Bella's POV

I growled at the phone. I'd been called back to Forks after six years of being away from that town. I hate that town.




... What?

Okay, fine. I admit it's not the town I hate, but the memories from that town that make me hate it with a passion. See, after the Cullen's left, Jacob became my friend, my rock, my personal sun. Everything was perfect until things changed. See, he wound up doing the exact same thing he promised me he wouldn't do. And what is that you might ask? Simple. He ditched me! He didn't even call me himself to tell me! I had to call him for three straight weeks only to realize that he didn't want me.

He didn't want me.

Not as a friend, a lover, or anything.

Just like him. Just like Edward.

I felt useless.


Eventually I got fed up and left town. After getting Charlie's permission, I left Forks to move back in with my mom. I intended to finish high school there and then head off to college somewhere. But plans changed, and so do people. One day I was shopping at Victoria's Secret—I know that sounds surprising that I of all people would be shopping there but something amazing happened that day—I met a woman there. She seemed like a nice lady. She came up to me and we started talking. For reasons still unknown to me, I felt at ease with her. She provided me this sense of calm I hadn't felt in years. It was something that I one day hoped to feel. I guess that's why I became so invested in our conversation. The more we talked, the more I grew to admire her. I like the way she carried herself with pride. She was fierce yet calm; she was everything I want to be and become. And imagine my surprise when she offered me a job to be a model.


She flicked her brunette hair over her shoulder, and smiled at me before handing me her business card. "Darling, how would you like to be a model?"

I was taken back. I stood there, gaping at her. "But I'm not pretty enough... I'm not like you, no one would like me." I started foaming at the mouth, still stunned by her words.

"Honey, everyone will love you." She didn't seem the least bit surprised by my words. "Being beautiful isn't just about clothes and fashion; it's about feeling confident in your skin. Yes, there are a few things you could do to improve your chances in the industry, such as working out a bit more, and buying some nicer clothes. Just little things that will make your already beautiful features look flawless. But remember dear, only do these things if it makes you feel good. Push your shoulders back, hold your head high and call me when you know your answer, okay?"

*End Flashback*

After that conversation, I went straight home and talked about it with Renee. We thought about it for a long time, but both agreed it couldn't hurt to try. Fast-forward to right now, and here I am modeling for various stores, both local and brand name; multiple magazines and some posters. It's been tough starting out, but right now things are going quite well. I've got a lot of friends, and I've slowly become one of the top models in my age range within the business. I know, it sounds like I've moved on and changed, so you might be wondering why I'm throwing a tantrum, no.

Well, my agent, Lily, the woman I met at the store, had decided to relocate me to Forks for a year or two to model for a company there. The company is steadily on the rise, and by having me promote their ads it will do wonders for my career and their company. But Lily also wants me to go back to Forks so that I can prove to those jerks what they're missing out on. Surprisingly, even though she was my boss and a vampire, she cared about me. Yes, you read that right. Lily is a vampire. Funny that I got into more mythical creatures and stuff; it seems that I attract them, vampires and shape shifters alike.

So, here I am, packing my bags, and heading back to Forks. My dad has no idea about it. But he's been wanting to introduce me to Sue, Leah and Seth, my new step-mom and step-siblings for some time now, so this'll be good for some things.

So I wasn't going to Forks right now, but La Push. La Push is where Jacob was. Crap. I'd probably see him on a daily basis due to Leah and Seth being friends with Jacob and his friends.


I waited at the terminal for my bags, and prayed no one would notice me. No such luck. Since I'd risen so high in the ranks of modeling, a lot of people tended to frequently approach me for signatures. I was fine with having photos of me taken in the studio, but when I'm outside with all the attention on me, I hated it.

"Excuse me?" A girl shyly voiced. I looked her way and surveyed her. She had short brown hair and looked to be about fourteen. She glanced back at her friends who were giggling and motioning for her to continue. "Are you the Isabella Swan?"

I nodded.

"Can I have your autograph?"

"Sure, do you have a pen and paper?" I smiled politely.

She handed me a piece of paper and a pen, which I signed, returned it to her and gave her a hug.

"Thank you!" She squealed before she dashed back to her friends, who were watching the scene joyfully.

"You're welcome." I smiled at her and turned back to get my luggage.

Seeing my luggage roll off the conveyor belt, I rushed over to pick it up. Holding my bags, I walked out and proceeded to hail a cab.

Once I reached the house, I paid the taxi driver, got out my luggage and ran up to the door. I rang the doorbell and it opened to reveal a shocked Charlie.

"DAD! I missed you!" I hugged him, and then stepped inside the house.

"Hey, what about us?" I heard a voice tease. I whirled around to see Billy, and bent down to give him a hug.

I walked over to Sue and smiled at her shyly, "Hi m-mom." It had been hard to call anyone my mom since she had passed away two years ago in a car accident, but I knew that she and Charlie were in a serious relationship now, so calling her that seemed appropriate.

Her grin widened. She pulled me into a tight hug.

"So, where are my new brother and sister?" I asked, slowly glancing around the small but comfortable house.

"Here." Leah and Seth walked into the room. Since I already knew that they were werewolves, I'm guessing they heard me arrive the minute the cab pulled up to the house. But they didn't know that I was aware of their supernatural abilities.

I smiled at them. Seth bounded over and hugged me, while Leah just gave me a nod and smiled.

