakery but the biggest issue was the boys kept eating the cakes. But shortly after that, the tough couple got married and of course, we got married afterwards.

Zane, Marie and the twins went to Marie's beach house and lived there, Zane had become this famous 5-star chef and an athletic swimmer and the twins were following his footsteps. Marie just was a stay at home mum and the happy sweet couple had another 16 months old baby boy called James and Marie is also now is pregnant at 4 months

Jay, Nya and Josh lived in Ninjago City, where they had opened up their own machinery shop and so far the best in Ninjago. From what I had heard from Chenae which I don't think is true, Nya is pregnant. Since Josh is now 9, he's really smart, he can do grade 8 math and other stuff like that!

Chenae, Kai and Katherine went back to Kai's village and worked in the blacksmith shop and a newly opened music store next to it, owned by Chenae. Chenae had recently just given birth to a boy and a girl. Yes she had twins but from the looks of it, she's not planning on having anymore.

As for Lloyd, Scarlet and I, we decided to look after the bounty since 'Mum and Dad' moved out and Dr Julien move back to his secret workshop. We kept the bounty on water; it was to never fly again. Why? Lloyd broke the engine and he didn't want to confess to Nya and Jay he broke their hard work. Right after Lloyd and I got back together, we got married straight away. Sure he was a childish guy but we can be so lovable. 2 years ago, we had another girl and her name is Ruby. We managed to open up our own flower shop in Jamanakai Village and right now going to move to Ninjago City.

I must say, saying 'I do' to Lloyd felt like… Err, how do you explain it? It's never been thought of. I mean I had thought of it but when we broke up and all of that drama happened, I thought that was the end but it wasn't. The girls were feeling the same. We thought life would never be the same and of course we're right. What has happened 9 years ago will always remain in our hearts, never to be forgotten. It was a miracle what happened. And I still remember when the girls and I would look at the stars while we were pregnant.

Like some would say, we have 'Unchained Hearts' and anything can happen.

That's the end of this story! I hoped you all like it. I'm going to make a second book but that would be after my other 5 stories I need to finish… which could take a long time. So that's why I called this story Unchained Hearts, because anything can happen. Please review! ;) Oh and all of that Italic stuff in Chenae and Kai's thing wasn't mine, it was that girl boy thing everyone keeps posting on their profile. I thought it would be cute in Chenae and Kai's case. And I have to share this; it is a work of art by LegionInfinity:

For there to be betrayal,
There first must have been trust,
For even the purest, whitest soul,
Can be blinded by pure lust.

Betrayal is like the frozen ice,
Bitter, hard, and cold,
When a heart of blackened steel,
Is mistaken for a heart of gold.

Betrayal is like the dancing flame,
It burns with a single touch,
For though it had the skin's permission,
I'm afraid it took too much.

Betrayal is like a lightning bolt,
It stings against your cheek,
For though it only meant the best,
Its pain had reached its peak.

Pain is like a crushing rock,
Heavy against your soul,
For though the world is full of games and tricks,
This game you played took a toll.

Five hearts begin to cry and weep,
Five hearts must start anew,
Though my will is strong and my brain is quick,
Those b***

And I must say, that has to be the best poem I have ever read! Thank you everyone for reading this story. Thank you to all the people who have reviewed, favorite and follow. And you thank you for helping me to reach my goal! :D See you next time on my 2nd story! I'll probably call it Chained Hearts but something along those lines!