"What's this?" asked a red-headed woman in black, picking up a snow-covered ebony wooden box on the doorstep.

"I don't know," answered the man in black who was holding a little boy. The couple and child was dressed in black, and the white drifting snow was cascading around them. The woman picked up the box and carried it inside.

When they reached the light of the living room, they saw the parchment taped on the top. The woman opened the letter and read:

Dear Lily, James, and Harry,

I'm sorry to write this, but as you know, my wishes go out to you for your loss. Jen told me to give this to you if she ever died. I guess, since she is gone, it was my duty to give you this. I'm sorry about Jen. My best wishes to Harry and his health. Please forgive me.

Emma Li

The woman, Lily, looked up from the paper at her husband.

"James, Jen…" she muttered, confused almost. The man, James, put the boy, Harry, onto his high chair and put his arms around his wife.

"At least she was able to see Harry," he whispered in her ear. She looked with wide eyes up at her husband, then picked up Harry and left the room. James looked at the box. It was wooden, an oak. It was Jen's box. The one she had hidden so many things in. The one only she could get into. Everything was falling apart it seemed.

When his wife came back into the room, she put her hand over his.

"Do you want to open it?" she asked quietly. The man, blinking back tears, nodded and placed his hand on the small chest. It opened, like it had for Jen so many times in front of him.

Lily reached in and unfolded the paper on top. She held back a sob as she read the words on the page.

Dear Lily and James,

I'm sorry that for what you guys are going through. Just know that I love you both eternally, and if you doubt that, you are insane. I want you two to read these, in order, please, for me. You have to understand why I did this. Please? Think of it as my last request.

James, my love goes to you. I know this is hard, just believe and finish the books. I love you.

Lily, my love, my sweet, sweet friend. Please, make sure he does, and read them yourself too.

Harry, my sweet little nephew, I love you just as much as I love your parents. Be brave little Harry. Never give up.

I love you all.

Jenica Hayley Hailyana Potter

Lily looked at James, as if to ask if he wanted to. He nodded stiffly and the woman picked up the first leather bound book with the numeral one scratched on it in ink.

She cracked open the book, and stared at the first date.

"Go on then…" muttered her husband. She swallowed and began to read.


September 1, 1971

My name is Jenica Hayley Hailyana Potter. I am eleven years old. I have a twin brother whose name is James Harold Potter.

This is going to be my journal of memories.

My life began on a day in March, preceded by a baby boy, James. My birthday is March 27, 1960. My parents were just expecting James, so I was a total surprise.

We are what you would call fraternal twins. And that's all I know, because I haven't gone to the trouble of looking it all up.

Today was the day that me and my brother first left home without our parents. I was shaking so badly and James was misbehaving...

"JAMES!" I cried, pulling on his arm. "Don't you dare leave the platform!" Our mother, Diane Potter, looked down at us.

"James, Jenica, don't be so rude. The others are staring," the elderly woman hissed.

She was old enough to be our grandmother, but we didn't care. She doted on us like there was no other day in the world. Our father was absent from this journey, as he was working overtime at the Ministry.

Mum leaned down to our level. "Make me proud little bairn," she whispered, using the word for children in Scottish. "James, don't be too rude. Jenica, don't tell everyone off all the time. You aren't always right. Remember I will love you no matter where you get sorted, but write tonight! I want to know where you were sorted to!" I smiled weakly and the two of us jumped up the large steps to the train.

I followed James into a compartment where I am sitting now, writing this. It's even better than what Dad described!

There are three other boys in here also, as well as another boy and a girl.

The silent pair in the corner are kind of cute together. The boy is black haired, lanky, and oily looking. The girl is beautiful. Her hair is red and just barely to her shoulders. Her green eyes are so exquisite that I think I might die of wonder at them. The boy just as black eyes. Such a bore.

The other group of boys is much different. One is rowdy, like James. He also has black silky locks that I would love to run my fingers through. He has stormy gray eyes. I think his name is Sirius Black.

There is also a mousy looking boy who looks run-down. He is really cute though. He has blue eyes. His name is Remus Lupin. Then there is the last boy, Peter Pettigrew. He is short, brown haired, and a bit pudgy. Not at all cute in anyway.

The three of them and my brother are talking loudly and the other two are quiet and look like they are arguing.

LATER: (I'm continuing from where I left off)

"It's okay. I just hope you'll be in Slytherin," said the boy next to the window. Everyone in the compartment turned to look at him like he was insane, except Sirius.

"Did you say Slytherin? I want Gryffindor, the home of the brave." James mimed holding up a sword. Cocky as usual. "If I got sorted into that dump I think I'd leave. What'd ya think Sirius?"

"My whole family has been in Slytherin," muttered Sirius. James dropped his hands.

"Oh. I thought you seemed nice when I met you," said James

The red-head stood up and said to the other boy with greasy hair, "Come on, let's find our own compartment." The three boys and my brother mocked them, but I watched them through the glass door. As soon as the two of them were out in the hall, they separated, the girl more reluctant than the boy.

I glanced around my own compartment and then told my brother, "I'm leaving." He didn't seemed fazed by this, so I left. When I found a sort of empty compartment full of girls. I knocked, then opened the door.

Inside were three girls. The red-head, a Chinese girl, and brown-haired girl with blue eyes.

"Can I sit here?" I asked quietly. The two other girls, not the red-head, yelled yes, so I sat down next to the brunette.

"I'm Jen Potter," I said quickly and nervously. I turned to the red-head. "Sorry about my brother and his friends. They don't seem to know anything." The girl nodded.

"I'm Lily," she said. "Lily Evans."

"Emma Li," the Chinese girl commented, leaning back into the seat.

"Lina Hawthorne," said the brunette, sitting cross-legged on the seat.

The four of us looked at each other.

"So…" I said, before bringing out this book and writing down the past few minutes.

Here are some facts about the others:

Emma: Chinese, moved to England and was born here, smart, two siblings, a grandmother who disapproves of witches

Lina: Half-Blood, knew Remus Lupin (when I asked if any of them knew them), her step-dad-amazing & wizard, dad-no pictures. 1/2 Irish, half English, Quidditch and cooking!

Lily: Friends with Severus Snape (that boy), a sister named Petunia, likes to run, and study, went to muggle school.

We all were sorted into Gryffindor, as were my brother and his friends. Snape went to Slytherin.

It's late, and we have school tomorrow.

I can't wait.

-Jenica Potter


Lily looked at her husband and she turned the page to the next entry.

A/N: I've decided to put this on Fanfiction because it did well on Wattpad. Also, on a side note, this is not completed, I still have most of the years (yes this will go through all 7 years of Hogwarts) to go (I'm currently at the end of third year).

I don't own Harry Potter, but I do OWN JENICA! MY AMAZING OC! PLEASE REVIEW! (I'll probably update within the next day or two)

PLEASE READ: Warning as this does go through teenage years, there will be mild swearing at some point in time. If the dropping of f-bombs and various sh*ts are offensive to you, I apologise, and advise you not to read. (Though honestly there isn't much swearing)