Disclaimer: Primeval belongs to ITV and Impossible Pictures. No Copyright intended.

A/N: So I edited all of this on here for some stupid reason and my internet shorted out, losing everything. Advice: Edit on your document first, then copy and paste.

This is an AU again, what a shocker from me! haha The concept is instead of Jack coming to visit an old friend of Abby's comes and stays with them. Later in Series3 than Jack originally was just to make things less complicated and sad. Enjoy!

Connor sat at the kitchen counter on his computer. He was writing up a report for Lester while eating whatever he found in the fridge and merrily listening to Abby's singing from across the flat. She thought he couldn't hear her.

It was cleaning day for he and Abby – or for Abby at least. Connor was supposed to help but he rather hated cleaning. A lot. And he usually found a good excuse to get out of it – for example; the amazing trick called procrastination. In other words, this report was due last week.

The doorbell rang, bringing Connor's attention away from the computer screen that was supposed to be occupied of words, when in reality it was an online game. You battled dinosaurs, he couldn't possibly say no to it. And with a mouthful of food Connor hollered out. "Hey Abs, can you get that? Bit busy!"

He soon after heard her reply, "Get off your lazy rear, Connor Temple!" which led to him dragging his feet across the floor as he grumbled about losing the game because he couldn't find the pause button, and then opening the door to a cheerful stranger. Connor also noted it to be an attractive, female stranger.

"You're not Abby." The girl said with a frown, seeing Connor shirtless with only boxers and a robe hanging off his shoulders.

"You're not the pizza guy. Both disappointing, ain't it?"

She tweaked a smile and her eyes peered in the flat, trying to see around. "No chance that an Abby Maitland used to live here, is there?"

Connor smiled to himself and shook his head. "Nope."

The girl frowned again.

"There is a chance that an Abby Maitland currently lives here, though."

The girl grinned, raising herself on her toes in excitement then when settled back down gazing in the flat again. "Is she here? Right now?-"

"Connor! You left your scarf on the floor again, I slipped on it and now I have a huge gash on my-!" she paused, seeing passed Connor as he stood at the door. "Harper?"

"Abby!" the girl called Harper squealed, shoving her way past Connor to hug her. Abby looked shocked, giving Connor a questioning look and he just shrugged as he closed the door.

The girl pulled away grinning and Abby was still completely confused. "Oh, Abby! You look horrible!" She meant by the greasy, swept back hair, sloppy, indecent clothes and smudged make-up from the day before.

Connor's head turned to see Abby still in shock, so he took that his opportunity to speak. "Oi! I think Abby looks lovely, thank you." The girl turned to him with a smirk.

"She always looks lovely, just right now she looks horrible."

Connor, now standing beside them, grinned and shook his head. "Never."

"Well then, who's this gentleman of yours, Ab?"

"M'names Connor, though you probably heard that from the yelling over the scarf thing. Oh, Abs, are you all right?"

Her head turned to Connor and she finally snapped back into reality, what Connor was hoping for. "Yeah, I'm fine – my elbow hurts is all." She then turned back to her friend with a smile. "Harper, what're you doing here? I haven't seen you since-! Since…!"

"Since you lived in Edinburgh? I know! I came to visit for a holiday and remembered you were living in London now!"

"Yeah! I've been living here for almost four years now."

"Really? That long? Wow. Well listen, I hate to intrude and all but I'd really love to catch up!"

"Now? I mean, I'm not much decent, Harper… not to mention Connor." She eyed him, causing Connor to realize his apparel and clear his throat in the embarrassment.

"I guess I should go get dressed, then." He wondered up the stairs to his loft and Harper giggled.

"Who is that adorably attractive guy and when did you start dating him?"

Abby choked on nothing but air and looked behind, seeing Connor out of ear-shot. "Connor and I … we're not! - He's just my flat mate."

"Just flat mates don't wear nothing but their pants around each other, share a bathroom, and say the other's beautiful even when she looks like she hasn't showered in days."

Abby blushed. "Connor does."

"From what I know, this is your flat so that would be 'Abby and Connor do'."

Abby rolled her eyes and shook her head. "He's a good pal, Harper! Leave it alone, yeah?"

Harper gave in, obviously not convinced but left it alone since she suddenly saw Connor leaning over the railing.

"Abs, what did you do with me trousers?"

Harper looked at Abby with an arched brow but Abby ignored it.

"I threw them in your cupboard. If you hadn't noticed, that's where your clothes go." Connor gave her an amused look and disappeared again.

"So! Abby," Harper started and Abby looked her way as she patted on her couch, showing her to sit down. Harper did so and sighed. "Guess this means you wouldn't have an extra room for me?"

"Oh… No, I'm sorry Harp."

"It's fine, I just wasn't thinking you'd have a flat-mate, is all. I can find a place to stay, I'll be fine."

"No, you stay here! I can sleep on the couch – better yet, Connor can!" she teased, even though Connor wasn't present. "Or I could ask him to move out for a while, he doesn't really-"

"No, no! This is Connor's home as much as it is yours. I can sleep on the sofa. That's where I'd be sleeping if I crashed at someone else's anyway."

