Mr. Not So Tough Guy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey Guys, second fanfiction. Sorry if my writing seems kinda loopy. My enter key is broken, so im kinda improvising. Anywayy... back to the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Mortal Instruments. Just the plot.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CLARY POV: BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP BLEE- SMACK! Ugh... First Day of school. Should I be excited? Probably, there are teenage girls already awake and ready right now.

Am I excited? Hell no.

To me school is a waste of time. Why would I need to know the area of a triangle or the Xcircumference of a circle at any point in my life?

Never, that's when.

Even though I might get Honors in my classes and do my homework doesn't change my opinon about it, but hey, if I have to spend 180 days in that hell hole I might as well use it to my advantage.

I groan as I pull myself from bed. How I wish I could just sleep until hell freezes over.

I walk towards my small closet that contains the little clothes I own and pull out a black shirt that says "CERTIFIED B.A.M.F 100%" and some torn faded jeans. I contemplate on what shoes I should where. Ratty green sneakers or combate boots? Green sneakers. Combate boots. Combate boots it is then. I slip my boots on and walk nonchalantly down the hallway to my mom's.

Great. Gone again.

My mom is a sales person, so she gets shipped off basically anywhere they want her to go. The only "Parental Guardian" I have is Luke Garroway. He's been my mom's best friend for who knows how long.

"Mornin' Clary." I mumble back a quick good morning and grab a gronala bar. "Are you excited for your first day of school?" He asks with a smile.

"Yeah. I get to see all the people I've hated since kindergarten. I'm bursting with excitement." I say with sarcarm practically dripping from my tone.

Luke ruffles my fiery red hair and says,"Cheer up, kid. it's only one more year. Then you move out and I turn your room into my study." he grins broadly and I grimace. "Right, Right. I have to go now."

"See you after school, Clary." Then I walk out of the kitchen and grab my motorcycle keys. My motorcycle was my pride and joy. If I could replace children with motorcycles, I would gladly give up children.

I hop on my motorcycle and head my way to Idris High School. The last place I wanted to be at the moment. Once I arrive I pull into the school's parking lot and see that it's already congested with giggling girls that hug their friends that they've seen everyday over the summer and boys that greet each other with quick side hugs.

I pull into a parking spot closest to the the school. I don't want to be out here longer than I already am, but then I see him. Blonde hair and gold eyes that remind me nothing, but a lion. Standing amongst the popular people with Aline Penhallow wrapped around him. Aline was head cheerleader and bitch extradonaire. His name was Jace Lightwood. Jace Lightwood, who I had in every single class since 1st grade. He practically had the whole school population wishing they were with him or him. I hate him. He cut my pigtail off in second grade and he laughed.

When he caught me looking at him, he smirked. I give him my good friend called the "Bird." He laughs and turns back to his adoptive brother and sister. Alec and Isabelle Lightwood, they weren't bad people, but since they were so closely assoiciated with Jace I'd rather not get invovled with them.

I turn away from them and imiediantly see Simon and Magnus. My only friends and I was perfectly fine with that. I knew Simon Lewis since I was 4 years old and he was probably the only person who can match my level of sarcasm. I knew Magnus Bane since 6th grade. He made a comment on how dull my hair was even though it's red, so he gave me 3 sparkly black hair pins.

"Hey ClareBear." Magnus says with wink. I roll my eyes at his antics and give them both quick hugs. "It's good seing you guys again. My summer was probably the most boring-est time in my life." I say with an experated tone.

"Ha. I see you haven't tried to change yourself over the summer like almost every other teenage girl on this freaking planet." Simon says with a grin.

"I can't tell if that's a compliment or an insult." I say with a suspicious tone.

"Clary, darling, of course it's an insult. You should atleast try with your appearance. You'll never get a boyfriend if you dress like that the rest of your life." Magnus say it with a superior tone.

"I don't want a boyfriend. There a waste of time and I like being alone." I say matter of factly.

"Yeah, keep saying that when you have 20 cats and are known as the lady that feeds the pigeons in the park." Magnus retorts.

"Guys, it's time for first period." Simon says. He has tendency to be the most awkward when there is tension in the air. Magnus and I groan and walk inside with Simon to first period.

As we walk away we read our schedules and it turns out I have are first. Yay. I love art.


I saw that red-headed girl again. She totally flipped me off and I have no idea why. I just gave her my signature smirk, that usually has girls swooning for me. I really don't know why she hates me, I don't think I've ever done any thing to her. I probably just did her sister or something. Does she even have a sister? I wouldn't know. She stays like at a 50 mile radius away from me. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn and see Aline giving me her puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. I know she is trying to be cute, but she wears so much make up it reminds of a corner whore.

"Jaaaccee." She sings my name in a sing-song voice.

"What?" I say. Its annoying how she things if she hangs all over me and talks like that it will make me like her. She know's I don't date her because I want to. I do it for status. She's the girl that everyone looks up to, so it only makes sense that we become what she calls a "Power Couple".

"What's your first class?" She asks with her still pouty lips.

"Art. What of it?" I say with an annoyed tone. "MEE TOOO" She screams. And she drags me of to first class.

This could turn out bad.

End of chapter one ! Reveiw! Or all die! Don't let me die! Next chapter should be up in a few days.