Author's Space: Hello there, readers! This is my third story and it is about one of my favourites too, Spirited Away! Since before, I had always liked Spirited Away and I'm always happy whenever I watch it. Now, I have the chance to write a fanfic about it and I hope everybody likes it!
Chapter 1: The Promise
"I know you will keep your promise, Haku. I know we will meet again."
That is what Chihiro believes and nothing is going to make her change her mind. She will always wait for him to come for her and she will always try her best to reach him.
Three months had passed since she let go of Haku's hand. Ten-year-old Chihiro Ogino will go back to the tunnel that leads to the other world once a week, hoping to be able to get to the place where Haku is. But three months had passed and every time she tries, she fails.
Today, after three months, she came back to the tunnel again. Taking a deep breath, she then walks into the tunnel with her eyes closed. She had crossed this tunnel enough times to allow her to cross it without bumping into anything even with her eyes closed. She opened her eyes when she felt a breeze of wind touching her face.
Like usual, no path was there for her to go to where Haku is. She turns around and sighed. Walking back to the entrance of the tunnel had always makes her feel heavy and sad. She left the tunnel and starts to climb onto her bicycle and decided to go back home after another failed trial.
She was cycling away from the tunnel when a voice stopped her.
That familiar voice came from the direction of the tunnel and it is so familiar that it didn't take Chihiro even a second before she recognize the owner of that voice.
She turned around and her face is filled with happiness, "Haku!"
She quickly gets off from her bicycle and run to him. Haku smiled and opened his arms, ready to accept an expected hug. Chihiro felt happiness flowing through her whole body when she hugged the boy who she had waited to meet all these time.
"I know you will keep your promise! I'm so glad I get to see you again!" Chihiro said as she could feel tears of happiness forming on her eyes.
Haku placed his head on hers and said, "I will feel bad if I make you wait for too long so all this time I tried to come to you as fast as possible. I am happy to know you never stopped believing on me."
Haku broke their hug and wipe away Chihiro's tears. He is glad she is safe and sound. Chihiro is glad Haku managed to come here unharmed too.
Suddenly, Haku frowned a little and it made Chihiro worried for a while. Haku smiled and reassured her that he is fine, "I'm fine, don't worry. Just that..." Chihiro stares at him as he talks. "I don't have a place to stay here."
Chihiro just stared at him for a few seconds before she laughed a little. Haku looked slightly confused but Chihiro will always be there to guide him in this world.
She held his hand and told him, "Don't worry. Leave everything to me! You helped me when I was at the other world. Now that you are here, it is my turn to help you!"
Chihiro pulled him to her bicycle and ask him to sit at the back seat while she climb onto the bicycle. "First, you need to change your clothes!"
Chihiro cycle towards the town where she stopped in front of a shop where they sell clothes that Haku could fit in. Chihiro led him inside the shop and ask Haku to choose clothes he like.
But Haku just stared at the clothes and look confused. Chihiro laughed at him and decided to lend him a hand. She found a sky blue t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. She hand them to Haku and ask him to change into those in the dressing room.
Haku went into the dressing room and came out with his new shirt and pants. Chihiro thinks he looks good in them though both of them need some time to get used to this change in Haku's clothings.
Chihiro kept Haku's clothes inside the bag she brought with her and paid for the new clothes. Both of them then climbed back to the bicycle and Chihiro cycle towards her house.
"Hope dad and mom will let Haku stay at our house." Chihiro thought as she cycle towards the house she just moved into.
When she reached her two storey house, she climb down from her bike and Haku did the same. Still feeling weird to be in a world he isn't familiar with, Haku's every movement seems a bit awkward.
Chihiro took a deep breath before opening the door to her house. She invited Haku in and led him to the kitchen where Chihiro found her mom washing some dishes.
Her mom felt a presence and assume it is Chihiro so she didn't face to her daughter's direction and said, "Welcome back, Chihiro. Where did you go?"
"Just went out for a stroll." Chihiro answered and looked at Haku who is behind her before continuing, "Err... Mom, I brought a friend with me."
Chihiro's mom stopped washing her dishes and faced to her daughter's direction and found a boy behind her whom she never seen before.