"Okay, well see this as your home for now, yeah? It'll be nice, catching up with an old friend."

And then it hit her. Sid and Nancy, and Rex. That was not going to be easy to explain. Rex she could do, but Sid and Nancy were impossible.

"And I'm decent!" They looked to see Connor trotting down the stairs, wearing a white fitted t-shirt and his nicely fitted red jeans. "Sorry 'bout earlier, Ms. Harper."

She smiled at him, coming off rather flirtatious. "No problem at all."

Connor didn't seem to hint the forwardness at that comment, but rather just turned his computer towards him and began to type away; allowing them to continue their conversation.

"Uhh, Conn?"

"Yeah?" he said, looking around at Abby.

"I just told Harper she could stay here, as long as she stayed in London."

"Oh… Does that mean I have to stay decent then?"

Harper let out a laugh and looked back at him. "Please, not on my part! You can dress however you like."

Connor wasn't completely oblivious and he caught on, but just gave Abby a cautious look and gave a nod. "Right…" he then saw Abby gesturing to the back room where Sid and Nancy tended to sleep. "Right! Yeah! Well, now that I'm decent I actually need to go by work – you ladies be all right here alone?"

Abby rolled her eyes. "We'll be fine-"

"Abby knows self-defense, she'll protect us. Thank you, though!"

Connor looked confused at Harper's chirpiness and headed for the back to get two carriers and two diictodons.

"Harper, what's gotten into you now?" Abby asked once Connor was gone.

"Can you blame me, Abby? You live with an extremely attractive 'pal'. Sorry if I get a bit flustered."

Abby laughed at her, she always did get flustered around guys. "Just try to not so much, kay? I think you're starting to freak him out."

"Like you didn't act like that when you first saw him shirtless."

"When I first saw Connor shirtless there was nothing to see but skin and bones."

She raised an eyebrow. "How long have you lived with Connor?"

"Three years."

Harper eyes widened. "Abigail Maitland!"


"And you've stayed 'just pals' this entire time? Not even kissing?"

"No? I mean… I hug Connor? But usually just to comfort him…?"

"Oh, there's comforting in your relationship. Don't guess you cuddle and hold hands, do ya?"

Abby snorted. "God no."

"…I do not understand you one bit."

And Connor reentered with two crate carriers. He gave them a smile and hastily made his way out of the flat, Harper only hearing one suspicious animal type sound that Abby laid to be Rex, who was now flying around the flat.

"Where's does Connor work anyway?"

"Oh ... We- we work at the zoo together."

This time Harper didn't look surprised, but yet amazed. "You are one strong woman, you know that?" Abby was lost at what she meant, but thanked her. "Now let me guess, you guys also share pets and have all the same friends and have movie nights together too, right?"

Now Abby's eyes widened.

Abby wasn't sure how to act around Connor now. She felt like she should flirt but just because that's what they always did, and they didn't even see it as flirting but just innocent banter between two flat-mates. But Harper insisted it was flirting, so no more flirting – no, she meant no more bantering … at least when Harper was around, yeah?

But she had this urge to flirt every time Harper flirted. She felt she had competition – but that would be ridiculous because Connor and her were just friends. Just flat-mates. Oh who was she kidding? She had feelings for Connor. She's known that for quite some time now.

had feelings for Connor. She's known that for quite some time now.

Feelings or not, Abby would not ruin her friendship with Connor. He was her best friend. Harper could say what she wants, but Connor didn't feel the same anymore… After Stephen's death he drifted from her, and they were still best friends, but those longing stares and random spurs of trying to spill his feelings were long gone. Connor knew just what she knew, they were friends and that was it.

Now it came to convincing Harper of this…

"Abs!" the door of the flat shut closed and Abby leaned over, seeing Connor walking into the lounge area.

"Conn!" she mimicked back, tipping over the counter of the kitchen. Connor gave her a smile and walked over, sitting himself on a stool, and leaning in.

"Sid and Nancy are at the menagerie, safe and sound."

She knew he was just trying to keep Harper from hearing but when she glanced over Harper was watching them. Her brows raised, a smug look on her face was never very appealing on her. Abby backed up some and cleared her throat. "Thank you, Connor."

He looked confused at first and then seemed to shrug it off as normal Abby actions. She was always weird like that. He nodded, "Anything for you, Abs," and twisted the stool around and hopped off, heading up the stairs to his loft.

Abby winced. Connor said that quite a lot, and she knew just where Harper's thought were going. She turned to her and shook her head. "Don't say it."

Harper grinned and nonchalantly shrugged. "Hey, you brought it up first. Even you know it's not normal for a flat-mate to say that."

"Shush! He'll hear you, ya know? He's got good ears. Hears me talking to Rex now and then and holds me against it."

"Would you like me to whisper the truth then?" Harper mocked and Abby rolled her eyes.

"If that's what you like to think it as, then yes."

Harper sighed and Abby went back to whatever she was doing in the kitchen – which brought her to realizing she had now forgot why she was in the kitchen. "Uhhh, Harp?"