I turned to look at my dad.

"Is my baby here yet?!" I demanded a tad too seriously.

"YOU HAD A BABY?!" He roared his face turning red.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course not, Dad. I was talking about my car! They said it would get here in about an hour but I was hoping they were earlier. I need to take her out for a spin!"

"Oh. No it's not here yet." He murmured, rubbing the back of his neck while looking a tad embarrassed.

"Um... Bella I need to talk to you about something... The, uh, Cullen's, Jacob and the rest of his friends are here."


"I'm sorry," Billy apologized. "But as you know, Seth and Leah are friends with Jacob and the others, so I can't ask them to leave. Plus, the Cullen's can't be thrown out because... well," he trailed off, looking a tad hesitant and disgusted, "They came back one day to get something they left behind… and during that brief time… Jacob and Alice fell in love."

I snorted much to their surprise. Yep, I thought smugly, those two must be in such love with each other; however I knew better. Alice must've mated with Jacob and Jacob imprinted on Alice. That was disgusting to even think about. How could a werewolf and vampire fall in love?

Uh. Suddenly I couldn't help the words spewing from my mouth as I stomped into the next room. I could tell from the hushed voices that the Cullens and the Pack were in there.

When I saw them I couldn't contain myself. I exploded. "Yes, and we all know how much it hurts to have your lover taken away from you don't we?" My eyes locked with Edward's golden ones. He quickly looked away but I refused to. "It hurts a lot more when the whole family, the one you considered to be your family, your brothers and sisters, even your other set of parents, decides to leave without so much as a goodbye!" I was pissed off and it was about time they realize just how much their departure affected me.

"And then your best friend decides to just ignore you—" I shot a glance straight at Jake. He looked away frowning. "That's just what you need to feel better about yourself, don't you?" At this point, I'm staring at my ex-family, ex-lover and ex-best friend, and some other strangers with my eyes blazing.

"Bella?" Alice says, stunned. She's the first one to break the silence, though she looks stunned by my appearance. "Oh my god, Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to leave you!" It looked like she wanted to cry. "Oh my gosh! Bella, look at you—you're so pretty now!"

"Shut it, Pixie. I could care less what you think about my looks." I hissed at her.

Jacob growled at me while moving closer towards Alice.

I only rolled my eyes. "You too dog, defend your imprint for all I care; you're just as bad as her."

"How do you know about that Bella?" Carlisle said, shocked.

"Three ways," I said placing my hands on my hips. "One, I'm like Jasper's friend Peter. I just know shit."

"Bella! A lady doesn't swear! You never swear!" Edward said, looking all but disgusted. Quite frankly, all of the Cullens except Rosalie and Emmett looked appalled by my behaviour. In comparison, I was appalled by them all, so it worked out well.

I shot Edward a look filled with such disgust. "Edward, you killed that naïve, innocent girl when you left me in the woods. Do you remember that day? You told me that I wasn't good for you, that you didn't want me. You made me into the woman I am today, and I will never be the same again."

"THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID TO HER?! EDWARD, YOU SAID SHE WANTED US TO GO!" Rosalie screamed, jumping up from the sofa. I had to admit I was a bit surprised that she was so upset about this, she was always a bit cold towards me, but in a way I understood.

Just then, I felt a vision come to me. It was about Rosalie. I saw brief snippets of her past, including her last night as a human. This was starting to make sense. I now see how we're similar, in some sense at least. Rosalie behaves the way she does purposely. It's her coping mechanism. She puts on the cold, hard façade as a form of self-defence. Just like me. Also, just like Leah.

But I still had to continue this conversation. "Everyone shut up!" When the arguing ceased, they all looked straight at me. "Good." I smiled snidely. "Now to finish my points, my best friend and manager Lily, who's also a vampire, told me more information about you all. Lastly, back when I still lived in Forks, Jacob told me some interesting facts about your clan and the werewolves."

Everyone glared at Jacob.

Jacob protested. "What? Bella, I never told you I was a werewolf."

"Oh come on, Jake, don't you remember? We were on First Beach together, sitting on a wooden log while flirting and talking about never-to-be-spoken-of tribal stories. Does any of that ring a bell?"

"Ahhhh…" He muttered as a look of realization crossed his face. "That..."

Suddenly another piece of knowledge popped into my head, along with the names of the pack.

I first turned to face Sam. Oh hell no, this was not happening. "Sam?" He nodded, as if I need confirmation. "You've imprinted on me?" Everyone looked stunned, the wolf pack more so. I only rolled my eyes. "That's nice and all, but now you're going to be competing with Jasper."


I snorted. "Jasper's chosen me as his mate. You two will now become enemies fighting for my love, and blah, blah, blah. One of you will end up killing the other which, in turn, will kill me, thus killing you too. So now, all three of us end up dead. But to ensure that doesn't happen, you can both earn my trust and love and vice versa… then we can live happily ever after with a beautiful threesome." You could hear the sarcasm in every word I spoke.

Everyone is shocked until Leah snorted. Then she started to giggle before breaking out into a full out laughing session with Rosalie following behind her.

Once they pulled it back together, Leah said, "I have to admit; I like this Bella a lot more then the one from Jacob's memories."

Rosalie nodded, and they broke into another fit of laughter.

I fell into laughter with them, and I was happy, something I hadn't been for a while.

Thanks to my beta SheikahLover for editing the chapter