October 22, 1976

I spent today doing homework in the library, however much I wanted to do anything else. Like Quidditch. But we are all planning on going to a Muggle Town tomorrow, and Lily's insisting that we all get our homework done before then. Which will be a struggle because Ortega decided she would give us an essay due on Tuesday. And I refused to do homework on Monday nights. I mean, we already have Quidditch, so why make it even worse for ourselves, ya know.

But today. I…I can't anymore. Ich kann nicht mehr, as my mother would always say. It rubbed off, and is now repeating like a mantra that will never end inside my mind.

I fear for my dreams tonight.




I was right.

The snow drifting lazily to the ground around us, gave the image of peace outside the high school theatre. It didn't seem like I was particularly thrilled with being outside at the moment. "I don't get it Mum," the tall, thin teenage girl shouted at me, her arms raised in aggravation. She was dressed like a forties popular girl, presumably for the show that was slightly seeping through the door. I had managed not to notice her moments before, but now she was all I could see. "Why do you constantly hide me away like I'm some secret that can't be told to anyone!"

Her face was flushed with anger, or from the cold I couldn't tell. "I'm sorry Susan. It can't be helped."

"Oh really?" Her voice tore through me. "It really can't be helped at all?" She glared at me. "You could, I dunno, tell me why the fuck you have to keep me in the dark constantly!"

I took a deep breath of the cold air. "Susan," I took a step towards her, and she took a step back.

"No, Mum. I want answers."

I took a shaky breath. "You know I had a brother?" I asked, watching her carefully.

"Of course, he was best friends with Dad," she answered, crossing her arms. "Married your best friend."

"You know how my name is Arabella Figg?" I asked, taking a step towards her and she didn't take one back. She nodded. "My given name wasn't Arabella Figg. It was Jenica Hayley Hailyanna Potter, and my brother was James Potter, and his wife Lily Evans."

Her face paled. "That means dad was…" Her eyes wide, she clapped her hands to her mouth.

"Sirius Black," I whispered, finally getting within arm's reach of my daughter.

"But he betrayed them," she whispered, staring vaguely off into space.

I pursed my lips. "Susan. I'm—" I looked over her shoulder only to see dark cloaks floating down the street. Moving at far too fast a pace for normal walking, they couldn't be Muggles. "Death Eaters," I hissed, throwing my arm around my daughter, protecting her from the evil that stood mere feet away. She looked at me strangely as I pulled out my wand.

"Mum, what are you—"

"Shut up, Susan." I cried, throwing a nonverbal curse at the figures. They continued to advance, and the next few minutes were a blur of curses.

But when at last I was victorious, I turned to look at my daughter, who had fallen backwards in the fray. The snow beside her face had drops of blood on it.

"This is why I never told you," I said, leaning down next to her and waving my wand over her nose, which was the culprit of producing the blood. She seemed to have been hit by a punching curse of some sort.

"What are you Mum," she gasped, her voice faint.

"I'm sorry Susan," I whispered, as I finished healing her. Before I raised my wand to her temple and whispered, "Obliviate." A single tear fell down my face as Susan's eyes went blank, before she slowly started to realize what was going on.

"Mum, why don't you ever tell me anything?" She insisted, like we had never experienced the last few minutes.

"Because it's too dangerous," I whispered, hugging her closely.

I mean. At least the kid didn't die. But why didn't she know I was a wizard? Doesn't she have magic?

This is…Ich kann nicht mehr.




October 23, 1976

We went out to town today. I can barely look at Sirius, or anyone for that matter, as after I wrote down the dream, I dreamed of the others all dying (as I'd seen before.) Except I've never seen Alice, Olivia, Remus, or Peter die. Except I don't trust Peter.

Or Snape. But Snape's a snake so that makes sense.




October 31, 1976

So today at practice, because it was Halloween, I dressed up as Merlin, and exclaimed, "My Beard" or "My Pants!" whenever I hit a bludger (which is quite often, surprisingly). This greatly annoyed James, and amused the new recruits, who I am pleased to say seem to be leaning more towards siding with me in arguments against Sirius. Which are currently far between. We haven't argued in ages. Which is really surprising. To remind you Currently it is Me with Emmeline and Olivia, and Sirius with (James). So Sirius really needs to step up his Newbie-appeal.

And good boyfriend appeal, because as the months get colder, the more I'm searching for my cloak, which I lost awhile ago…

Whenever I ask Sirius, he always fingers the edge of his cloak and falls uncharacteristically quiet, which is strange. I'm beginning to think he knows something.

Like when I asked him to borrow a cloak to dress up as Merlin, he gave me one, but it fit me too well. I forgot to check the name label before he took it back after the feast, so I still don't know.

I'll need to check at some point.




November 1, 1976

He stole my cloak. Sirius freaking Black stole my cloak. After I confronted him with the facts, he grabbed it and flung it up in the air, freezing it in anti-gravity, and put protective charms around it so I couldn't get it down.

The little…urgh. Now I'm going to freeze to death.

I thought boy friends were supposed to keep you warm.




A/N: As promised as a result of my procrastination for examations. So yea. May or maynot update later in these next few weeks, but the next production at our school is coming up and the Stage Crew director is a real pain in the tush. But many thanks to Lucy0415 for motivating me to update. Also a Thank You to AureliaPhoenixAnatasia, and also thanks to SevLuv for poitning out I had 2 chapter 32s...Sorry about that. Love-Eluse (PLEASE REVIEW even though I don't own HP)