"You went to go call Connor, hoping he was all right."

Abby blushed and mentally kicked herself. Lord was she horrible at this.

"Connor, lunch!" Abby called out to very soon after see Connor leaning over the railing to answer.

"I really need to finish this report, Abs."

"Connor, how much of writing have you actually done since yesterday evening?"

He stayed silent, looking down at his unraveling, fingerless gloves. "Well… I'm writing now, aren't I?"

"Eat something and then you can write some more, yeah? You get cranky otherwise."

He sighed and disappeared into his loft. Harper wasn't giving her anymore looks now, which she wasn't sure to be relieved or suspicious. Sadly it was likely the paranoid option.

Connor was leaping down the steps now and she turned to her right to see Connor giving weird looks towards Harper. Abby turned back to Harper and she was giving him rather flirty, forward looks and gestures. Connor never knew what to do when a woman found him attractive. Just a year ago he'd stutter and stare, but now he just raises a brow and moves on. Or, maybe that was him just being nice on Abby's part. He knew how much she dreaded seeing Caroline and him flirt.

"What'd you make?" Abby looked to see Connor standing in front of her. He laughed a little at the shock that covered her face. "You all right?"

She smiled. "I'm fine, sorry… all that cleanings wore me out."

"Might wanna go to bed early tonight, don't wanna over tire yourself, do you?"

He was hopeless. His constant caring and closeness to her was never to stop, and honestly she could say Connor wasn't even aware of it. Abby wasn't. Until now being self-conscious of her actions to him never really occurred. Thanks a lot Harper. Maybe she should have sent Connor to stay with a friend…

"I agree, Connor. Abby's looking rather tired out. Get some rest now, Abby! You can eat, take a nap, and Connor can keep me company. Can't you, Conn?"

"Uhhh, sure-? I mean… I'd love to, I guess… don't really matter to me but-" He was stuttering. Not a good sign.

"It's fine, just need a boost of caffeine. Tea anyone?"

"Oh, yes please!" Harper said gladly. Abby looked at Connor for an answer and his brows furrowed.

"Abby, you eat. I'll make the tea."


"Not much of a point to argue with me, is there?"

She knew the answer. Connor was stubborn. Sometimes too stubborn. "Fine."

Harper amusingly watched Abby reluctantly sit down across from her and Harper hid her smile. Harper wasn't convinced. They were completely adorable, and she was going to do anything in her power to make them even more adorable. This meant get them together of course… But how? Her plan for now was to just make Abby jealous, but Connor seemed rather stuck on Abby and did a lousy job at flirting back or even showing any indication of being anything but friendly.

The jealous idea was what she was to stick with for now, but she would make a plan, and before she left this city they would be together. They would.

"Connor," she said as he walked near the table. "Sit beside me? I want to ask you all about Abby's new juicy secrets, since I was her previous best friend and you are her present."

"Harper…" Abby looked at her with a glower and Connor sat beside Harper, leaning back and shifting to see her.

"Ask me anything and I'll decide if I should answer." Connor said, glancing teasing looks to Abby.

"Well, how did you two meet?"

"Hardly a juicy secret, Harper."

"The secrets are a part of the stories, are they not? They're filled with them. I hear the story, and then I decide which secret sounds the most interesting. So, go on, tell me. I love to hear you speak."

Connor's mouth gaped open slightly; he then closed it and sniffed before talking. "Well… we met at work. An … animal escaped from the… cages," Abby tried to hide her laugh from Connor's attempt of staying somewhat true to the real story. "I had just been hired and we met while attempting to catch it and put it back where it belonged."

"And then you decided living together would be the best option for your friendship?"

Connor chuckled. "No, no we were just friends but one day my flat – well I had the money, but the renter kicked me out for lacking on rent the past few months. I had been jobless 'till then, but he wouldn't listen. So I heard Abby had plenty of room in her flat and… Seemed to be the best option. Plus I rather fancied Abby then, thought her pretty cool."

Harper grinned. "But not anymore?"

"No. No after that I realized Abby was actually amazing. Much too cool for me, you see." He said playfully to Abby and she laughed, but realized how much truth there was in his tone. Did Connor really think he wasn't good enough?

"Nonsense." She replied with a humor in her tone, but Connor looked at her somewhat surprised. Harper must have caught onto the staring because she got up to put away her dishes and get the tea. They stayed silent though, looking at each other now and then until she returned.

"Well, then one day you decided to live here for good?"

Connor looked at her, drawn back to conversation. "Yeah, well one day I let Rex out… he was a new pet then, and it was stupid of me. Abs and me got him back as you can see, but she was furious at me. Somehow that turned into her consenting to let me live here."

"Is this all true, Abby?"

Abby looked up at Harper and smiled, nodding. "Connor's never much for lying. All truth. Though some things aren't completely honest."

Connor and Abby shared a smirk and Harper sighed. Nope, Harper was not convinced. "I have a feeling it'll take a while to get into that secret. So what happened next? Did you ever think about dating or anything? I know Connor must've been dying to ask you, Abby."

And Connor's eyes widened.

Reviews are like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

I love PB and J.