Chihiro's mom finds Haku cute and smiled before talking to him, Hello there! You're such a cute boy! What is your name?"
Haku is relieved Chihiro's mom is a friendly person and smiled before answering, "My name is Haku. Pleased to meet you."
"Pleased to meet you too, Haku!" Chihiro is relieved her mother seems to like Haku but she jumped a little after her mom asked the next question. "I had never seen you before. Is Haku your new classmate, Chihiro? Where did you come from, Haku?"
Chihiro cleared her throat and answered, "W-well... Haku came from a town quite far from here. He just reached here today. We met at the park and became friends."
"I see. Where are you staying?" Chihiro's mother asked Haku who answered rather fast, "I don't have a home here."
Chihiro's mom looked confused after hearing Haku's answer and Chihiro quickly said, "Haku's parents just passed away and he is here to find his only relative who happens to be his mother's brother."
Chihiro's mom's confused face was replaced with a sympathetic one, "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you manage to find your uncle?"
This time, Haku thought of something to answer, "No. I asked around and people told me he moved a long time ago. I managed to find out he had passed away around a year ago."
Chihiro was relieved Haku was able to come up with something reasonable and believable.
Chihiro's mom felt sorry for Haku and said, "I am really sorry to hear that. We are also new to this place so we can't help you with finding your family."
Chihiro then thinks this is a good chance to ask her mom to let Haku stay at their house, "Can Haku stay with us? We can't just let him stay outside without a home right?"
That sudden question left Chihiro's mom speechless for a few seconds. It is not a nice thing to do if she leaves the poor boy alone outside without a home to go back to. But then again, even though the boy seems nice and harmless, he is still someone she just met so this is a question she hesitated to answer.
"I have to ask your father first, Chihiro. We'll decide tonight. Why don't you bring Haku around the house?" Chihiro's mom said with a smile.
Seeing that her mom didn't directly reject her suggestion, she smiled back and brings Haku around the house. She gave a small tour around her new home to Haku and both seem happy to spend time together. After the tour, Chihiro brought Haku to her room where she put Haku's old clothes inside an empty box she found and hid it well, hoping her parents won't find it.
This is when Haku told Chihiro something she forgot to ask, "In this world, my ability to transform myself into a dragon and all other magical abilities are gone." Chihiro looked a bit puzzled so Haku explained further, "To put things simple, in this world I am just like you, a normal human. But if I step back into the other world, I'll have all my magical abilities back."
Chihiro finally understood, "I see. You will stay here right? You won't leave soon, will you?"
Seeing that Chihiro seemed a bit sad, Haku placed a hand on her head and said, "Don't worry. I won't leave. I'm now allowed to do whatever I wish to. I also have the freedom to be in whichever world I want without anybody controlling me. I want to stay in this world with you and I will."
Chihiro hugged Haku after hearing that and smiles could be seen from her again. After breaking the hug, she asked another question, "You can go back to the other world too? But you can come back here afterwards right?"
"Of course. I told you I have the freedom to be wherever I want. So don't worry about not being able to see me again." Haku smiled and it made Chihiro smiled wider. Haku then continued talking, "I can bring you back to meet your friends at the other world too, if you want to."
Chihiro was surprised when she heard that but happiness is flowing through her again when she realized she can meet her friends back at the other world again. She smiled and said, "I want to do that! Let's find time to do that someday! For now, let's have you settle down in this world!"
Haku smiled and the two of them talked for about an hour before a knock on the door could be heard.
It was Chihiro's mom who knocked the door and talked, "Chihiro, Haku. Come down for dinner. Chihiro's dad is back from work."
Chihiro gulped afterwards and whispered to Haku, "I hope my parents will let you stay here."
Haku seems a bit nervous too and nodded.
Looks like this is just the beginning of a new life for both Haku and Chihiro.
Author's Space: That's the end of chapter one for my new fanfic on Spirited Away! I hope everybody liked it! Please continue supporting this story! I will try to write and update as soon as possible, so kindly wait for the next chapter! Thank you for reading and kindly tell me what you think by reviewing! Thanks again!